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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
RT @GOPHELP: “AHLA believes Mr. Scalia is an extremely qualified nominee who would be a welcome addition to DOL and the President’s Cabinet… —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
RT @GOPHELP: “Mr. Scalia will bring a deep knowledge of labor and business policies to this vitally important new role. IFA encourages Sena… —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
We had some big wins for Tennessee this week! The Senate Appropriations Committee approved funding for the construction of a new Federal Courthouse in Chattanooga and funding that takes an important step to address the maintenance backlog in our national parks. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Thank you so much, Randy! Tennessee is lucky to have you. —
Randy McNally @ltgovmcnally
Congratulations to @LamarAlexander on serving as governor or senator for longer than any other Tennessean. As the o…
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Thank you all for the very kind wishes as #TeamAlexander marks this major milestone. It has and always will be my honor to serve the great people of Tennessee. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Thank you very much, Tim. Appreciate such kind words from my congressman! —
Rep. Tim Burchett @RepTimBurchett
Congratulations to @SenAlexander on becoming the longest serving statewide politician in Tennessee history! Thank y…
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
A special thank you to @RepChrisSmith for his strong leadership to pass this legislation. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
The Autism CARES Act is headed to @POTUS to be signed into law! The U.S. Senate just passed @RepChrisSmith, @USRepMikeDoyle, @SenatorEnzi and @SenatorMenendez’s legislation that renews federal programs and activities that assist children and adults with autism and their families. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Thank you very much for this recognition, Phil! —
Dr. Phil Roe @DrPhilRoe
I want to congratulate my friend and Tennessee colleague, @SenAlexander on becoming the longest serving Tennessean…
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Bill, I appreciate this very much. Tennessee is lucky to have you as our governor! —
Governor Bill Lee @GovBillLee
To the man who inspired me to visit every corner of the state and an iconic leader in plaid, congratulations on tod…
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Thank you for the very kind words, Chuck! You are a good friend and a great partner to have in Congress. —
Chuck Fleischmann @RepChuck
Today marks a milestone in @SenAlexander's career. He has served our great state for over 24 yrs & is the only gove……
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Thank you all for this recognition! —
Tennessee Valley Authority @TVAnews
Senator Lamar Alexander has served the people of Tennessee as governor and senator for 9,024 days - more combined y…
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Thank you very much, Tre. —
Tre Hargett @sectrehargett
Congratulations @SenAlexander. Today marks 24 yrs 8 months and 15 days in statewide elected office (governor and U.…
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Tennessee is home to more than 77,000 farms and nearly 11 million acres of farmland. That’s why I voted for and I am glad the Senate Appropriations Committee approved legislation that is a win for Tennessee farmers. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Additionally, this bill includes funding for programs authorized in the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act – legislation I sponsored and @POTUS signed into law to help states and local communities fight the opioid crisis. #OpioidCrisisResponse —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
This bill also provides critical funding for Tennessee projects and priorities – such as helping build roads and bridges, supporting housing needs and enhancing aviation safety at Jackson, Millington and Smyrna. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
I just voted for and the Senate Appropriations Committee approved a spending bill that takes an important step in addressing the nearly $12 billion maintenance backlog in our national parks — including the @GreatSmokyNPS. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Altogether, Mr. Scalia is well qualified to lead the @USDOL. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
…from a Hispanic immigrant whom he represented on a pro-bono basis, from Cass Sunstein, who worked at the White House for President Obama, and from one of Senator Ted Kennedy’s former Senior Counsels on the Judiciary Committee. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Mr. Scalia is supported by a number of trade organizations and the Committee has received letters of support from women he has mentored, from former @USDOL career attorneys whom he worked with while he was Solicitor at DOL… —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
It is embarrassing to ask well-qualified Americans to be nominated by the President of the United States for an important position and then say, “You are innocent until you are nominated” or drag things out for a long period of time. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
It has been about two months since @POTUS announced Mr. Scalia would be the next Labor Secretary. This Committee considered President Obama’s cabinet nominees promptly and with respect, and I trust that the Committee will continue that with President Trump’s nominees. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Businesses and workers need a Secretary of Labor who will steer the Department with a steady hand. I believe Mr. Scalia has the skills to help continue to grow our economy and help workers gain the skills they need to succeed in today’s workplace. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Wages are growing at an annual rate of 3.2 percent. African American unemployment fell to 5.5 percent in August – and to a record low of 4.4 percent for African American women. And overall unemployment is at a 50 year low of 3.7 percent. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
He has served as a guest lecturer on labor and employment law at the @UChicagoLaw and as an adjunct professor at the @UDCLaw. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Mr. Scalia has a distinguished academic background – he graduated with distinction from the @UVA in 1985 and from the @UChicagoLaw in 1990 cum laude, where he served as editor-in-chief of the Law Review. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
From 2002-2003, he served as Solicitor of the @USDOL when George W. Bush was president. As the Department’s chief lawyer, he led initiatives to protect workers, reduce unnecessary burdens, and improve enforcement of workplace safety laws. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
He is currently a partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, where he has spent the majority of his career working on labor, employment and regulatory matters. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Today we are considering the nomination of Eugene Scalia to serve as United States Secretary of Labor. Mr. Scalia has broad experience in labor and employment law in both the public and private sectors. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander