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Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“The US media licked up Kellyanne Conway’s lies. She was utterly brazen about it. Her arrogance was only exceeded by the accuracy of her declaration that we were upon the seas of a vast new ocean at the dawn of a new era — that of “alternative facts.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“The New York Times demonstrated the hollowness of its values when it published the words of Kellyanne Conway, one of the most prolific gaslighters in US history. It disgraced itself as an institution & made a mockery of its mission statement & values.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“It seems that access is the enduring currency of this putrid era at The New York Times, where hereditary rot proves that the privileges that decay institutions aren’t simply a British phenomenon.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“Yesterday, Kellyanne Conway was in the pages of The New York Times lying some more. Like always, her blather oozes a type of proverbial narcissistic pus that makes the clear typeface of whatever it is read on seem sticky and infected.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “The American people despise America’s media almost as much as they despise its extremist politicians. Increasingly, t… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “The American media is profoundly broken. The collapse of local newspapers and television coverage at a local level ha… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “Cable news ratings are collapsing. The formats, performers & shtick are all stale. Americans are subjected to a const… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“The American people despise America’s media almost as much as they despise its extremist politicians. Increasingly, they understand the two sides of a coin are both attached to the same coin — just like the media and the extremists.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“The American media is profoundly broken. The collapse of local newspapers and television coverage at a local level has allowed for impostors like George Santos to con their way through an election without fear of investigation or scrutiny.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“Cable news ratings are collapsing. The formats, performers & shtick are all stale. Americans are subjected to a constant barrage of disorientation that is the leading edge of a billion-dollar business that celebrates its virtues & ignores its vices.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “George Santos is a member of the United States Congress in good standing. He is an imposter. He may not even be a US… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “While puppeteer interviewer Sean Hannity talked to the House GOP leadership, he denounced “East Coast elite.” He live… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“George Santos is a member of the United States Congress in good standing. He is an imposter. He may not even be a US citizen. He appears to be a criminal, and he is most certainly a fraud. Nobody in the Republican Party seems to care.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“Americans narrowly created a MAGA House majority of extremists. This week’s extremism is the first steps towards a type of abyss that will get very close in the months ahead. These actions guarantee a default on the US debt. We’re just getting started.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“While puppeteer interviewer Sean Hannity talked to the House GOP leadership, he denounced “East Coast elite.” He lives in the Hamptons. He makes $36 million/year, owns more than $100 million in real estate, has a home in Palm Beach, and flies in a G-V.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
While puppeteer interviewer Sean Hannity talked to the House GOP leadership, he denunciated “East Coast elite.” He lives in the Hamptons. He makes $36 million/year, owns more than $100 million in real estate, has a home in Palm Beach, and flies in a G-V.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “There’s never been a moment where current ignorance of all things stands so ready to take a giant step forward — whet… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
I don’t understand why @cnn doesn’t release the specific number of times @mschlapp called his victim. What is the number. @mschlapp remains a @FoxNews contributor in good standing. —
Acyn @Acyn
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @Acyn: Wow —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “Meghan Markle is an American and that appears to be the problem, or at least a quarter of it. She is also an actress… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“This Politico story is an excellent example of political journalism. It’s about corruption. America’s Indian tribes shouldn’t be ripped off by lobbyists. It made me think of a word — “wasicu” — the Lakota word for “white man.” It means “fat taker.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“Meghan Markle is an American and that appears to be the problem, or at least a quarter of it. She is also an actress from California, with a degree from Northwestern University, who was — god forbid — divorced. What would Henry VIII have thought?” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“JFK’s speech celebrates the scientist & explorer. It offers a vision for peace & learning that can benefit the whole of humanity without conceding the necessity that mankind’s conquest of space be led under a “banner of freedom,” not a “flag of conquest.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“There’s never been a moment where current ignorance of all things stands so ready to take a giant step forward — whether America’s ludicrous politicians are ready or not. Everything isn’t broken. Our Kevin McCarthy’s are our exceptions, not the rule.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “Matt Schlapp, the leader of the largest fascist organization in the US has been accused of sexual assault. He is empl… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “Matt Schlapp went undercover at the May 2020 Black Lives Matter protest in Washington, DC. He smelled drugs. It was d… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “The monarchy’s last chance to modernize has passed. The snobbishness, attached to a sense of blood line superiority,… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
“Matt Schlapp, the leader of the largest fascist organization in the US has been accused of sexual assault. He is employed at Fox News. Yet, Fox News seems to be immunized from being asked questions from other news organizations about that decision.” —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “Prince Harry told the truth about his life in a straightforward and transparent manner. He’s lifted his voice against… —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
RT @SteveSchmidtSES: “Prince Harry did what a man is supposed to do. He put his wife and children first. He protected them from abuse. He p… —