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US Department of the Interior @Interior
Frosty and intricate, icicles hang like ornate chandeliers at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. Protecting 21 islands and 12 miles of Wisconsin shoreline on Lake Superior, Apostle Islands experiences a dramatic transformation in the winter. Pic by Michael DeWitt —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
We are committed to making facilities, programs, and services on public lands accessible for all. With funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we will be expanding access. Every American has the right to experience these special places. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
Nature is the best classroom! We've made it easy to turn these amazing places into virtual learning environments. Check out our online resources for public lands. All you need is an internet connection and a sense of adventure. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
RT @NIFC_Fire: Fire season has become longer due to conditions like winter snows melting earlier & rain coming later in the fall. A 4-month… —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law was enacted mid-November and with it comes a lot of exciting work for Interior. The @OSMRE has a helpful new website to explain what the law means for the Abandoned Mine Land program. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
On this day in 1973, the Endangered Species Act was signed into law. Over the past 48 years, it has helped preserve plants and wildlife for future generations. From the bald eagle to the American alligator, we are thankful for the species this law has helped recover and save. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
RT @USGS_DataSci: Winter is here, and that means snowpack is accumulating throughout the intermountain west! Snowpack is an essential reser… —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
The ocean is vast and full of sounds! For many ocean creatures, sound is how they communicate and find food. The science for understanding and managing marine sound is a major priority for @BOEM. Learn more about BOEM's Center for Marine Acoustics: —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
It's near white-out conditions at Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge when the snow geese and Ross's geese take flight. This annual "bird blizzard" occurs when these plump white geese return to this @USFWS refuge for food and winter shelter. Pic by Douglas Croft —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
.@ShenandoahNPS really knows how to put on a Christmas show! Whatever your holiday traditions may be, we hope you enjoy a season of peace, joy, and beautiful moments in nature. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
#1 On March 18th, we shared our most popular tweet of 2021. With her family by her side, @SecDebHaaland made history by becoming the first Native American cabinet secretary. This moment was indeed historic, and based on the amount of likes and retweets, you thought so too! —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
A majority of the water in the western U.S. comes from snowmelt. Through the Next Generation Water Observing System, the @USGS, is undertaking new efforts to advance snow science through both measuring and modeling snowpack and linking these results to streamflow. Snow to flow! —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
#2 On January 21st, we tweeted this photo of @YellowstoneNPS rush hour traffic. It's easy to see why this is our 2nd most popular tweet of 2021. It's also a good reminder that bison ALWAYS have the right of way. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
From all of us here at Interior, we wish you a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season! —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
#3 On May 6th, we announced America the Beautiful, the Biden-Harris administration’s initiative to conserve at least 30% of lands and waters by 2030. This announcement resonated with you. Thanks for making it number 3! —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
Let’s count down our Top Tweets of 2021! We crunched the numbers and the people have spoken. Over the next three days, we’re going to share the tweets that you made our most popular of the year. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
We 🏖️”shore”🌊are excited! 11.6 miles of shoreline along popular Outer Banks beaches will receive sand from federal waters for beach renourishment and protection. This will help enhance the coastal environment's wildlife habitat as well. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
Happy first day of winter! Across the country America’s public lands are being transformed into winter wonderlands. The days may be colder and shorter, but they are still full of adventure. We hope you find time to explore! Pic of @YosemiteNPS by Jason Hoffmann —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
According to the @TheJusticeDept, American Indian and Alaska Native women are missing and murdered at a rate of more than 10x the national average. A new @BureauIndAffrs website has launched to address this crisis that is devastating Tribal communities. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
🎶Rudolph the red-nosed nuthatch 🎶 Break out your binocs and booties, tis the season for “Christmas bird counts.” One of the world’s oldest and longest-running citizen science efforts, this annual bird count has been in effect since 1900. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
RT @USFWSNews: In 2021, we added nearly 7,000 acres of public land to @USFWSRefuges in #Texas. These acquisitions aim to restore wildlife h… —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
$161 million awarded to rehabilitate the George Washington Memorial Parkway. The Parkway is used by roughly 70,000 vehicles per day and is a main thoroughfare to connecting millions of people to our nation's most treasured historic monuments and parks. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
If you visit the @USFWS Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge in Utah, look out for the birds. They can be very...gull-able. Photo of two gulls reflecting in the sunset, by Brian Clopp. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
Fall transitions to winter at @GreatDunesNPS in Colorado. Passing storms dust the mountains and dunes with snow and cast dramatic shadows over the tallest dunes in North America. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
DYK: In the winter, the sun stays below the horizon for most of the day at Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. During these short December days, the refuge only sees slightly more than 2 hours of sunlight with longer periods of twilight. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
#1 Everyone deserves to feel safe in their communities. This year, @SecDebHaaland created the Missing and Murdered unit within @USIndianAffairs to investigate these cases and marshal resources across federal agencies and throughout Indian country. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
#TeamPublicLands Tip: Check agency or park websites prior to arrival. Stop by a contact station before you set out to learn about fees, pick up permits, and check the weather. Don't get caught out in the cold and have a plan for your public lands adventure. —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
You booked the tickets. You packed your bags. You head out to your destination only to find yourself in the middle of a blizzard. ☹️ #TeamPublicLands, if you are doing some holiday traveling to any public lands sites, "Know Before You Go." Pic of @ArchesNPS by Jelieta Walinski —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
You booked the tickets. You packed your bags. You head out to your destination only to find yourself in the middle of a blizzard. :( #TeamPublicLands, if you are doing some holiday traveling to any public lands sites, "Know Before You Go." Pic of @ArchesNPS by Jelieta Walinski —
US Department of the Interior @Interior
#2 The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is making significant investments in communities across the United States! The funds from the law are helping Interior with: 🛠️Repairing and upgrading infrastructures ♿️Expanding access 🌎Cleaning up legacy pollution 👩🏾🏭Creating jobs —