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David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @dmac1: The public offering of Trump's media business is being led by a Shanghai investment firm the SEC has investigated for fraud. We… —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @RandallLane: BTW, we've reposted the 2015 Trump cover story that has drawn the attention of the Manhattan DA's office.… —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @RandallLane: 3 months ago, Cyrus Vance subpoenaed me to appear before the Trump grand jury. The Forbes legal team fought it all the way… —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @AliRogin: This is just a fascinating and expertly written/reported/produced piece on what global climate change efforts really look lik… —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
Trump’s not an officeholder. He’s not a candidate. He’s got millions in the bank, $100M in his PAC and a billion-dollar SPAC. But the RNC is still using their money to pay his bills. —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
NEW: The Republican Party has pledged to pay ***$1.6 million*** of Trump’s private legal bills, related to investig…
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
NEW: The Republican Party has pledged to pay ***$1.6 million*** of Trump’s private legal bills, related to investigations of his biz in NY. That’s 10 times more than was previously known. —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @myhlee: Ten years ago, a new supreme leader ascended to power in North Korea. We looked back at key moments in the past ten years of Ki… —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @TrishWbelli: This graphic is as close as many of us will ever get to Congo's peatlands. @JohnMuyskens's great graphic, and incredible v… —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @mjcontrera: Remember in the summer of 2020, when everybody from wannabe celebrity influencers to your high school friend’s mom was post… —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
HOW TO MAKE EASY MONEY WITHOUT LEAVING YOUR HOUSE! This year, Trump has rented his properties out for at least 30 GOP fundraisers, which allow him to monetize his status in the GOP without even leaving home. —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
More on a remarkable man. —
Andrew deGrandpré @adegrandpre
Cashe, still in severe pain, was anguished about the deaths, his sister said. “When Al would gain consciousness, I…
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @jjouvenal: NEW: Police have charged a 70-year-old grandfather in series of stomach churning BASE jumps from some of the D.C. area's tal… —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @emmersbrown: Phil Waldron, of Jan. 6 PowerPoint fame, was invited to speak to a Louisiana voting commission today — showing how those w… —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @davidjlynch: Daniel Snyder pledged support for the NFL’s investigation. His actions tell a different story. —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @S_Evangelina: Ancient water is being pushed to the surface of the Southern Ocean, by volatile winds. That OG Water releases centuries o… —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @davidenrich: Potential insider trading in the days leading up to the announcement of Trump’s media company. @MattGoldstein26 https:/… —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
This @TaskandPurpose story on SFC Alwyn Cashe, who is set to receive a posthumous Medal of Honor on Thursday, is outstanding. —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
One question for prosecutors: did Trump mislead the people who conveyed his financial data to the outside world? Bankers, lawyers, CPAs, etc. If he did, legal experts tell us, the DA could use it as evidence that Trump *intended* to deceive -- a requirement for criminal charges. —
Felicia Sonmez @feliciasonmez
A grand jury in an NY criminal probe has now heard testimony from Trump's longtime accountant, who holds key detail…
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
In addition, prosecutors recently interviewed Rosemary Vrablic, Trump's banker at Deutsche Bank. With Allen Weisselberg still (apparently) not cooperating, this shows prosecutors are looking at the next ring out: non-employees who had intimate knowledge of Trump's finances. —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
NEW: Trump's longtime accountant Donald Bender, who holds key details about his company's inner finances, has testi…
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
NEW: Trump's longtime accountant Donald Bender, who holds key details about his company's inner finances, has testified to the NY grand jury conducting a criminal investigation of Trump. —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
NEW: The DC Fraternal Order of Police Lodge violated the law by setting up a “Jack Daniel’s Fundraising Committee” that sold whiskey on the internet w/o a license, according to a city investigator. —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
The former Trump Hotel in Vancouver will be re-branded as the Paradox Hotel (which frankly sounds like a SyFy original movie where there's another dimension in the linen closet) next year. It was the 4th Trump hotel to close. Trump DC likely to be the 5th. —
Kenneth Chan @iamkennethchan
The shuttered Trump Tower Vancouver will be rebranded as Paradox Hotel ahead of the hotel property's reopening some…
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @ElaheIzadi: This story from @PostRowland is so thorough, and brutal, and urgent: —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @ElaheIzadi: An emergency medicine doctor at an urgent care clinic who contracted covid in March 2020 now is dealing with long covid. He… —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @hroxaner: Incredible findings from propublica on the wealth captured by the baroness of Taylor Energy, a now defunct oil co responsible… —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @yabutaleb7: Testing is a key pillar of Biden's plan to fight omicron. But rapid tests are still hard to find or get in many parts of th… —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
This is a wild story. —
Zach Everson @Z_Everson
EXCLUSIVE: Trump donor allegedly used embezzled money to support the former President’s campaign and lead a lavish…
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @JournoGeoffZ: Incredible investigation into massive problems with Natl Guard units deployed to the Mexican border, by @davis_winkie :… —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
NEW: NY Attorney General seeks to question Trump in a deposition, as she investigates his business practices. —
David Fahrenthold @Fahrenthold
RT @theodoricmeyer: Meet "Julie Fancelli, the 72-year-old daughter of the founder of the Publix grocery store chain" who splits her time be… —