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Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
@AlistairWilson Not ours —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
@JimHolliman @OneNine72 @allenjenniferl @AOC I regret that people though that. I wrote it in the context of the comments she had made last week about GOP memners mocking her because she was a waitress. I was trying to indicate that I admire that part of her bio and what it represents —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
So their position seems to be that the soon to be First Lady, our first with a Ph.d shouldn’t be called Dr. but Fox should be called news. Got it. Makes sense. —
Michael LaRosa @MichaelLaRosaDC
.@jamestaranto, you and the @WSJ should be embarrassed to print the disgusting and sexist attack on @DrBiden runnin…
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
@matthewjdowd Most. —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
The Paper Boy from “Better Off Dead” should be more iconic in our culture. —
Matthew Dowd @matthewjdowd
@halsf8 @yinzerjay80 @SteveSchmidtSES Love it.
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
@tomshattuck @ProjectLincoln Lincoln had a quote that’s perfect for you. “ Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”. Trump is never going away and 126 GOP House Members just repudiated American Democracy. Wake up. —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
I always loved collection day. IT WAS A GREAT way to learn financial literacy. —
Matthew Dowd @matthewjdowd
@SteveSchmidtSES I loved my paper route of the Detroit News. It was only way i got a little cash to save and to sp…
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
I hated my paper route. I can still remember sitting in the snow on the corner folding papers at 630 am on a Saturday at age 13. Looking back it taught me a great deal. —
Lindsey Appiah @LAppiah
@TaraSetmayer @SteveSchmidtSES @AOC Yet they also demean those with elite educations as well. I come from a blue co…
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
Nationalists, nationalists, militia nuts, proud boy fascists ect. You fit right in no doubt. Lastly, perhaps you should consider learning more about the Epstein case before you praise Alexander Acosta. He let Epstein off and Epstein destroyed a lot of lives after that —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
Yes @debrajsaunders we are on different sides. You are part of the Trump movement. You work as a propagandist in that movement. Sheldon Adelsohn pays you to Shill for Trump. Your side is trying to end American Democracy. Your side is teeming with liars, conspiracy nuts, white —
Debra J. Saunders @debrajsaunders
Thanks for reading, Steve. Glad not to be in your club.
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
Unbelievable —
Jonathan Alter @jonathanalter
And “activist judges.” The GOP better never use that one again. @SteveSchmidtSES
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
One of my core convictions in life is the following. There is worth and purpose in every life and everybody who works hard and plays by the rules no matter what they do for a living deserves respect. It’s one of my top 3 Dad speeches to my kids and I mean every word of it —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
it. It’s not just waiters and waitresses who rely on tips, It’s valet parking attendants, doormen, hotel staff etc. Before Covid I was traveling 300,000 miles a year and the reality of that life means a lot of tipping because you rely on people who work in the service industry. —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
Last week @AOC made a profoundly true observation about Republican members who make fun of her for having been a waitress. I think being a waitress is a qualification for being in the Congress. We would have a much better Congress if it was comprised of more people who actually 1 —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
.@debrajsaunders is one of the more ludicrous Trump propagandists there is. She works for Sheldon Adelson. Recently she used her column to defend the disgraced Alexander Acosta who let Epstein off the hook. He was a Trump cabinet Secretary —
Debra J. Saunders @debrajsaunders
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
I guess the era of Republicans pretending to care about abusive litigation are over. —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
@taradublinrocks @MaureenMoBeck @AOC @ProjectLincoln And respect —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
@taradublinrocks @MaureenMoBeck @AOC @ProjectLincoln She talked last week about what it was like to be a waitress while pointing out the people who are blocking Covid aid from helping working people couldn’t make it through a shift. I agree. I do tip well. I don’t dangle. I don’t behave badly. I try to treat people with generosity —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
@kingmoodybrat @AOC @ProjectLincoln I called her ma’am —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
Or a Big Mac. Filet o Fish. Maybe Chocolate cake. Yumm yumm. Oh Donald. We pray for thee. —
Reed Galen @reedgalen
It’s nearly 1 am eastern time. Someone just got his steroid shots.
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
Don’t care. She believes in elections —
👁Lyd @eyelydbar
@SteveSchmidtSES @AOC What? She’s a Socialist!
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
In America. It is the side that has no conviction that cannot compromise. They have no belief. It is the believers who can compromise because they have faith. That is why I have faith —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
I wonder if @AOC has the wisdom to understand that people can disagree with her and yet admire her. I hope she does because I do and I’m not alone. I admire her guts authenticity and conviction. Conviction is everything. There is a fundamental misunderstanding about politics —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
.@AOC there are some issues we think are important (1) Federal Pardons for all Marijuana crimes. (2) end of payday lending- no banking for poor people. 3. Lack of Pre k education. I hope we can talk. @ProjectLincoln @reedgalen @stuartpstevens @TaraSetmayer @TheRickWilson —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
Your conviction. You are a living example of democracy and the importance of faith and belief in the system. We are one election away from losing this country to Autocrats. We stand with you against that. We hope you will stand with us also. God bless America. —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
Depends on us. Know this, since know one asked, we all admire your coviction, Integrity and guts. We say the following with respect. Maybe it is the case that we are stronger together. I wish you a merry Christmas and all of your supporters a happy holiday season. We admire —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
We win- you lose. There is no accommodation. It is zero sum. Our coalition is fragile but it must hold. @AOC perhaps you look at us and see something that is not so. We do not know each other and perhaps we should. Maybe even it is the case that the future of the country —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
There are only two ways to win a fight. You can win through submission or exhaustion. Submission=Berlin 45. Exhsustion=Saigon 75 . We have no open hand for the nationalists, white nationalists, fascist proud boys, militia groups, conspiracy theorists ect. Our proposition is —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
We are the left and right flanks of a broad coalition. Should we buckle, they will win. We must not. We are together. We pledge to listen. We pledge to learn. We pledge to be open to your ideas and we pledge to compromise. We have no such offer for the other side. —
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
Here is the unexpected part. A democratic-socialist and former waitress who knows what it is to actually work combined with @ProjectLincoln and many others is going to hold the line together. We will not yield and we will never break. We are the side opposed to autocracy. —