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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Canada remains committed to supporting a peaceful, negotiated resolution to the ongoing conflict in Ethiopia - and when I spoke on the phone with High Representative Olusegun Obasanjo about the situation yesterday, I reiterated that commitment. More here: —

Posted Nov. 25, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Le Canada reste déterminé à la résolution pacifique et négociée du conflit en cours en Éthiopie. J’ai d’ailleurs réitéré cet engagement hier lors de mon appel téléphonique avec le haut représentant Olusegun Obasanjo. Détails : —

Posted Nov. 25, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

We must do more - each and every one of us - to prevent, address, and end gender-based violence. Here at home and around the world, we’ll continue to work with survivors, advocates, and community-based organizations to do exactly that. #IDEVAW #16Days —

Posted Nov. 25, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Chacun doit en faire plus pour prévenir, contrer et éliminer la violence fondée sur le sexe. Au pays et dans le monde, on va poursuivre notre travail auprès des survivantes, des défenseurs de droits et des organismes communautaires pour y arriver. #16Jours —

Posted Nov. 25, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

@brittlestar It could catch on. I don’t know if it will, but it could… happy birthday, Stewart! Here’s to another year of laughter. —

Posted Nov. 25, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

RT @RCAFOperations: Members of @RCAF_ARC 430 Tactical Helicopter Sqn conduct reconnaissance flights with CH-146 Griffon helicopters over #B… —

Posted Nov. 25, 2021 Retweet Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

RT @OperationsArc: Des membres du 430e Esc tactique d’hélicoptères @ARC_RCAF effectuent des vols de reconnaissance à bord d’hélicoptères CH… —

Posted Nov. 25, 2021 Retweet Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Live from the House of Commons: I’m speaking with Members of Parliament about the situation in British Columbia - and about the steps we’re taking to make sure people and communities across the province have the support they need. Tune in here: —

Posted Nov. 25, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

En direct de la Chambre des communes : je discute avec les députés de la situation en C.-B. et des mesures que nous prenons pour nous assurer que les gens et les communautés de la province reçoivent le soutien dont ils ont besoin. Regardez ici : —

Posted Nov. 25, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

By tackling the rising cost of living and investing in housing and child care, we’re going to make life more affordable for you and your family. And that’s just part of our plan. More on how we’ll rebuild an economy that truly works for everyone: —

Posted Nov. 24, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

En contrant la hausse du coût de la vie et en investissant dans le logement et les garderies, on rendra votre vie plus abordable. Et ce n’est qu’une partie de notre plan. Pour savoir comment on va rebâtir une économie qui fonctionne pour tout le monde : —

Posted Nov. 24, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

If you haven’t gotten vaccinated yet, please, get your shots. And now that doses are arriving for kids between the ages of 5 and 11, get your kids vaccinated as soon as possible. By the end of the week, we’ll have enough doses for every eligible child to get their first shot. —

Posted Nov. 24, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Si vous n’êtes pas encore vacciné, allez-y. Et maintenant que des doses nous arrivent pour les enfants de 5 à 11 ans, faites vacciner vos enfants dès que possible. D’ici la fin de la semaine, on aura assez de doses pour que tous les enfants admissibles aient leur première dose. —

Posted Nov. 24, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

To the people of Atlantic Canada, who are dealing with extreme weather conditions: I know this isn’t easy to go through, and I know you’re worried. We’ve got your back - and we’re standing by to provide any assistance you and your community may need. Please, stay safe. —

Posted Nov. 24, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Aux gens du Canada atlantique qui subissent des conditions météorologiques extrêmes: je sais que ce n’est pas facile à vivre et que vous êtes inquiets. On est là pour vous, et on est prêts à apporter toute aide dont vous et votre communauté pourriez avoir besoin. Restez prudents. —

Posted Nov. 24, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Glad we could meet today, @VjosaOsmaniPRKS, and speak about how Canada and Kosovo can advance our shared values. Whether it’s to promote democracy, support gender equality, take climate action, or protect human rights, let’s keep making progress together. —

Posted Nov. 24, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Merci, @VjosaOsmaniPRKS, pour la discussion d’aujourd’hui sur la façon dont le Canada et le Kosovo peuvent promouvoir leurs valeurs communes, soit la démocratie, l’égalité des sexes, le climat et les droits de la personne. Continuons à progresser ensemble. —

Posted Nov. 24, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

We’re ready to beat this pandemic, take climate action, make life more affordable, advance meaningful reconciliation, and create good jobs. And in today’s Throne Speech, we shared how we’ll do it. Watch it here: - or read more here: —

Posted Nov. 24, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

On est prêts à vaincre cette pandémie, agir pour le climat, rendre la vie abordable, avancer la réconciliation et créer de bons emplois. Dans le discours du Trône d’aujourd’hui, on a expliqué comment. Écoutez-le: - ou informez-vous: —

Posted Nov. 24, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

So, while this decade has not been easy so far, it’s still young - and we have the power to make it better. That’s why we’re going to work hard to make life better and more affordable for you and your family, and build a brighter future for our kids. —

Posted Nov. 23, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

And over the past year, we have seen how deeply interconnected our world has become. On that note, we’ll keep reinforcing our supply chains, strengthening our relationships with global partners, and promoting democracy and human rights worldwide. —

Posted Nov. 23, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

We also need to move faster on the path of reconciliation, and we’ll do that in partnership with Indigenous Peoples - with more support for communities, with funding for mental health and wellness, and with continued investments in clean drinking water. —

Posted Nov. 23, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

On top of that, we’ll keep standing up for diversity and inclusion. We’ll continue to reform the criminal justice system, ban conversion therapy, protect and promote the French language, and empower Black and racialized Canadians and Indigenous Peoples. —

Posted Nov. 23, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

To protect you and your loved ones, we’ll work harder to make your community safer. We’ll continue to strengthen gun control. We’ll take more action against gender-based violence. And we’ll keep working to combat hatred, racism, and discrimination. —

Posted Nov. 23, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

At the same time, we need to go further on tackling climate change - and faster. So we’ll cap and cut oil and gas sector emissions, create good, green jobs, and do even more to prevent and prepare for floods, wildfires, droughts, and coastline erosion. —

Posted Nov. 23, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

As we put the pandemic behind us, we’ll also focus on rebuilding an economy that works for everyone. We’ll grow the middle class. And we’ll tackle the rising cost of living and make your life more affordable by investing in housing and child care. —

Posted Nov. 23, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Our top priority remains finishing the fight against COVID-19, and we know the best way to do that is vaccination. So we’ll get the job done on vaccines. We’ll also work on mental health and addiction treatment, accessibility, long-term care, and more. —

Posted Nov. 23, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

This decade got off to an incredibly difficult start - there’s no question about that. But this is the moment to rebuild. This is the moment to get big things done. This is the moment to shape a better future for our kids. And we’ve got the plan to meet this moment. ⤵️ —

Posted Nov. 23, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Alors, même si la décennie n’a pas été facile jusqu’ici, elle est encore jeune et on peut l’améliorer. On va donc s’efforcer de rendre la vie meilleure et plus abordable pour vous et votre famille et de bâtir un avenir meilleur pour nos enfants. —

Posted Nov. 23, 2021 Hibernated
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Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Dans la dernière année, on a vu à quel point le monde est interrelié. On va continuer à consolider nos chaînes d’approvisionnement, à resserrer nos liens avec nos partenaires mondiaux et à prôner la démocratie et les droits de la personne dans le monde. —

Posted Nov. 23, 2021 Hibernated