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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Wishing everyone observing Yom Kippur an easy and meaningful fast. —

Posted Sept. 15, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

As a journalist, activist, and suffragist, Jovita Idár spoke truth to power, exposed injustice, and fought for women's suffrage — before starting a free kindergarten. She made a lasting difference in her community and forever changed this country. #HispanicHeritageMonth —

Posted Sept. 15, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Every year families lose $22.5 billion because they don't have #PaidLeave. A lack of #PaidLeave potentially costs our economy $500 billion every year. The question isn't whether we can afford it — the question is whether we can afford NOT to guarantee universal #PaidLeave. —

Posted Sept. 15, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Instagram doesn't just make teen girls and boys insecure about their bodies — it uses the data it collects from the… —

The Wall Street Journal @WSJ

Anastasia Vlasova joined Instagram at 13 and became entranced by the lives and bodies of fitness influencers. About…

Posted Sept. 14, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Today is Election Day, California. Vote NO on the extreme right-wing attempt to recall Gov. @GavinNewsom. Find a se… —

Posted Sept. 14, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

The COVID-19 vaccine is approved for kids between 12 and 17 years old. Both my boys are vaccinated, and it's brough… —

Posted Sept. 14, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

None of us will have reproductive freedom until all of us have reproductive freedom. Proud to be fighting beside yo… —

Marti @MartiGCummings

. @SenGillibrand is the real deal! Grateful for her guidance and grateful she always includes our transgender commu…

Posted Sept. 13, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Congratulations to @LaphonzaB and @emilyslist! Excited to work with you to help elect even more pro-choice Democratic women across the country! —

Laphonza Butler @LaphonzaB

My entire career has centered around empowering women as they find their voices and make change. I have been proud…

Posted Sept. 13, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

9/11 survivors and first responders are still getting sick after being exposed to toxic smoke and debris from Groun… —

Posted Sept. 11, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Today, we honor the thousands of innocent lives that were taken from us on 9/11, and the thousands of first responders who are injured, sick, or have died from their illnesses as a result of their service. We hold their families in our hearts, and we will #NeverForget them. —

Posted Sept. 11, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Today, we honor and remember the heroes we have lost, send our hearts out to their families and loved ones, and pledge to keep our promises to the heroes who are still with us, and to ensure they get the care they need and deserve. We will #NeverForget their service or sacrifice. —

Posted Sept. 11, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Police officers, firefighters, paramedics, EMTs, construction workers, and transit workers rushed to Ground Zero — at first to save lives, then to help recover the bodies of loved ones. Even 20 years later, many are sick and dying after breathing in the toxic smoke at the Pile. —

Posted Sept. 11, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Cab drivers and public transit workers helped get people away from Ground Zero. Ferries, tug boats, fishing boats, tour boats, and even party boats evacuated half a million people out of Manhattan — a rescue operation larger than Dunkirk in World War II. —

Posted Sept. 11, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Pilots, flight attendants, and passengers protected each other and fought the terrorists where they could. Everyday people helped pull colleagues out of burning buildings, sometimes risking their own lives to save perfect strangers. —

Posted Sept. 11, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Today, many of us can't help but remember the horrors of 9/11. Even twenty years later that shocking day and the terrible weeks that followed are still fresh in my mind. But we saw the best of humanity too, and I choose to remember the uncommon bravery we saw that day. —

Posted Sept. 11, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

John and I fought side by side, and together, we passed the World Trade Center Health Program. Our work isn't done — we're still fighting to make sure the program is fully funded. But I know that no matter what, John will be there to hold us accountable. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

I met him in 2009 when I joined the Senate. I swore I would never stop fighting for 9/11 first responders. Afterward, John turned to me and said, "Now we're yours." It was humbling and a little intimidating — I knew I couldn't fail him. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

After 9/11, @johnfeal2 and his construction crew went straight down to Ground Zero to help the rescue effort. He lost half of his foot when an 8,000 pound steel beam fell on him. His recovery took years, but he found new purpose fighting for his fellow first responders. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

.@johnfeal2 doesn't give a damn about being nice. The only thing he cares about is making sure that 9/11 first responders get what they are due. I've been proud to be at his side throughout this fight. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

When Amazon refuses to give pregnant employees reasonable accommodations, they have to choose between losing their job or risking a miscarriage. That's not right — and it's time to hold Amazon accountable. I'm asking the EEOC to investigate. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

No one should ever have to choose between caring for a sick loved one or losing their job — not during a pandemic, not ever. It's time for universal, guaranteed paid family leave. —

Posted Sept. 9, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Every year, @amyklobuchar emcees the @CWSoftballGame. Since 2009, we've raised over $1.6 million for @YSCBuzz, which supports young women diagnosed with breast cancer. This year, we'll have even more to celebrate when we return to the field. —

Posted Sept. 9, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

I'm so glad my friend @amyklobuchar has made a full recovery. Please, listen to her advice and don't put off your health screenings! —

Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar

I wanted to share an update about my health.

Posted Sept. 9, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Over 70 lives were lost due to Hurricane Ida — more than half of those here in the Northeast during catastrophic flooding. The climate crisis is here, and lives are at risk. We need to pass the #GreenNewDeal and invest in resilient infrastructure. —

Posted Sept. 8, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

The American Jobs and Families Plan is a once in a generation opportunity to strengthen our families and help them thrive. It's time to be bold and pass universal paid leave, affordable child-care, and universal pre-k. —

Posted Sept. 8, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Native women make just 60 cents to every $1 earned by white men. In just a month, that's a difference of $2,055. Over a year, that's $24,656. After 40 years, that's a loss of $986,240. Pay women what they've earned. It's time to close the gender pay gap. #NativeWomensEqualPay —

Posted Sept. 8, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

We must pass the #ForThePeople Act — and we can't let the filibuster hold us back. —

Kyle Griffin @kylegriffin1

It happened: TYLER, Texas (AP) -- Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signs sweeping GOP elections bill, furthering tightening…

Posted Sept. 8, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Most people don't even know they're pregnant by six weeks. Abortion rights shouldn't be in the hands of men like Abbott who don't care about the impossible situation they're putting survivors in. We need to codify #RoevWade and pass the Women's Health Protection Act. —

The Recount @therecount

Reporter: Why force a rape or incest victim to carry a pregnancy to term? Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX): "It doesn't req…

Posted Sept. 7, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Shana Tova to everyone celebrating the beginning of #RoshHashanah tonight! Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year. —

Posted Sept. 6, 2021
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Kirsten Gillibrand @SenGillibrand

Enjoying your long Labor Day weekend? Thank a union. —

Posted Sept. 6, 2021