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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

J’ai parlé avec @BrianPallister ce matin des cas de COVID-19 au Manitoba et des mesures que nous prenons ensemble pour vaincre ce virus. Je lui ai dit que le gouvernement fédéral va travailler avec la province sur un appui additionnel pour protéger les gens. —

Posted May 21, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

We’ll keep working to distribute more vaccines to the provinces and territories and get that number even higher. This week, we’ve received 4.5 million doses - and every week until at least the end of July, we’re going to receive more than 2 million doses from Pfizer alone. —

Posted May 21, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Update: As of today, 20 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered across Canada. To everyone who has helped make this happen, from those working on the front lines and administering the vaccines to those rolling up their sleeve and getting the shot: thank you. —

Posted May 21, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

On va continuer à distribuer plus de vaccins aux provinces et aux territoires et à augmenter encore cette quantité. Cette semaine, on a reçu 4,5 millions de doses. Et chaque semaine jusqu’à la fin de juillet au moins, on va recevoir plus de 2 millions de doses rien que de Pfizer. —

Posted May 21, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Mise à jour : à ce jour, 20 millions de doses de vaccins contre la COVID-19 ont été administrées au Canada. À tous ceux qui ont contribué à l’opération, des travailleurs de première ligne qui vaccinent les gens à ceux qui ont relevé leur manche pour recevoir le vaccin : merci. —

Posted May 21, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

RT @OmarAlghabra: The temporary flight restrictions on India and Pakistan have significantly reduced the risk of importing cases and new va… —

Posted May 21, 2021 Retweet Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

RT @OmarAlghabra: Les restrictions temporaires des vols provenant de l'Inde et du Pakistan ont permis de réduire considérablement le risque… —

Posted May 21, 2021 Retweet Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Together with partners around the world, we’re focused on finishing the fight against COVID-19. This morning, I’m speaking with them at the G20 #GlobalHealthSummit and going over what more we can do to beat this virus - and what comes next. Watch live: —

Posted May 21, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

De concert avec nos partenaires du monde entier, notre priorité est d’en finir avec la COVID-19. Au Sommet mondial sur la santé du G20, je discute avec eux de ce qu’on peut faire de plus pour vaincre ce virus - et de la suite des choses. En direct : —

Posted May 21, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

@BobRae48 What a game!!! Habs win. Your job is safe. For now. —

Posted May 21, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

I also reached out to @JerryPDias this afternoon. We covered everything from international trade, to investments in child care, to creating good jobs for Canadian workers - you are the backbone of our economy, and we’ll continue to support you and the work you do. —

Posted May 21, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Touched base with union leaders today - including @Debi_Daviau and @ChrisNatPres. We spoke about the importance of diversity in the public service and evidence-based decisions, and I let them know how grateful we are for the work public servants have done throughout the pandemic. —

Posted May 21, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

J’ai aussi abordé divers sujets avec @JerryPDias cet après-midi, dont le commerce international, les investissements dans la garde d’enfants et la création de bons emplois pour les travailleurs canadiens. Vous êtes au cœur de notre économie, et on sera toujours là pour vous. —

Posted May 21, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

J’ai parlé avec des dirigeants syndicaux aujourd’hui, dont @Debi_Daviau et @ChrisNatPres, de l’importance de la diversité dans la fonction publique et des données probantes. J’ai exprimé notre reconnaissance pour le travail qu’accomplissent les fonctionnaires durant la pandémie. —

Posted May 21, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

RT @FilomenaTassi: My thanks to @CCC_CCE for inviting me, @jyduclos, @Rob_Oliphant, @HonAhmedHussen, and PM @JustinTrudeau to join your AGM… —

Posted May 21, 2021 Retweet Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

RT @FilomenaTassi: Je remercie le @CCC_CCE de m'avoir invité, ainsi que @jyduclos, @Rob_Oliphant, @HonAhmedHussen et le PM @JustinTrudeau à… —

Posted May 21, 2021 Retweet Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

@CCC_CCE Thanks for having me today - and thanks to all of the faith leaders who have been there for Canadians throughout this pandemic. You’re making a difference, and I hope we can keep working together to build a better future for everyone. —

Posted May 20, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

I’m with you on this, Marc! #GoHabsGo —

Marc Garneau @MarcGarneau

What is your prediction for tonight’s game? As an unwavering supporter of the @CanadiensMTL, I’m expecting that the…

Posted May 20, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Bien d’accord avec toi là-dessus, Marc! #GoHabsGo —

Marc Garneau @MarcGarneau

Quelle est votre prédiction pour le match de ce soir ? En tant que partisan inconditionnel du @CanadiensMTL, je m’a…

Posted May 20, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

RT @GovCanHealth: #COVID19 vaccines are bringing us one step closer to being able to gather with our families again. You can help by bookin… —

Posted May 20, 2021 Retweet Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

RT @GouvCanSante: Les vaccins contre la #COVID19 nous rapprochent un peu plus du jour où nous pourront nous réunir à nouveau en famille. Pr… —

Posted May 20, 2021 Retweet Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Today across the country, we’re celebrating Ukrainian culture and traditions - and standing in solidarity with Ukrainian Canadians and the people of Ukraine. Happy Vyshyvanka Day, everyone! #VyshyvankaCanada2021 —

Yvan Baker, MP @Yvan_Baker

As the Chair of the 🇨🇦-🇺🇦 Parliamentary Friendship Group, I am proud to wear the #Vyshyvanka today with many of my…

Posted May 20, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Aujourd’hui, partout au pays, nous célébrons la culture et les traditions ukrainiennes et nous sommes solidaires des Canadiens d’origine ukrainienne et de la population de l’Ukraine. Bonne journée de la Vyshyvanka à tous! #VyshyvankaCanada2021 —

Yvan Baker, MP @Yvan_Baker

As the Chair of the 🇨🇦-🇺🇦 Parliamentary Friendship Group, I am proud to wear the #Vyshyvanka today with many of my…

Posted May 20, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

RT @MaryamMonsef: More broadband is coming to Ontario! Today, @BardishKW announced that more than 2,800 homes in southwestern Ontario will… —

Posted May 20, 2021 Retweet Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

RT @MaryamMonsef: Un autre grand projet de large bande arrive en Ontario! Aujourd'hui, @BardishKW a annoncé que plus de 2 800 foyers dans l… —

Posted May 20, 2021 Retweet Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

On the phone today, I spoke with the @MayorOfLondon, @SadiqKhan. We updated each other on the work we’re doing to tackle COVID-19, promote diversity and inclusion, and more - Sadiq, let’s keep working together and stay in touch. —

Posted May 20, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Aujourd’hui, j’ai discuté au téléphone avec le @MayorOfLondon @SadiqKhan. On a parlé de ce qu’on fait pour combattre la COVID-19, promouvoir la diversité et l’inclusion et plus encore. Sadiq, continuons à collaborer et restons en contact. —

Posted May 20, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

@CDNTrades @LiUNACanada @IBEWCanada @TeamstersCanada @IronworkersCA @InsulatorsUnion @UACanada @iupat @opcmiaintl @IUBAC Thanks to all of you, too, for the good conversation this morning. The construction industry is an important part of Canada’s economy, so to workers across the country: know that we’ll always be there to support you and your work - and we’ll continue to have your back. —

Posted May 20, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

It’s because of those benefits that we announced funding for this project last week - along with funding for other projects across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. Learn more about these projects and what they mean for you and your own commute: —

Posted May 20, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Shorter commutes for people like Phillip. Better opportunities for organizers like Larry. Good jobs for workers like Tyler. I met these folks yesterday and heard about what our investment in the Scarborough Subway Extension project means for them and the community they call home. —

Posted May 20, 2021 Hibernated