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Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
…protect our nation’s food supply; and regulate tobacco and e-cigarettes. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Looking ahead, the perspective of a physician – and an executive – is what FDA needs to successfully: implement the 21st Century Cures Act; address the opioid crisis, while at the same time, ensure Americans with chronic pain can receive the medications they need… —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
In recent years, this Committee has taken a number of steps to ensure the @US_FDA can keep up with the rapid pace of new discoveries while continuing to ensure the safety of new drugs and devices. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Today, Dr. Hahn is the Chief Medical Officer at @MDAndersonNews, where he continues to treat patients. As a successful chief executive, he will bring a guiding hand to an agency tasked with protecting the public’s health. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
After graduating with his medical degree and completing a residency in internal medicine, he worked for the @theNCI at the @NIH, where he completed a residency in radiation oncology and a fellowship in medical oncology and was a senior investigator. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
He is board certified in both medical oncology and radiation oncology, specializing over the course of his career on prostate, bladder, kidney, testicular, and lung cancers and sarcoma. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Dr. Hahn has both the perspective of a physician and as the leader of a well-respected large health care organization with a large employee base and a diverse mission. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
This is a critical time for the @US_FDA and there is a lot that the FDA needs to do – approve life-saving drugs, regulate tobacco and e-cigarettes, complete the ongoing lung injury investigation, and continue addressing the opioid crisis. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Today, we are holding a confirmation hearing on the nomination of Dr. Stephen Hahn to serve as Commissioner of the @US_FDA. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
I’m about to chair the Senate health committee’s confirmation hearing on Dr. Stephen Hahn—@POTUS’s nominee to lead the @US_FDA. Watch live here: —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
TUNE IN at 10:00 AM ET — I’ll be chairing the Senate health committee’s confirmation hearing on Dr. Stephen Hahn—@POTUS’s nominee to lead the @US_FDA. Watch here: —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
RT @GOPHELP: TUNE IN at 10:00 AM ET — the Senate health committee will hold a confirmation hearing on Dr. Stephen Hahn—@POTUS’s nominee to… —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Today, the United States Senate took an important step forward on our legislation that would be the single most important thing that can happen to the @GreatSmokyNPS in a half century. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
We should spend more on clean energy research instead of the wasteful wind production tax credit. The wind production tax credit is so generous that in some markets wind developers can actually give away their electricity and still make a profit. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
That’s why I’m cosponsoring @SenatorRomney’s bill that establish “rescue committees” tasked with creating legislation to help put the United States on the road to fiscal responsibility by bringing automatic, mandatory spending under control. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
And, unless Congress acts within 13 years, Social Security, Medicare and our Highway Trust Funds will go broke. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
As spending on mandatory entitlements and interest grows, there will be less money for national defense, national laboratories, national parks, and the National Institutes of Health. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
@SenateDems @SenBobCasey You fail to mention that I’ve offered permanent funding for #HBCUs. @SenateDems have twice objected to that. Folks can learn about my proposal for $255 million in permanent annual funding for HBCUs and seven other bipartisan proposals here: —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
The #RestoreOurParks Act that I sponsored to reduce the maintenance backlog at our nation’s 419 national parks, including the @GreatSmokyNPS, is one step closer to becoming law. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Our bipartisan legislation will increase funding for research to create breakthroughs in advanced nuclear reactors, natural gas, carbon capture, better batteries, greener buildings, electric vehicles, cheaper solar and fusion. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
I voted for and the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee just approved the @ARPAE Reauthorization Act I introduced with Sen @ChrisVanHollen. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
I just voted for and the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee approved by 15-5 the #RestoreOurParks Act—legislation I introduced with @senrobportman, Sen @MarkWarner and @SenAngusKing that will cut in half the maintenance backlog at our 419 national parks. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
A year later and the U.S. is still home to the two fastest supercomputers in the world! @ORNL is home to the most powerful computer in the world and is on the path to build Frontier, which will be even more powerful. @top500supercomp —
Sen. Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Scientists around the world have been working to develop faster supercomputers, and @top500supercomp’s list just co…
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
In @JCPress: U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tennessee, on Thursday became the latest cosponsor of a bipartisan bill that aims to designate all types of fentanyl as Schedule I narcotics. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee should approve the #RestoreOurParks Act tomorrow so Americans can enjoy the 419 sites – from the @NationalMallNPS in Washington, D.C., to the @GreatSmokyNPS to the @GrandCanyonNPS – for generations to come. —
Times Free Press @TimesFreePress
As his conservation swan song, U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander has staunchly pushed for legislation to address the more t…
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
There has been a 700% increase in the number of teenagers vaping since 2013—what has @US_FDA and @CDCGov done about this surge of teenagers vaping? I asked them in a bipartisan Senate health committee hearing. Here’s what I learned⤵️ —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
With funding from the @NIH, @VUEngineering is developing a new, non-addictive method for treating chronic pain. Developing non-addictive pain treatments is an important part of ending the opioid crisis. #OpioidCrisisResponse —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
Over the last seven months, over 2,000 Americans have gotten sick and 39 have died from lung illness related to #vaping. This is an epidemic, especially among young Americans, and we need to pay attention to it. —
Lamar Alexander @SenAlexander
That’s why I’m cosponsoring @SenRonJohnson’s Stopping Overdoses of Fentanyl Analogues Act, bipartisan legislation that would designate all types of fentanyl as Schedule 1 narcotics. —