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Showing page 19 of 502.
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: My holiday book recommendations… What are yours? —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
My holiday book recommendations… What are yours? —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
My holiday book recommendations… Happy reading! —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “Trump’s name will putrefy in the years ahead. He will be forgotten by those who tried to ride his coattails for their… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “The Jan 6 committee stripped Trump of his dignity. In the end, Congress worked. It was the people’s house that finish… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“Trump’s name will putrefy in the years ahead. He will be forgotten by those who tried to ride his coattails for their own ambition & riches. There will be no presidential library & he’ll never lie in State under the Capitol Dome he tried to smash to bits.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“The Jan 6 committee stripped Trump of his dignity. In the end, Congress worked. It was the people’s house that finished him off. Specifically, two women — a liberal from SF and a conservative from WY — finished him off. Every member did their duty.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “America is still emerging from the shadow of slavery and oppression of Native Americans. These issues must be faced s… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “The United States has not yet established a just society. Claims that we have outrun our history and the impact of sy… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“America is still emerging from the shadow of slavery and oppression of Native Americans. These issues must be faced squarely. They demand recompense & discussion. That is a basic requirement of reconciliation.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“The United States has not yet established a just society. Claims that we have outrun our history and the impact of systemic oppression, racism and sexism is ludicrous. Great progress has been made, but there is much work left to do.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “There has never been a person who sought leadership by posing as a real-life Flat Stanley. McCarthy is running as the… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “Kevin McCarthy’s toxic career and cynicism is like black mold from the Trump flood. It is a residue. His public defen… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
Gift The Warning this holiday season. Take advantage of a 25% off holiday special. Annual subscription of $75 ($100 value). —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
Gift The Warning this holiday season. Take advantage of a 25% off holiday special. Annual subscription of $75 ($100 value). —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“There has never been a person who sought leadership by posing as a real-life Flat Stanley. McCarthy is running as the steamrolled man. The weakness and unconditional servility is startling. He won’t be Speaker of the House. He’ll be the House hostage.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“Kevin McCarthy’s toxic career and cynicism is like black mold from the Trump flood. It is a residue. His public defenestration is at hand. It will be a masterclass in the limits of corruption and weakness in the pursuit of power. It won’t be sad to watch.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “Twitter is the place where the threats and venom accumulated and spread throughout the conservative media. It was not… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “Twitter was the weapon of choice for the biggest bully in American history. Trump used it as his toxic cudgel to assa… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“Twitter was the weapon of choice for the biggest bully in American history. Trump used it as his toxic cudgel to assault truth & reality. Twitter exposed the cynicism of 99.98% of the Republican elected leadership like an MRI scanner for the soul.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“Twitter is the place where the threats and venom accumulated and spread throughout the conservative media. It was not a happy place, but rather a battlefield of idiocy and nonsense with real world implications. The fight is over now because Trump is done.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “The American story is the story of her people. It’s a story of transcendent triumph & appalling oppression. It is the… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “Tim Ryan rose on the floor of the US House of Representatives yesterday to deliver his last words as a Member of Cong… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“The American story is the story of her people. It’s a story of transcendent triumph & appalling oppression. It is the story of the eternal battle between right & wrong, idealism & cynicism, optimism & pessimism, kindness & cruelty and justice & injustice.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“Tim Ryan rose on the floor of the US House of Representatives yesterday to deliver his last words as a Member of Congress. I agree with every word said by him. That is what I am for. I am for grace, decency, compassion, gratitude & America.” Have a listen. —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “Good Americans should seek to expand rights and liberty for their fellow citizens. That is what I have always tried t… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “President Biden protected the marriages of millions of Americans from state intrusion when he signed the Respect for… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“Good Americans should seek to expand rights and liberty for their fellow citizens. That is what I have always tried to do with my voice.” Click on this link to hear or read my speech on marriage equality from 2009. —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“President Biden protected the marriages of millions of Americans from state intrusion when he signed the Respect for Marriage Act. The pursuit of happiness & marriage are deeply connected.” I delivered a speech about this in 2009. Click here to view it: —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “That $73 million of stolen money was turned into illegal campaign contributions by SBF to buy influence & write laws… —