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David Duke @DrDavidDuke
Dr Duke Exposes ZioMedia hateful Lie that Blacks are being massacred by Whites. Blacks are 27 times more likely to Kill Whites than the Reverse! —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
RT @MattWalshBlog: Tony Timpa was suffocated by police during an arrest. He screamed “you’re going to kill me.” And they did. As he lay dea… —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
This horrific unjustified murder of an unarmed white man trying to cooperate with cops was never shown on media. Not a single national anchor was outraged by this horror! Is that "White Privilege?" Only Blacks killed by police are deemed to be victims! —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
If they had a gun and had used it the media would have labeled them White supremacists and the government would likely have charged them with a hate crime. —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
Don’t go anywhere near these riots! Tell everyone to stay away! —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
Nashville Town hall is burning by rioters! The real face of hate & enemies of civilization are being exposed to all decent Americans. —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@tonyapinkins more lovely vicious racial hate against White people. —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@blackandmilez yeah right! thanks for info, no anti-white hate at all, thanks for the info, freak —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@ChiTownWS58 right and all black crime against other blacks and white people too, its all maga's fault and of course, Putin. Thanks, love your tweet, you show your insanity. —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
Cleveland is chaos right now. Be assured, this is Anti-White Hate Night nationwide! —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@BFranklin2017 I almost 70 and don't need or use them. Do you? —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@chanceitup damn right... But accurately, Not everyone else is racist. But we all know who the most racist group and religion on earth is. But, we are not allowed to say it. We know that white people are arguably many of the fairest folks on the planet. But, we must insure fairness for us! —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@jimbral Hi Joel, wise Zionist, you are so prescient, so wise! Of course, just like all those Black people who murder thousands of fellow Blacks, sell 'em drugs, and take a horrible toll of Whites too, they are all Trump and Barr agents too. How could I not have seen that! You are insane —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@robzilla365 Yeah as a young man I was in a totally nonviolent Klan organization over 40 years ago. Years later a Republican LA House Member. Look at the Streets, all you SJW activists are creating mass violence. I was also also against all the Zio Wars. All I predicted sadly became true! —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@nemish999 Is exposing Zio hate speech against White people. Or massive crimes against Palestinians and others, and opposing the ZioCon wars based on lies such as Iraq. That is hate speech? Very strange definition! —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
Vital Notice-If you love our human rights & heritage-remain with family and friends at home. Stay away from mayhem. Black thugs are already beating some idiot White demonstrators. Many who stupidly think Whites are racist will learn hard lessons when those they idolize beat them! —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@andrew_mihalik Anybody who just looks into it knows who controls the media From Hollywood to the NY Times, to CNN NBC MSNBC, ABC, CBS. I can name them all. It's not all Jews, but is the organized elite who has a very clear agenda on all these critical issues facing America. —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
RT @DrDavidDuke: @MarkTech2014 yes I am massively shadowbanned! I need everyone to make extra efforts to get this twitter feed out to as m… —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@MarkTech2014 yes I am massively shadowbanned! I need everyone to make extra efforts to get this twitter feed out to as many as you can! —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@MaruBarraza @Tirannyo1 You idiot. The issue is Floyd's death. If ZioMedia told the truth it would show White people hurt & killed & raped in massively greater numbers by Black people than Blacks harmed by Whites. But the media just uses a tiny number of cases to incite hate & violence against us. —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@MaruBarraza No, the Zionist control of Hollywood and the Mass Fake News Media is 100 percent responsible for all of this!!!! They drive this anti-White hate and racism. They teach White people to hate themselves. They drive our ethnic cleansing (a crime against humanity) in our own nation. —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
The openly Zio "Hispanic" L.A. Mayor, of proud Zio loyalty & lineage just made a big speech praising the rioters who he said are standing up against those horrible violent, hateful, evil White People of America! —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
George Floyd "Dindu Nutin." He never did nutin, except maybe armed home invasion and robbery. A perfect martyr for "human rights and justice." The purveyors of real mass of murder and mayhem call to us for "Justice." These are Not Good people folks! —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
At this moment ZioMedia incited racist riots against White people boil & explode across the United States. It is a top down revolution by the Zio Establishment that has weaponized African Americans, Mexicans and brainwashed Commies as terrorists seeking to destroy White America! —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
At this moment media incited racist riots against White people boil & explode across the United States. It is a top down revolution by the Zio Establishment that has weaponized African Americans, Mexicans and brainwashed Commies as shock troops to destroy White America! —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@ResPublica2030 @romulusata @Tweeting_Satan They are doomed to lose, but the ZioElite wants to use them and chaos to install a bolshevik style America and the destruction of our people and our all freedoms. —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@fucknamesyo @Hazencruz The real source of anti-White hate is a huge Zio Media Establishment constantly demonizing White people. ZioWood or & the totally Zionist owned NY Times or Zio controlled ABC CBS NBC MSNBC, CNBC or CNN. The haters are ultra-racist supporters of their Racist Ethnic State of Israel —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@N_J_Ligavesh @TomWinner1 It just a typo. Get over it. I obviously know that a comes before a consonant. Known that since I was 6 years old. I don't have time to proof this like my academic papers. I am getting it out there. Be happy I am taking my time to do what I do. —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
@AlexandreYazdi Yes they want to rule over everyone But, for them to takeover America, almost 90 percent White in 1971, they had to ethnically cleanse the White elite from America and replace it by total Zio Elite Control over the media, and political money! That's why incite hate against us! —
David Duke @DrDavidDuke
Fact is the Fake ZioMedia is full of anti-White hate. They should show the many horrific Black crimes against innocent Whites every day. Instead, they show very rare cases of police hurting black criminals! Black Cops kill more Black perps than Whites do. Are they racist too? —
@DrDavidDuke @Tweeting_Satan