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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

The pandemic exposed the divide between working families and the top one percent. While many struggled to get by, nearly 500 people became billionaires. If we want to level the playing field, we need to strengthen our unions. This #LaborDay, it's time to pass the #PROAct. —

Posted Sept. 6, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Abortion. Climate Change. Gun violence. Voting Rights. On every single issue Americans are demanding action on, the filibuster is being used to hold back progress. I'm sick of it. Americans are sick of it. And we shouldn't let it hold us back any longer. —

Posted Sept. 5, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Trump and Mitch McConnell stole the Supreme Court majority. Now, they may overturn our constitutionally protected right to an abortion. If we want to protect our rights, we need to increase our Senate majority. Chip in to help elect pro-choice Democrats: —

Posted Sept. 4, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Abortion is health care. It is our constitutional right. And we must never stop defending those rights. —

Posted Sept. 4, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

By refusing to stop Texas's extreme abortion ban from going into effect, the Supreme Court opened the door to other states passing their own bans. Your access to abortion and health care should not depend on the state you live in. We need to pass federal laws now to stop this. —

Evan Donovan @EvanDonovan

NEW: Florida Senate President Wilton Simpson tells me “there is no question” the Florida legislature will consider…

Posted Sept. 3, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Climate change is fueling stronger and more destructive hurricanes — powerful enough to destroy homes in Louisiana, create tornadoes in Maryland, and cause catastrophic, deadly flooding in New York. We need a #GreenNewDeal — and we need to build climate resilient infrastructure. —


Ida has turned New York City into a front line of extreme weather. These are the kinds of scenes that scientists sa…

Posted Sept. 2, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Last night's storm caused devastating flooding and destruction across New York City. Tragically, several people were killed — including a two year old child. I'm praying for the families of those we lost. I'm fighting for relief. And I'm determined to fight the climate crisis. —

Posted Sept. 2, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

But we will not back down from this fight. We must pass federal laws to protect the right to safe, legal abortion. We must pass the Women's Health Protection Act to put an end to these cruel state bans on our rights. And we can't let the filibuster stand in our way. —

Posted Sept. 2, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

The Supreme Court's decision to allow this blatantly unconstitutional abortion ban to go into effect will deprive millions of Texans of crucial health care — and is a disturbing sign that the whole of #RoeVWade could be next. Our reproductive freedom is on the line. —

The New York Times @nytimes

The Supreme Court refused to block a Texas law prohibiting most abortions after six weeks. Its 5-to-4 ruling came l…

Posted Sept. 2, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

For years, states like Texas have passed abortion bans to try to get the Supreme Court to overturn Roe. Now, Trump-appointed justices might just do it. Reproductive rights are human rights, and we will never stop defending them. We must pass the Women's Health Protection Act. —

Posted Sept. 2, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

The Supreme Court allowed Texas's extreme abortion ban to go into effect today, restricting access to abortion for millions of Americans. Other states will follow unless we act NOW. We need to pass the Women's Health Protection Act and protect our rights. —

Posted Sept. 1, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Thanks to the #ChildTaxCredit, we cut taxes for millions of families and kept 3 million children out of poverty. —

Posted Aug. 31, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has been fully approved by the FDA. Millions of Americans have already been safely vaccinated. If you haven't yet, now's the time. Protect yourself and your loved ones and get the COVID-19 vaccine now. —

Posted Aug. 30, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Paid leave isn't just good for moms — it's good for dads and babies, too. Paid leave lets both parents take time to care for and bond with their newborn, without losing the paychecks their growing family is relying on. It's time to pass universal, guaranteed paid leave. —

Posted Aug. 29, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Nearly 60 years ago, John Lewis witnessed the signing of the Voting Rights Act. Nearly 50 years later, he saw the Supreme Court gut it. In his honor, the House passed the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. The Senate must pass it — and we can't let the filibuster stand in our way. —

Posted Aug. 28, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Extreme right wing justices overturned the eviction moratorium in a shadow docket last night, putting Americans at risk of losing their homes in a pandemic. It's time for Congress to act. We need to pass an extension of the eviction moratorium to keep families in their homes. —

The New York Times @nytimes

The Supreme Court rejected the Biden administration’s pandemic eviction moratorium on Thursday, putting hundreds of…

Posted Aug. 27, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

The 19th Amendment was ratified 101 years ago today, granting many women the right to vote. But our work still isn't done. From the suffragists to the civil rights movement to today's activists—we are still fighting to ensure that every vote is counted and every voice is heard. —

Posted Aug. 26, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

.@KathyHochul has the leadership that New York needs, and we are so lucky to have her as our governor. —

Posted Aug. 24, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Thrilled to show my support for our state's dairy farmers at the @NYSFair. Head to Syracuse before it closes on September 6! —

Posted Aug. 24, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

I'm still so grateful for all the child care providers who looked after my boys. But this pandemic has been tough, and many are struggling. We need to pass the #BuildBackBetter plan, invest in our child care workforce, and put affordable child care in reach of every family. —

Posted Aug. 22, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Please get vaccinated. It could save your life — and help save the lives of our kids, grandparents, and loved ones with compromised immune systems. —

Posted Aug. 21, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

@annakelles @IthacaSunrise @SenSchumer .@AnnaKelles agreed. I believe combating the effects of climate change is this generation's moonshot, and I'm fighting w/ everything I have to get this legislation passed. —

Posted Aug. 20, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

We can fight the climate crisis, rebuild communities who have already been hit hard, and build healthier, more resilient communities. And we'll create millions of good union jobs to get the work done. We need to pass the #BuildBackBetter plan to build a Civilian Climate Corps. —

Posted Aug. 20, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Thanks to the #ChildTaxCredit, we put money directly in the hands of working families, cut child poverty and hunger, and helped families buy the supplies they need to set their kids up for success at school. Let's pass the #BuildBackBetter plan and keep this success going. —

Posted Aug. 20, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Every child in America deserves a high-quality education. The #BuildBackBetter budget resolution is the first step towards universal pre-K, which will set all of our kids up for success. —

Posted Aug. 19, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

These are our friends, family, and neighbors — and New Yorkers are standing with them. It's time to pass the #BuildBackBetter budget resolution and get this done. —

Daniel Altschuler 🦋 @altochulo

New from @dataprogress: Overwhelming support across NY (71-23%) for a path to citizenship for DACA and TPS recipien…

Posted Aug. 18, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Congrats, Pete and Chasten! I know you two are going to be excellent parents. We can't wait to meet your little one! —

Pete Buttigieg @PeteButtigieg

For some time, Chasten and I have wanted to grow our family. We’re overjoyed to share that we’ve become parents! Th…

Posted Aug. 17, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Millions of women were forced to leave the workforce during the pandemic. We can't make the same mistake again. The #BuildBackBetter budget resolution is the first step towards guaranteeing universal paid leave for every working family. —

Posted Aug. 16, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Caregivers are undervalued, overworked, and burned out. The #BuildBackBetter plan will be our first step towards giving family and professional caregivers the support and protections they deserve. —

Posted Aug. 15, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

If we treat domestic workers like essential workers, then we have to ensure they get the pay, benefits, and protections that all essential workers deserve. It's time to pass the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. —

Posted Aug. 15, 2021