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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

Today, @NatlParkService and @GoParks recognize the sacrifice and connection of our veterans and military members to our parks. It was the U.S. Cavalry that first served as Park Rangers. #MilitaryAndVeteransRecognition —

Posted April 21, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

To kick start #NationalParkWeek, @ShilohNPS is hosting a #JuniorRangerDay beginning at 8:30 AM and a wet plate photography demonstration at 1:00 PM. —

Posted April 20, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

Every April, @NatlParkService and @GoParks celebrate America’s treasures with #NationalParkWeek. Take some time to #FindYourPark and get outdoors. Learn more: —

Posted April 20, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

It is time for both sides to stop hyperventilating over the Mueller investigation and focus on #LowerHealthCareCosts and #MakingCollegeWorthIt for students. —

Posted April 18, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

Robert Mueller is a respected prosecutor. He has determined that the president did not collude with Russia during the 2016 election. Attorney General Barr has released as much of Mueller’s report as he legally and appropriately can. —

Posted April 18, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

My statement after @POTUS approved federal disaster assistance for 56 counties in Tennessee affected by severe weather between February 19 and March 30, 2019. —

Posted April 18, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

RT if you’re excited for the @NFLDraft 🏈! Workers are busy getting ready for next week’s event. The Draft will put Nashville in 45 million living rooms over three days, bringing even more credit to a city and state that is already on a great track. —

Posted April 17, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

Funding for construction of the new Chickamauga Lock has been provided for the past five years, so it doesn’t make sense for the administration to not include the project in the budget request. —

Posted April 16, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

READ about my proposed New Manhattan Project for Clean Energy in the @WSJ. I hope it can become a bipartisan proposal. Many of its Ten Grand Challenges have also been proposed by the National Institute of Engineering and the @theNASciences. —

Posted April 16, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

I’m proposing a 5 year project with 10 Grand Challenges to combat #climatechange. Meeting these Grand Challenges would create breakthroughs in advanced nuclear reactors, natural gas, carbon capture, better batteries, greener buildings, electric vehicles, cheaper solar & fusion. —

The Wall Street Journal @WSJ

What if you're a Republican who thinks climate change is real, but the Green New Deal is way too much? If you're La…

Posted April 15, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

RT @WSJ: What if you're a Republican who thinks climate change is real, but the Green New Deal is way too much? If you're Lamar Alexander,… —

Posted April 15, 2019 Retweet
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

It’s #TaxDay in the U.S. In 2017 the Republican led Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which reduced taxes for most Tennessee families and is helping grow the U.S. economy by making business taxes competitive with the rest of the world. —

Posted April 15, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

RT @Tennessean: Lamar Alexander and Marsha Blackburn: Vaccines save lives | Opinion —

Posted April 13, 2019 Retweet
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

I couldn’t ask for a better partner in funding Chickamauga Lock than you, @RepChuck. You’re a leader for our efforts in the U.S. House, and I appreciate all you do to make this happen. —

Chuck Fleischmann @RepChuck

Thank you @SenAlexander - I couldn’t have said it better. The Chickamauga Lock is central to many facets of the…

Posted April 12, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

I chaired a U.S. Senate hearing on the Chickamauga Lock and the importance of funding it for the sixth consecutive year. —

Posted April 12, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

For the next two weeks, the U.S. Senate will be in recess, so it will give me the chance to travel around Tennessee. Here’s what I’ll be talking to Tennesseans about. #LowerHealthCareCosts —

Posted April 11, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

I voted to confirm David Bernhardt to serve as U.S. Secretary of the @Interior. I appreciate his commitment to continue the department’s support of the #RestoreOurParks Act, which would cut in half the maintenance backlog at our national parks. —

Posted April 11, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

Our bill would make sure that working Americans who are uninsured, underinsured, or paying through the nose in the individual market can continue to have this option even if the @USDOL rule isn’t allowed to stay in effect. —

Posted April 11, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

#AHPs offer millions of Americans in the individual health insurance market who have been left behind by Obamacare the opportunity to buy lower-cost health insurance w/the same patient protections as the roughly 160M Americans who get insurance by working for a large employer. —

Posted April 11, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

I am glad to cosponsor @SenatorEnzi’s Association Health Plans Act to prevent thousands of people from losing their health care coverage. The bill ensures a pathway remains available for small businesses to offer Association Health Plans. —

Posted April 11, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

Good to be at @AmericanU, & thank you @SylviaBurwell for your focus on teaching how to get results through compromise. I told the students: I learned how to count in public school. If you need 60 votes to get a bill passed in the Senate, that means you have to work w/Ds & Rs. —

Sylvia M. Burwell @SylviaBurwell

We could not have picked two better leaders for the inaugural Madison Prize for Constitutional Excellence than Sen.…

Posted April 11, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

I'm glad Billy Johnson of Chattanooga was awarded the Defense of Freedom Medal. Billy truly embodies the Tennessee Volunteer spirit. Thank you for your service. 🇺🇸 —

Nashville District @NashvilleCorps

The @USACELRD commanding general presents Billy Johnson of #Chattanooga #Tennessee the Defense of Freedom Medal for…

Posted April 11, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

I am glad to cosponsor The Protect Act that makes sure that regardless of what happens to Obamacare, protections for Americans with pre-existing health conditions will not change. —

Senator Thom Tillis @SenThomTillis

I strongly believe that no hardworking American should go to bed worried about being denied coverage or treatment i…

Posted April 11, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

Good to hear @EastmanChemCo, @HabitatNash and @NissanUSA are continuing their efforts to protect the environment by improving energy efficiency. Congratulations on being named 2019 @ENERGYSTAR Partners of the Year by @EPA and @ENERGY! —

Sen. Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

Congratulations to the TN companies named 2018 ENERGY STAR Partners of the Year by @EPA & @ENERGY. @EastmanChemCo,……

Posted April 11, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

I also stressed the importance of federal funding for science research, which is why I’ve announced my Ten Grand Challenges for the next five years to create new sources of cheap, clean energy to combat #climatechange —

Posted April 10, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

It was good to meet some of the winners of the 2018 @NobelPrize and @KavliPrize yesterday at an event hosted by @theNASEM. I thanked them for their dedication to science research and innovation here in the U.S. —

Posted April 10, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

I’m about to chair the Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development hearing to discuss the 2020 @USACEHQ and @usbr budget requests. Watch here: —

Posted April 10, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

I’m glad to join @SenStabenow, @SenGaryPeters and @SenatorCollins to cosponsor this legislation. Investing in American research and technology for better electric vehicles is one way to help our country, and the world, deal with #climatechange. —

Posted April 10, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

The bipartisan Driving America Forward Act expands electric vehicle tax credits, which will encourage even more production of electric vehicles, create good jobs in Tennessee and boost the economy. —

Posted April 10, 2019
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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander

Our goal needs to be to help students know that their degrees are going to be worth their time and money and to help taxpayers know that the federal government isn’t financing programs that do not provide students with a valuable education. #MakingCollegeWorthIt —

Posted April 10, 2019