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Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Thank you to all of the @COB_ONS liaisons and volunteers who are distributing care kits filled with face coverings, sanitizer, gloves and multilingual booklets all week. Your work is critical to ensuring our community stays healthy and informed. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Tune in to @MSNBC at 10:25 a.m. as I join @AymanM to discuss #COVID19 and the @CityofBoston’s approach to a phased-in reopening. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
City Hall is open to the public today from 9 am to 5 pm by appointment only. Everyone in City Hall must complete a self-screening for #COVID19 symptoms. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Tune in to @CNNSitRoom at 7:00 pm, where I join @wolfblitzer to discuss Boston’s plans for a phased reopening. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
To the veterans and Gold Star families of @MAFallenHeroes, we are thinking of you today. Although we are unable to gather in person to honor the friends and family who gave their lives for our country, we hold them in our hearts today. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Thank you to @BostonVets for sharing your video tribute to our military heroes. On this Memorial Day, we honor our veterans and Gold Star families through acts like this. —
Veterans' Services @BostonVets
This virtual remembrance brings to us the true meaning of Memorial Day as we remember and honor the brave men and w…
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Thank you @MaMilHeroes for helping us honor those who gave their lives in service of our country. Although this year’s Flag Garden may look different, the spirit of this moving commemoration will remain. —
MMHF @MaMilHeroes
Memorial Day is a time to pause, honor and remember. Thank you, @MassGovernor, Mayor @marty_walsh, @MassAGO,…
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Normally Boston Common would be decorated with thousands of flags today. This year, @MaMilHeroes is encouraging people across the state to participate in a virtual flag planting, by printing and displaying this makeshift flag in their homes and businesses. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
While we can’t do that this year, we will continue to keep our heroes in our hearts and show our gratitude from a distance. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Memorial Day is one of the most important holidays in the life of our city and our country. Normally, I would spend today at ceremonies with veterans and Gold Star families. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
RT @CityOfBoston: On Memorial Day, and every day, we honor the heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our nation safe and free. htt… —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Even though today is a holiday, most meal sites in the @CityOfBoston are still open. Check the map for the locations and hours here: —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
RT @BostonParksDept: Remember, honor and be eternally grateful. Today is about those who served our nation, and made the ultimate sacrifi… —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Today we remember the sacrifice of all the members of our Armed Forces who gave their lives in service of our country. I hope all Bostonians can join me in honoring our military heroes from a distance by decorating the outside of your home with flags and patriotic symbols. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
If you have any questions about whether you should be tested, call your healthcare provider, or call 311 to be connected to the Mayor’s Health Line. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
In the @CityofBoston we have testing sites across the neighborhoods. If you think you are symptomatic of #COVID19, call one of our sites. You can find hours, locations and contact information here: —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
RT @BostonVets: Darryl in our office coordinates the annual decoration of every veterans grave and Hero Square in #Boston. Today he led vol… —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
The City of Boston urges you to reopen with caution and ONLY if you feel it is safe to do so. If you are not ready to open, please do not. If you need support or have questions about opening your business, please contact [email protected]. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Some businesses are allowed to reopen beginning on Monday, May 25th, as part of the state's phased reopening plan. —
City of Boston @CityOfBoston
Some businesses are allowed to reopen beginning on Monday, May 25th, per the state's phased reopening. The City of…
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Our veterans are heroes that have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. I’m disgusted by the act of vandalism at the Puerto Rican Veterans Memorial. Thank you to @BostonParksDept and Property Management for quickly coming together to resolve this horrific act. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Earlier this week, I talked about how the @CityOfBoston is helping our small businesses as they begin to reopen while also continuing to support seniors, students and all vulnerable individuals throughout the public health emergency. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Thank you to the @Boston_BHA for your hard work helping our residents always, but especially during the #COVID19 pandemic. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
This holiday weekend, please continue to practice social distancing, wash your hands often, wear a face covering, disinfect surfaces, #stayhome and do not gather in groups. I need every resident to do their part to keep themselves and others safe. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
RT @MidDotOns: Once again @cvaboston helping the @CityOfBoston distribute #COVID19 care kits, including literature, masks, gloves, hand san… —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
.@projectbread has been able to expand staffing for their FoodSource Hotline, which provides assistance in multiple languages for those who need it most during this critical time. To find food resources in your community, call the FoodSource Hotline at 1-800-645-8333 —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Over the past few weeks, #BostonResiliencyFund grantee @EastieFarm teamed up with @BonMe and Tawakal Cafe to provide over 5,000 meals per week to families in need in #EastBoston and #Chinatown with the assistance of volunteer delivery drivers. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
.@ElevateBoston has provided essential services to residents in our community being impacted by the pandemic. They have supported over 12,000 children, seniors and families over the past few weeks by distributing groceries, hot meals, PPE, toiletries, and info packets. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Earlier this year, @onebead gave a group of 7th grade students from @BostonSchools Kilmer $1,000 to make a difference in their community. Those students chose to support @CitySprouts and the #BostonResiliencyFund. Thank you Kilmer School! —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
Tune in to @NBC10Boston at 9:45 am where I discuss reopening plans for the @CityofBoston and safety precautions to take this Memorial Day. —
Mayor Marty Walsh @marty_walsh
As we mark the end of #Ramadan, I’d like to wish our Muslim community #EidMubarak! While Eid prayer and other traditions may look different this #EidAlFitr, I hope it is a meaningful holiday for you and your families. —