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Barack Obama @BarackObama

In North Carolina, Karla Icaza De Austin, an Army veteran from Fayetteville, urged her state legislators to demand transparency, accountability, and fairness in the redistricting process—and reminded them of their duty to follow the will of the people. —

Posted Feb. 22, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

Since then, folks across the country have participated in the redistricting process—many for the first time. It’s a testament to the work @AllOnTheLine has done to help folks understand why fair maps matter, and make an impact in their communities. —

Posted Feb. 22, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

Three years ago, I helped @EricHolder launch @AllOnTheLine, a people-powered campaign to fight gerrymandering and advocate for fair redistricting. All On The Line is driven by the core belief that voters should choose their representatives—not the other way around. —

Posted Feb. 22, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

John Lewis knew that change could not wait for some other person or some other time. His life was a lesson in the fierce urgency of now. On his birthday, let’s honor his legacy by taking action and creating the change we hope to see in our own communities. —

Posted Feb. 21, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

It’s exactly the kind of ambition we need if we’re going to protect our planet and avoid the worst effects of climate change. —

Posted Feb. 17, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

Now the Biden-Harris Administration’s Build Back Better Agenda includes an even larger investment that would create new jobs, help cut emissions in half by 2030, invest in coastal and soil conservation, and a lot more. —

Posted Feb. 17, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

.@JoeBiden played a major role in getting that passed—and over our eight years in office, carbon emissions decreased by nine percent, while the U.S. economy grew by more than 10 percent. —

Posted Feb. 17, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

When I signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009, it included $90 billion for clean energy projects. At the time, it was the biggest investment in renewable energy in American history. —

Posted Feb. 17, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

Azita Raji was a great friend and cherished member of my campaign team and administration who served our country with distinction. She represented the very best of America, and we are better off because of her leadership. She will be deeply missed. —

Posted Feb. 15, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

Happy Valentine's Day, Michelle! With a smile that lights up the world, you're truly one-of-a-kind. Today and always, I am thankful to have you in my life. —

Posted Feb. 14, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

Yes we can. Yes we did. Thanks to all of you who believed, volunteered, voted—and then carried the baton forward in your communities. Keep at it. —

Posted Feb. 11, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

If you worked as an organizer on the campaign or volunteered in your community, I’d love to hear your stories from that day using #Obama08. —

Posted Feb. 10, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

What gave me the confidence to move forward in spite of the odds were the people I met, including those on our campaign. They didn’t do it for me. They did it because they believed in what this country could be, and that we could change it for the better. —

Posted Feb. 10, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

It’s hard to believe that 15 years have passed since I stood in front of the Old Capitol in Springfield, Illinois, and announced my candidacy for President. At the time, our campaign was viewed as a longshot—historic perhaps, but unlikely to end in the White House. —

Posted Feb. 10, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

Antonio Dickey is a photojournalist who has spent the last 44 years capturing life in Chicago. Take a look at his conversation with the @ObamaFoundation to learn more about his career, the stories behind his photos, and his hopes for the future of Chicago. —

Posted Feb. 3, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

As we celebrate Black History Month, it’s important to remember that we shouldn’t treat this month as though it is somehow separate from our collective American history. Black history is American history. —

Posted Feb. 3, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

For anyone who cares about voting rights, @EricHolder’s new book is essential reading. It tells the story of our long, sometimes frustrating, but ultimately hopeful journey towards a more perfect union—and offers great advice for the road ahead. —

Eric Holder @EricHolder

🚨🚨🚨 Exciting announcement: For the past year, I’ve been working with @SammyKoppelman on a book about the most impo…

Posted Feb. 2, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

Jackie Robinson changed baseball, and paved the way for so many others who would follow. As we celebrate his birthday and the start of Black History Month, we honor Jackie’s courage and recognize his incredible legacy. —

Posted Jan. 31, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

Today, we still have more work to do to create a more equitable workforce, but Lilly remains an inspiration to me and so many others. —

Posted Jan. 29, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

On this day thirteen years ago, I signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. It was the first law I signed as President, and was a first step to closing the wage gap for women. —

Posted Jan. 29, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

This record-setting enrollment period was a result of the hard work of @POTUS and Democrats in Congress. By passing the American Rescue Plan, they made health care more affordable for millions, building on a legacy I am deeply proud of. —

Posted Jan. 28, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

This week’s redistricting victory in Alabama is a win for our democracy. I’m grateful to @DemRedistrict and everyone who has been fighting so hard to make sure people everywhere have an equal opportunity to choose their representatives. —

Posted Jan. 28, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

RT @MichelleObama: Nine years ago, we lost Hadiya Pendleton to the tragedy of gun violence. I know her loss is still devastating for so man… —

Posted Jan. 28, 2022 Retweet
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, we honor the victims and survivors of one of the darkest periods in our history. But it’s not enough to remember — we also need to have the courage to speak out against acts of bigotry and hatred whenever we see them. —

Posted Jan. 27, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

The Biden Administration has set up a way for folks to get four at-home COVID tests for free. Go to to order, or call their hotline at 1-800-232-0233. And if you need to get vaccinated or boosted, visit today. —

Posted Jan. 26, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

The road ahead will not be easy, especially when one of our two major parties is standing in the way. But I still believe we can create a brighter future together, and I look forward to watching the Biden Administration build on this progress. —

Posted Jan. 20, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

This Administration has also recommitted to the fight against climate change, and signed a crucial infrastructure law to improve roads and buildings across our country. And they're only getting started. —

Posted Jan. 20, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

Under his leadership, our economy set the record for the most jobs added in a single year. Over 200 million people are now vaccinated against COVID-19. The American Rescue Plan provided relief to families. More people can now afford healthcare. —

Posted Jan. 20, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

For eight years, I witnessed firsthand the empathy and precision @POTUS brought to our work repairing the American economy. And one year into his presidency, President Biden's administration has led a historic recovery effort. —

Posted Jan. 20, 2022
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Barack Obama @BarackObama

In his inaugural address one year ago today, @POTUS committed to “press forward with speed and urgency, for we have much to do in this winter of peril and possibility.” In the year since, he and the @VP have made significant progress in the face of enormous challenges. —

Posted Jan. 20, 2022