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Showing page 80 of 1794.
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
Biden sets up God as fall guy when his administration can't deliver 1.5 million vaccinations a day... —
Aaron Blake @AaronBlake
Biden yesterday: “I think with the grace of God . . . we’ll be able to get that to 1.5 million a day,” “I hope we…
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
Too bad they didn't do this at Kent State... —
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
RT @conoroperson: @JSCCounterPunch Militarizing the police was probably one of Biden's favorite achievements of if he'd ever und… —
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
It would be great to know what the "limits" are. They should demand much of it be returned... —
Project On Government Oversight @POGOBlog
Great news: @POTUS is signing an Executive Order today limiting the transfer of military equipment to police. Last…
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
If the French are "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" what are the Dems? At least the French drew a (Maginot) line in the sand. It would be nice to know, for historical purposes, what the Dems had plannned to fight for before they surrendered the weapons needed to wage the battle —
Joshua Holland @JoshuaHol
We won the midterms. Flipped two traditionally red states and three Senate seats. And now what? We need to try to w…
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
That looks like fucking a mining operation... —
Laiken Jordahl @LaikenJordahl
More videos are emerging of #BorderWall construction crews flagrantly defying the @POTUS proclamation to pack up &……
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
RT @LaikenJordahl: More videos are emerging of #BorderWall construction crews flagrantly defying the @POTUS proclamation to pack up & demob… —
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
This is at least Mnuchin's third act. Is it too late for a prosecutor in CA with more guts than Harris had to indict him for his fraudulent mortgages and evictions? Or do we have to wait 10 minutes until he pulls some other scam...? —
Molly Jong-Fast🏡 @MollyJongFast
American life is filled with second acts for wealthy shitty people.
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
Yeah, but at least there are hot springs nearby... —
Uncle Bob @Boobalaa1954
@JohnStauber @JSCCounterPunch There is also a tiny town called Unity in Eastern Oregon.
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
You need a street fighter like Harry Reid to counter him, not a talking ATM like Schumer... —
Russ Smith @MUGGER1955
@JSCCounterPunch McConnell’s a typical hack, but very effective.
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
Rarely have state emblems been so forthcoming about their ecocidal history... —
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
People forget about the woodland bison of the east. I used to hike some of the still extant "buffalo traces" (migra…
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
"Relent"? Mitch won. He got two Democratic senators to defect, publicly humiliate Schumer (not hard), and probably expose Sinema to a primary challenger (deserved). He hand a weak hand, but weaker opponents, setting the tone for the next two years, when GOP will recapture Senate. —
Burgess Everett @burgessev
Manchin and Sinema were enough for McConnell to relent “Today two Democratic Senators publicly confirmed they will…
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
RT @JohnStauber: @JSCCounterPunch Unity is a tiny town in Wisconsin where we could go to illegally buy booze at age 15. I like it better t… —
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
People forget about the woodland bison of the east. I used to hike some of the still extant "buffalo traces" (migratory paths forged by generations of bison) in southern Indiana, Ohio and Illinois. The State Seal of Indiana depicts a bison fleeing a logger with an axe. —
Brett Chapman @brettachapman
This shows how buffaloes were pushed west by American immigrants—just like Native Americans. It’s no coincidence th…
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
Russiagate 2 as a kind of revenge porn... —
Jan Wolfe @JanNWolfe
So far, the judge isn't seeing much a of national security concern in the Riley June Williams case. The FBI got a t…
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
"Unity" seems to be the marketing word of 2021 for something that's going to cost you a lot upfront and give you junk in return... —
The Verge @verge
Apple launches limited-edition "Black Unity Collection" Apple Watch
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
Suffer? Suffer the children in cages... —
Kasie Hunt @kasie
Even if you’ve never heard of @senrobportman, and no matter your party, he’s served as a serious and sincere legisl…
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
RT @Wolfe321: This is on the cover of @Corriere. How is this my life? —
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
I thought Biden was going to let the scientists do the talking on COVID and climate? He got elected largely by keeping his mouth shut and letting Trump go on auto-self-destruct. Now he can't stop blabbing... —
White House COVID-19 Response Team @WHCOVIDResponse
This afternoon, President Biden will deliver remarks on our COVID-19 fight and how we’re working to change the course of this pandemic.
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
The Democrats may want "total control," Senator Haw-Haw. But we want "Complete Control." Hit it boys... —
Josh Hawley @HawleyMO
Democrats in DC say they want unity. They don’t want unity. They want total control. Control of what we say, what w…
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
Where's the check? —
President Biden @POTUS
I gave you my word as a Biden — and I kept that word.
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
People are dying in jail for lack of having a few hundred bucks to post bond for misdemeanors... —
Rachel Weiner @rachelweinerwp
Riley Williams, accused of helping steal Pelosi laptop, back in court. Judge curious why DOJ not asking for jail. P…
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
RT @nickturse: Over 7 attacks by the US, 36 members of the al Ameri and al Taisy families were killed. A quarter of them were children betw… —
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
He's already catalogued all of the books for his presidential library, apparently. —
Frank, Helium Drinker @Red_Blaster
The office of cope
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
In this week's episode of Self-Cancel Culture... —
Kyle Griffin @kylegriffin1
Politico: Newsmax has formally rescinded Sean Spicer's application to be a member of the White House Correspondents…
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
He won't actually do either. —
Gravel Institute @GravelInstitute
Biden has a choice: make friends with Congressional Republicans or make progress. He can't do both.
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
RT @NatCounterPunch: It is fitting that the end of the Trump presidency was marked by two events – the Capitol invasion and the exaggerated… —
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
Gloating Mitch is the most insufferable Mitch. The question is: did Schumer get outplayed? Or is this result he wanted all along, while flirting to end the filibuster? Win-win solution for the leadership of both parties, I think. Lose-lose for the rest of us. —
Jan Wolfe @JanNWolfe
McConnell also declares victory: "Rather than rely on the Democratic leader, I took the discussion directly to his…
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
Good luck putting this djinn back in the Diet Coke bottle... —
Nathan Bernard @nathanTbernard
Good morning from Maine
Jeffrey St. Clair @JSCCounterPunch
RT @RonPlacone: I'm glad Joe Biden is looking to speed up the process of getting Harriet Tubman on the $14 bill. —