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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

I’ll say it again: we have to speak the truth that racism is real in this country. Only by speaking this truth can we begin to address and defeat it. —

Posted Aug. 6, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

We need to institute universal background checks. We need to ban military-style assault weapons. We need to ban high-capacity magazines. This is a national emergency. We need to act. —

Posted Aug. 5, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

The Bipartisan Background Checks Act passed the House in February—but it hasn’t even received a hearing in the Senate. It’s past time to take action. To Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans, I say: have some courage. Let’s vote. —

Posted Aug. 5, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

I’m heartbroken over the news of this tragedy in Encinitas. My thoughts are with the injured and the families of those who lost their lives. My office will continue to monitor this situation. —

CBS News 8 @CBS8

The City of Encinitas has confirmed 3 people were killed after a sea bluff collapsed on them on a stretch of ocean…

Posted Aug. 3, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

The administration is looking to use military retirement funds to help pay for the president’s vanity project of a border wall. The wall doesn’t make anybody safer—it’s irresponsible and it’s wrong. —

Posted Aug. 3, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

This is outrageous: the Senate began a five-week recess yesterday without Republicans allowing a single vote on legislation to secure and strengthen our election infrastructure. Major elections begin this fall—we must take action immediately. —

Posted Aug. 2, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

My colleagues and I wrote VA Secretary Wilkie demanding he end the destructive, anti-union negotiation tactics being carried out by his department. We must support our unionized workers, not ignore their demands—power belongs to the people. —

Posted Aug. 2, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Californians: wildfire season is seemingly year-round now, and it's critical that everyone is informed and prepared. Check out this helpful tracker and remember to always heed tips and warnings from local officials in your area. —

Posted Aug. 2, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

This administration has repeatedly tried to strip away protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions, and their latest attempt to sell junk health care plans is no different. Enough. We've introduced a resolution to save protections for pre-existing conditions. —

Posted Aug. 2, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

It’s unfathomable that in America someone could live through a mass shooting and almost two years later, go through it all over again. I’m sick of this. We cannot accept it as normal. —

Posted Aug. 2, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

The FBI is beginning the process of returning cars and belongings that were at the scene of this week’s shooting in Gilroy. Fill out this questionnaire to pick up your possessions from the Family Assistance Center at Rucker Elementary School. —

Posted Aug. 2, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Right now we’re seeing a concerted effort to overturn Roe v. Wade, and we're going to fight it with everything we've got. That’s why I was proud to join my colleagues to introduce the Women's Health Protection Act to protect women's access to reproductive health care. —

Posted Aug. 1, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

These reports make it clear that the Trump administration is determined to continue inflicting cruelty on immigrant families at the border. This isn't border security. It's human rights abuse, and we've had enough. Congress must immediately pass the Keep Families Together Act. —

The Washington Post @washingtonpost

ACLU says Trump administration has taken more than 900 migrant children from parents since judge ordered practice t…

Posted Aug. 1, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

The American people want Congress to address the issues that keep them up at night, like health care and the cost of prescription drugs. Instead, my colleagues have sent a letter demanding additional tax cuts for the wealthiest among us. Unbelievable. —

Posted July 31, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Corporations and the top 1% have spent unlimited amounts of money influencing our elections. That’s not how a democracy should work. Proud to join my colleagues to introduce a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United and limit money in politics. —

Posted July 31, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

The Trump administration has decided that asylum seekers whose families are marked for death *do not* qualify for asylum. It's clear what this is: an immoral and extreme attempt to limit asylum so that even those facing death cannot qualify for protection. —

POLITICO @politico

In a precedent-setting immigration court opinion, the attorney general said that being part of a nuclear family tar…

Posted July 31, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

3 people were killed at the Gilroy Garlic Festival on Sunday. Just a day earlier, 1 person was killed and 11 more were injured at a Brooklyn block party. 100 people die from gun violence every day in America. This is an epidemic. When will Republicans have the courage to act? —

Posted July 30, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Republican leaders need to stop blocking election security legislation. This isn’t about politics, this is about protecting our democracy. It can't wait any longer. —

Posted July 30, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Here’s another detail from the Trump administration’s proposal to strip nutritional assistance from 3 million people: 500,000 low-income children could have their free school lunches taken away. How does this make our country great? —

Posted July 30, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Earlier today we announced a bill to address the systemic environmental injustices across our country, including in low-income communities, communities of color, and indigenous communities. Too often they have been left behind—it’s time we changed that. —

The New York Times @nytimes

Senator Kamala Harris and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will introduce legislation aimed at ensuring that…

Posted July 30, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

It’s simply outrageous that the federal minimum wage hasn’t been raised in more than 10 years. The House has passed a bill to raise it to $15 an hour and now, it's headed to the Senate. Senate Republicans must stop obstructing legislation and pass this bill. RT if you agree. —

Posted July 29, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Too many communities in America face systemic environmental injustice—that must end. Today, I'm partnering with @AOC to announce a landmark bill to ensure that a Green New Deal leaves no one behind and lifts up low-income communities, people of color, and indigenous communities. —

Posted July 29, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Horrific scenes like last night’s shooting in #Gilroy can inflict significant trauma. If you are experiencing grief or emotional distress, know that you are not alone. Please see below for helpful resources for counseling and support. — @HHSGov

It’s normal to feel grief & emotional distress after the traumatic events in Gilroy, California. If you need to tal……

Posted July 29, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

RT @GilroyPD: If you were a witness to the #GilroyActiveShooter and have not yet talked to police, please call 408-846-0583. You can also g… —

Posted July 29, 2019 Retweet Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Grateful to first responders who are on the scene in Gilroy and keeping those injured by such senseless violence in my thoughts. My office is closely monitoring the situation. —

San Francisco Chronicle @sfchronicle

BREAKING: Multiple people hurt in shooting at Gilroy Garlic Festival.

Posted July 29, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Today marks two years since this failed attempt by Republicans in Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Millions of Americans would be without their health insurance today if it had passed. Watch the moment it all went down: —

Posted July 29, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

It's time we brought justice to those harmed by the failed War on Drugs. My bill will: ✅decriminalize marijuana ✅expunge marijuana convictions ✅create economic opportunities for communities disproportionately impacted by the failed War on Drugs —

Posted July 28, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

America's history of slavery and institutional racism continues to cause great pain and inequality toward communities of color—particularly Black males. We introduced a bipartisan bill recently to start a long overdue effort to confront the negative treatment of Black men & boys. —

Posted July 28, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Using the gay and trans ‘panic’ defense in court provides an out for those who commit violence against LGBTQ+ people and denies justice to victims. I was proud to be part of the effort to outlaw it in California. Now, we have a bill to ban it nationwide—Congress must pass it. —

Posted July 28, 2019 Hibernated
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Vice President Kamala Harris @VP

Right now, there are college students across our country worried they’ll go hungry. Some will sleep in their car tonight because they can’t afford housing. This shouldn’t happen in America. I introduced a bill to help college students afford basic needs. —

Posted July 27, 2019 Hibernated