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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

RT @PPEHRCorg: Please call PEPCO Power Company in DC and demand the power to the Venezuelan Embassy be restored! 202-872-2000… —

Posted May 10, 2019 Retweet
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

We must not surrender our foreign policies or our civil liberties to an empire gone off the rails. If you’re in the DC region, please consider joining in peace to surround the VZ embassy w/ love & resistance. —

Posted May 9, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Supporters outside VZ embassy being harassed by angry Guaido backers who are blocking food & supplies from being delivered. Now electricity & water have been shut off. People bringing food are arrested while thugs assaulting them walk free. This is NOT what democracy looks like. —

Mayor Pete is a Cop @queeralamode

Another view of the @SecretService bashing @VFPNational National President Gerry Condon's face into the ground befo…

Posted May 9, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Anti-war protesters are occupying the Venezuelan embassy to put the brakes on regime change #68. Here's why this is a critical stand for peace & international law. —

Posted May 9, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Join me, @ajamubaraka & @HowieHawkins at the MA Green-Rainbow Party state convention where we'll share plans for a #GreenNewDeal for peace, justice & democracy. Join us May 18 in #Worcester to build the movement for people, planet & peace over profit! —

Posted May 8, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

RT @GPUSyouth: Former Youth Caucus Steering Committee member & @GPNY National Delegate @UrsulaRozum arrested for simply trying to deliver o… —

Posted May 8, 2019 Retweet Deleted
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

RT @LuluFriesdat: #Philly? YOU ARE NEEDED TOMORROW Our elections are under attack. Philly is buying dangerous, expensive hybrid voting mach… —

Posted May 7, 2019 Retweet
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

The attacks on peaceful anti-war protesters at the Venezuelan embassy in DC by violent coup supporters are a microcosm of US empire: Endless wars are not only draining our economy, they’re trampling our democracy. —

Posted May 6, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Great news for democracy: #RankedChoiceVoting is being considered for NYC! RCV makes it impossible to “split the vote” or “spoil the election”, expands voter choice & makes lesser evil voting obsolete. Tell the Charter Commission it's time for RCV in NYC! —

Posted May 6, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Guido supporters are attempting an illegal take over of VZ embassy, after humiliating defeat of Guido’s 3rd coup attempt inside VZ. Peace activists in the embassy need support from all who oppose empire, endless war, austerity. —

Posted May 4, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

BREAKING Peace activists are calling all DC supporters to come to VZ embassy to oppose another bloody war for oil. Activists are lawfully occupying VZ embassy, defending intl law, opposing regime change #68 planned by warmongers Bolton, Pompeo, Abrams. —

Posted May 4, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

6/ We deserve elections we can trust! Failing to investigate an election so full of red flags as Canova-DWS 2018 leaves the door open to anyone who wants to mess with our elections. Tell Congress to investigate today & prevent a crisis in 2020. —

Posted May 3, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

5/ Over ½ of DWS votes lacked a routine safeguard: info on where, when & how each vote was cast. These details make it hard to secretly steal votes electronically. Snipes' failure to provide this info is another warning sign the vote count could have been manipulated. —

Posted May 3, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

4/ Canova’s vote count, roughly 5% across all groups, was as likely as winning the lottery every day for a year, according to statistics expert Dr. David Bader, chair of GA Tech’s School of Computational Science. That included LatinX, White, Black, female, Dem & no-party voters. —

Posted May 3, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

3/ 2018 Canova-DWS was marred by hackable voting machines with modems and chain of custody violations that could allow party operatives to tamper with ballots and go undetected. —

Posted May 3, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

2/ Here are some highlights, or lowlights, actually, of DWS vs Canova 2018. For starters, it was supervised by DWS crony Brenda Snipes, who illegally destroyed ballots after Canova’s challenge in 2016, conveniently blocking an investigation Canova was pursuing in court. —

Posted May 3, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

1/Want a 2020 election we can trust? Join the call to investigate the 2018 Wasserman-Schultz vs @Tim_Canova FL-23 election, a textbook case of mismanagement & potential fraud. Don’t wait for a crisis in 2020. Demand transparent, accountable elections now! —

Posted May 3, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Happy #InternationalWorkersDay. Just 26 billionaires own more wealth than half the world's population. Kinda says it all. It’s time for a world that puts people, planet & peace over profit. #MayDay —

Posted May 1, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

MSM breathlessly covers every anti-government protest in #Venezuela, yet ZERO coverage of massive anti-government protests in #Honduras, #Haiti, #Colombia, #Argentina, even #France: all neoliberal US allies. Interesting how the MSM narrative serves the global economic elite. —

Posted May 1, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

If the government of #Venezuela killed 40,000 of its own people, it would be headline news on every US channel & newspaper. But when the US government kills 40,000 Venezuelans with sanctions, US media is silent. #SanctionsKill —

Posted May 1, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

US is trampling international law with regime change attempts in #Venezuela & deadly sanctions to starve the people into submission. In the age of nuclear weapons & an exploding arms race, the US is destroying international law at our own peril. #HandsOffVenezuela —

Posted April 30, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

The people of #Venezuela shouldn't be made to suffer a bloody civil war to satisfy the greed of foreign investors. Bolton & Trump have said outright: WE WANT THEIR OIL. US desperately needs a true opposition party & independent media that won’t just rubber-stamp war for profit. —

Posted April 30, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

BREAKING: US regime change attempt #68 taking place NOW in #Venezuela as self-appointed "president" Guaido calls for military coup. Refugees from prior regime change disasters pouring over our borders show how regime change always ends - in social collapse like Honduras & Libya. —

Posted April 30, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Congratulations to the @CanadianGreens for winning 9 of 27 seats in Prince Edward Island's provincial legislature! The @PEIgreens will form Canada's first-ever official Green opposition. 🍁 The party for people, planet and peace is growing globally! 💚🌻🌎 —

Posted April 24, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

The old politics of war & Wall Street won’t bring us the #GreenNewDeal. Democratic leaders have put it on the shelf. Forget the GOP. To get the Green New Deal, we need New Green Politics that puts people, planet & peace over profit! —

Posted April 22, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

#EarthDay SOS: we have ~12 years & counting to stop runaway climate meltdown. We need a #GreenNewDeal NOW: a WWII-scale emergency program to deliver 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, guarantee jobs for all & make wars for oil obsolete. —

Posted April 22, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

I spoke with @PRIMONUTMEG about Venezuela, Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, the corporate media's RussiaGate smears, the truth about my appearance with Putin in 2015, the Green New Deal, and the 2020 presidential race - watch at —

Posted April 15, 2019
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

RT @JordanChariton: "By zeroing in on these things that publishers & journalists do, they're especially targeting whistleblowers & the kind… —

Posted April 15, 2019 Retweet
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

RT @GreenPartyUS: The Green Party condemns the arrest of Julian #Assange. Publishing the truth is not a crime. The US and Int. courts shoul… —

Posted April 11, 2019 Retweet
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Dr. Jill Stein🌻 @DrJillStein

Emergency actions to support political prisoner Julian Assange are being announced in Washington DC, NYC, & across the globe. Join the wave of action to tell the UK government: publishing the truth is not a crime! #ProtectJulian #FreeAssange —

Popular Resistance @PopResistance

Take action to #ProtectJulian today. Here is a list of British embassies in the US. Rally. Call. Email. DEMAND: Rel…

Posted April 11, 2019