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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

RT @MFernich: @DrDavidDuke “Radical Zionist.” Can’t think of a higher compliment. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. It means I’m doin… —

Posted Aug. 19, 2019 Retweet
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Epstein's legal army was 100 percent Zionist! His last lead attorney in court was Fernich a radical Zionist who got a big Zionist award. One thing's for sure. When the Zionist power structure knew Epstein was dead they all did a "HORA." Their secrets were safe! —

Posted Aug. 18, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Alec Baldwin scumbag Servant to the Zios! Epstein was connected with the most powerful and corrupt American & world Zionists, Israeli Prime Ministers, Mossad Leaders and the gangsters of the Mega Group & of course it is the "Russians, they're in charge of everything now!" —

HABFoundation @ABFalecbaldwin

The Russians killed Epstein. They’re in charge of everything now.

Posted Aug. 18, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

The latest Rasmussen Reports national survey finds that only 29% of American Adults believe Epstein actually committed suicide while in jail. People are Waking Up! But we're still waiting though for media to even note that Epstein, Ghislaine, Wexner, Dershowitz...All Zionists! —

Posted Aug. 18, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Nobody knows why? Fake news. We know who's responsible. —

The Economist @TheEconomist

Sperm counts in the Western world are in rapid decline. But nobody knows why

Posted Aug. 17, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Indeed, we are witnessing something *supernatural* here. —

Posted Aug. 17, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Open borders for Israel! —

Posted Aug. 17, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Zionist Prosecutor Berman should have charged Maxwell and other conspirators with Epstein. He didn’t. Is the ZioFix in place? —

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Never forget, this woman is in America because of ➡ ISRAEL! —

Tim Young @TimRunsHisMouth

Wait... so you're telling me that Israel wouldn't let this TOTALLY SANE person in their country?

Posted Aug. 16, 2019 Deleted
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Ghislaine, the daughter of Israeli Mossad Superspy Robert Maxwell is at the center of the Epstein Sex/Blackmail Spy Ring. Many of the victims testified she was the lynchpin of the entire operation and took part in the rapes. Why is she still NOT ARRESTED ????? DEEP ZIO STATE? —

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Finding out who orchestrated the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Not good people problems. —

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Incoming congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez reveals Jewish ancestry at New York Hanukkah event "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat" - Rabbi Ovadia Yosef —

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

@SovietIsrael911 Nice try. —

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

"The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent. - J. Edgar Hoover —

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

"Well, it's a trick, we always use it." —

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

@eyadali1979 —

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

@Eschatologuy —

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

What's that proverb? —

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

"If Denmark was a socialist nation, it would be just like Venezuela." - ((( PragerU ))) —

PragerU @prageru

Socialism has failed across the world, and so the left references nordic countries like Denmark as “proof” that soc…

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

"Well, it's a trick, we always use it." Israel first! —

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

"The Post found the socialite hiding in plain sight in the least likely place imaginable — a fast-food joint in Los Angeles." Eric Michael Garcetti is a Jewish politician currently serving as the Mayor of Los Angeles. Coincidence? —

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

The whole world is watching as the *never forgetters* cry out in pain, as they strike America! —

✡️ Never Again Action ✡️ @NeverAgainActn

@amornetwork @CosechaMovement @FangCollective @Fuerza_Laboral After the first ICE guard ran us over with his truck,…

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Open borders for Israel! Free 🇵🇸 —

✡️ Never Again Action ✡️ @NeverAgainActn

@amornetwork @CosechaMovement @FangCollective @Fuerza_Laboral BREAKING: Here is HD video of an ICE guard driving hi…

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

It would show great weakness if Trump allowed red flag laws. Those in favor (like Omar) hate the 2nd amendment & White people, & there is nothing that can be said or done to change their minds. Trump will have a hard time getting back in office. What a disgrace! Israel first! —

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

It would show great weakness if Israel allowed Rep. Omar and Rep.Tlaib to visit. They hate Israel & all Jewish peop……

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Israel is a "tolerant democracy"? Fake news! Michael Brown was "murdered by a White police officer"? Fake news! Elizabeth Warren is "Native American"? Fake News! Masters. of. Deception. —

Posted Aug. 16, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

On Revolutionary Conservative LIVE ! Everything you want to know about the Epstein Mossad Sex Spy Blackmail Ring! —

Posted Aug. 15, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Dr Duke & Rev Dankof Expose the Murder of Epstein and the (((MEGA))) Mossad Sex Blackmail SPY Ring! —

Posted Aug. 15, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Epstein's pals & moneymen: Wexner, Bronfman, Lauder, Spielberg, etc. His Attys Dershowitz, Lefkowitz, Goldberger, Miller, Weinberg & Fernich. Israeli heads Ehud Barak, Shimon Perez, & Olmert, & Ghislaine Maxwell - daughter of most famous spy in Israel's history. All 100% ZIONIST! —

Posted Aug. 15, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

The prison investigation reveals some guards heard loud screams and shrieks before later finding Epstein. If you see people coming into your cell at 5 am to kill you, you will shout and scream like hell. It's damn hard to shout and scream with bedsheet choking you. Silence! —

Posted Aug. 15, 2019
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David Duke @DrDavidDuke

Epstein Autopsy - Bones broken around adam's apple, far more common in homicide strangulation than hanging. Wa Po "THEY ARE MORE COMMON IN VICTIMS OF HOMICIDE BY STRANGULATION, experts said." Suicide by hanging fails when victims can stand. Epstein was way taller than a bunk! —

Posted Aug. 15, 2019