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Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
COVID-19 is not over. The #COVIDCollaborative has mobilized dozens of public health experts and administration officials to provide business leaders with clear and actionable measures they can adopt to keep their workers, customers and communities safe: #COVIDSafeZones. —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
As Democratic lawmakers fight to protect voting rights in Congress, the question before us is: Do we mean to have a participatory democracy? Does this notion of “government of, by and for the people” really mean anything at all? —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
The #FutureofTech must result in better, more accessible sources of information. High-speed internet is not a luxury — it's education, healthcare, commerce and participation in civic life. I talked with @jimbraude about the work of @FOTComm on @GreaterBoston: —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
As we plan for the #futureofwork, we must keep equity at the center. We can take advantage of these changes by opening doors of opportunity for those who have not yet had a chance to flourish in our economy. —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
This is a great start — but it should only be the beginning. Child poverty is stubbornly high in the U.S., with nearly 1 in 7 kids living in poverty today. We have an opportunity to make life less precarious for all families. We must make @POTUS’ new #ChildTaxCredit permanent. —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
.@POTUS’ historic #ChildTaxCredit will help all families succeed. Are you wondering how the process works for families like yours? Those answers and more can be found on —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
BEA’s mission is what much of my life’s work has been about — to make real opportunity and lasting change for Black people through advocacy, politics, public policy, and collaboration with the business community. —
Black Economic Alliance @BlkEconAlliance
We are proud to welcome Gabrielle Sulzberger and @DevalPatrick to the Black Economic Alliance Board of Directors.…
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
That’s why the economy is growing faster than at any time in the last 40 years — and it’s how we #BuildBackBetter. —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
.@POTUS, @VP and Democrats in Congress are delivering on their promise, and now millions of parents will get an extra $3,000 to $3,600 for every child, every year. Helping parents cover child care is another example of the Biden team choosing to invest in us. —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
RT @juliemason: Former Gov. Deval Patrick (D-MA) on the tension between rising crime and social justice/police reform, also 2022 messaging… —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
Tomorrow: The @FOTComm's work continues in Florida with a @knightfdn town hall. Register to submit your questions and thoughts on how to advance innovations in education and talent development for the #FutureofTech. —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
When America faces big challenges, love of country demands that leaders seek out and join together, regardless of party, to find solutions — and save lives. It was a joy to join my fellow @TheCOVIDCollab co-chair Dirk Kempthorne for the launch of @PFADemocracy with @JudyWoodruff. —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
This injunction must be lifted so we can finally right this wrong and build a brighter, more equitable future for all farmers. —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
The reality is the Trump administration failed to give Black farmers the support and relief they needed during COVID-19. @POTUS’ #AmericanRescuePlan attempted to level the playing field for Black farmers and Wednesday’s ruling puts that long-overdue progress at risk. —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
Wednesday’s ruling in District Court continues a century-long streak of governmental discrimination against Black and minority farmers and ranchers when it comes to government assistance. —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
RT @LeadershipNP: Speakers include: @DevalPatrick, @CondoleezzaRice, @MelodyCBarnes, and our very own CEO @dballouaares. —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
RT @LeadershipNP: We're part of the new Partnership for American Democracy, collective impact initiative bringing greater attention and res… —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
Segregation persists in every American city. Not by accident. To fix the harm it does, we must first understand how it happened. @sbd_film from @silkworm_studio is a sober, worthwhile rundown of this history. Take a look — and act. —
Segregated By Design @sbd_film
'Segregated By Design' is now LIVE! Watch, Share and Enjoy the Film! #film #documentary…
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
Happy Father’s Day to fathers of all kinds — dads, stepdads, grandpas, uncles, godfathers, and all the guys who show up for others to offer unconditional love. And to all the ones who have done that for me, THANKS. —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
Congratulations to @SenMarkey on moving the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act forward! —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
In 2007, we made June 19th “#Juneteenth Independence Day” in Massachusetts. Now, it’s a national holiday! I hope we both celebrate this milestone in freedom and also reflect on how much farther we have to go to make freedom and justice real for all. —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
Next week: Connecticut! Join the @FOTComm conversation. —
CT Ed Tech @CTEdTech
CT hosts the Future of Tech Commission town hall 1:00 on June 22. Hear from @GovNedLamont, @SenBlumenthal,…
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
Different perspectives don’t necessarily mean different priorities. We must engage with our neighbors to collectively understand — and solve — the problems we face. My thoughts from American Promise’s #NCLC2021: —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
RT @nokidhungry: What is the role of government and business in solving society’s most intractable problems? @BainCapital’s @DevalPatrick a… —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
Love is love — and the whole world needs a lot more of it. Happy #Pride to the entire #LGBTQ+ community and allies. Never stop fighting for true justice and equality — for yourselves and for all. —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
Today and every day, we honor the servicewomen and -men who gave their lives for our country. We should honor your sacrifice by living the ideals for which you served. —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
The works continues. Join the Bay Area #FutureofTech conversation: —
Cyber Policy Center @StanfordCyber
How can we protect the safety & health of Americans on online platforms and foster a trustworthy, authentic public……
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
RT @AshleyAPutnam: Looking for something to listen to this weekend? Tune in for my first time as a #podcast host! I got to chat with some… —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
Proud to rejoin #BainCapitalDoubleImpact as a senior advisor and member of the new Impact Advisory Council, supporting the team and our #missiondriven companies. This work is crucial for this moment. Learn more about our focus and progress: —
Deval Patrick @DevalPatrick
She’s the right person for the right job at the right time. She’ll be a fearless champion for fairness. —
Yamiche Alcindor @Yamiche
The Senate voted 51-48 on Tuesday to confirm longtime civil rights attorney Kristen Clarke to lead the Justice Depa…