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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Don’t let this go unnoticed: earlier this week the Trump administration proposed cutting nutritional assistance for roughly 3 million low-income people. This, coming from the same administration that gifted corporations and the top 1% billions in tax cuts, is absurd. —


The Trump administration wants to change the way states determine who qualifies for SNAP benefits. An estimated 3 m…

Posted July 27, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

The Trump administration’s decision to resume the death penalty is both misguided and immoral. I've long opposed the death penalty because it is discriminatory, irreversible, ineffective, and a gross misuse of taxpayer dollars. The administration must reverse course immediately. —

Posted July 27, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Two years ago, President Trump announced plans to ban transgender people from serving in our military—and his administration has continued to target the transgender community since. To our brave transgender troops selflessly serving in our military: I see you and I'm with you. —

Posted July 27, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Last month, Ali Stroker became the first woman in a wheelchair to win a Tony award. This #DisabilityIndependenceDay, I'm thinking of folks just like her who continue to break down barriers for Americans living with disabilities. Thank you, Ali, for all that you do. —

Posted July 27, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Here are the names of the 12 transgender women who have been murdered in 2019—all Black women. We cannot ignore the reality of how dangerous it is to be transgender in America. #SayTheirNames —

National Center for Transgender Equality @TransEquality

🕯️Dana Martin 🕯️Jazzaline Ware 🕯️Ashanti Carmon 🕯️Claire Legato 🕯️Muhlaysia Booker 🕯️Michelle 'Tamika' Washington…

Posted July 26, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Love everything about this thread. —

K🔮 @ktweetedit

Can we start a thread of black k-12 educators? I’m trying to follow more educators (cool millennial educators) 👨🏾‍🏫…

Posted July 26, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Millions of students—mostly low-income students & students of color—are breathing polluted air on their way to school. Grateful for @RepJahanaHayes's partnership on my bill to replace our school bus fleet w/ clean, electric buses. It's about our kids’ health. Let's get it done. —

Jahana Hayes @RepJahanaHayes

Yesterday I introduced the #CleanSchoolBusAct, a new bill to help kids stay healthy, stay in class and cut greenhou…

Posted July 26, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

NEWS: My bill to combat sexual harassment in STEM has passed the House. My mother was a scientist and I know just how important this bill is to ensuring an environment where women and minorities in STEM can succeed. It's time to pass it in the Senate. —

Posted July 26, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

This president and his administration continue to demonize immigrants and commit human rights abuses against them. Enough is enough. I introduced two bills this week to guarantee access to counsel to immigrants in U.S. custody and put a stop to expanding detention centers. —

Posted July 26, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

The Oxford Kamalas closed the Senate softball season with a win! So proud of this team, both on and off the field. —

Posted July 26, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

The facts in our report make it clear: the Russian government mounted a deliberate and systematic attack on America’s election infrastructure in 2016. They will be back. We're months away from the beginning of our next major elections. The time to protect our democracy is now. —

Emma Loop @LoopEmma

NEW: The Senate Intelligence Committee has just released the first volume of its bipartisan Russia investigation re…

Posted July 25, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

100 people die from gun violence every day in America. This is a public health crisis and there’s no reason for Congress to continue restricting gun violence research. The House recently approved $50 million in research funding—it's time for the Senate to do its job. —

Posted July 25, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

No student, no matter their circumstances, should have to worry about going hungry or keeping a roof over their head. Today I'm proud to introduce the BASIC Act to help college students afford basic, day-to-day necessities. —

Posted July 25, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

He's also a former top defense lobbyist and has refused to fully recuse himself from matters related to the company where he used to work. There’s just no excuse for that. The American people deserve better than this—we will continue to hold the Trump administration accountable. —

Posted July 25, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Yesterday I voted NO on Mark Esper’s nomination to be Secretary of Defense. Let me tell you why. During his confirmation process, Esper made misleading comments about transgender people that cast doubt on whether he would protect transgender troops serving our country. —

Posted July 25, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Grateful that Francisco has been released but let's be clear: there is absolutely no excuse for ICE’s detention of this American citizen for almost a month. We need answers about what exactly happened and officials must be held accountable. —

Posted July 25, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

We already know what this is: a thinly veiled attempt to "redefine" human rights to exclude women, minorities, and LGBTQ+ rights. We've sent a letter making it clear that we won't stand for this. —

Posted July 24, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

I'll say it again: If we're going to legalize marijuana, we have to do it right. Yesterday I introduced a bill with @RepJerryNadler to not only decriminalize marijuana but also help ensure people of color have a chance to succeed in the legal marijuana industry. —

Posted July 24, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

I can’t stress enough how close the Affordable Care Act is to being dismantled in court right now. The DOJ is arguing that the ACA is unconstitutional in a Texas lawsuit. This threat is real. The Republican assault on Americans’ health care has to end. #SaveTheACA —

Posted July 24, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

RT @TheRevAl: Senator @KamalaHarris just met with us & she’s committed to the continued pursuit of justice for Gwen and the entire family o… —

Posted July 24, 2019 Retweet Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

The firefighters and first responders who answered the call on 9/11 deserve to know that our government stands with them. Earlier today I was proud to vote YES on a bill that gives 9/11 first responders and their families the support they need. —

Posted July 23, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

One of the best parts of my job is getting to spend some time with our interns each session. A fun fact I always tell them—I was once an intern in the very office I’m in today when I was a student at Howard University. —

Posted July 23, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Utterly disgraceful that the Trump administration is reportedly ending deportation protections for military families. There is simply no reason for this other than inflicting cruelty. We’re demanding that the administration reverse course on this immediately. —

Posted July 23, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

The War on Drugs was an abject failure that disproportionately criminalized people of color—it's time we take steps to fix that. Today I’m introducing a bill to decriminalize marijuana and bring justice to communities of color harmed by failed drug policies. —

Posted July 23, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

The alarming rate at which indigenous women are murdered or missing is not getting the attention it deserves. We have two bills in Congress to help address this—the Violence Against Women Act and Savanna’s Act. This isn’t about politics. We must pass these bills immediately. —

Posted July 23, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

“There are no activities, only crying.” “I’ve been here without bathing for 21 days.” “I’m so hungry that I’ve woken up in the middle of the night with hunger.” These are real testimonies from immigrant children in U.S. custody. The Trump administration must end this abuse. —

The New York Times @nytimes

In Opinion In a video Op-Ed, children read testimonies given by young migrants detained in U.S. Customs and Border…

Posted July 22, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

When I was AG of California, I took on Big Banks that bankrupted hardworking Americans. I'm committed to making sure Attorneys General today have the tools to do the same. I introduced a bill recently to give state attorneys general more power to hold Wall Street accountable. —

Posted July 22, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

In too many communities, children are growing up drinking contaminated water and families are struggling with rising water bills. That shouldn't happen in America. I'm announcing a bill today to address our water crisis—because access to clean water is a fundamental right. —

Posted July 22, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Schools, hospitals, courthouses, and churches. No one should fear being caught up in an immigration raid when they walk into these places. We've introduced a bill to prohibit immigration enforcement in these sensitive locations. It's the right thing to do. —

Posted July 21, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Just over year ago, I visited the Otay Mesa detention facility where I met with mothers who had been separated from their children. Their words broke my heart. We have to keep fighting for those who come to our border seeking asylum and a better life. —

Posted July 21, 2019 Hibernated