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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The Trump admin.'s decision to end #Census2020 is an obvious attempt to skew the count. There are 60 mil. uncounted households, and many of them are hard to reach ones who most need to be counted. Ending the census early is dangerous for states like NM. —

Posted Aug. 5, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The House passed the Heroes Act months ago to ensure the American people have health & economic support they need during the #COVID19 pandemic. Senate Republicans have had months to follow suit. The Senate should not go on recess until we pass a bill to help American families. —

Posted Aug. 5, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Yesterday I introduced #PACTPA, the first real pesticide reform in 25 years, to ban the most dangerous pesticides like chlorpyrifos and paraquat. Learn more about why this legislation is so important: —

Posted Aug. 5, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

RT @UFWupdates: .@UFWPresident Teresa Romero at teleconference where @SenatorTomUdall & @RepJoeNeguse introduce #PACTPA: "No parent should… —

Posted Aug. 5, 2020 Retweet
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

#PACTPA is about protecting children from brain damage. It’s about protecting farmworkers and their communities from toxic pesticide exposure linked to countless illnesses. It’s about protecting our food supply. It’s about putting public health over corporate profits. —

Posted Aug. 4, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The House passed the Heroes Act in May, but @senatemajldr & @POTUS have denied the need for comprehensive #COVID19 and economic relief. A new package is long overdue, and not the insufficient bill that @senategop brought to the table. Let's help struggling Americans now. —

Posted Aug. 4, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

RT @thenewmexican: New Mexico Sen. Tom Udall is spearheading what would be the most extensive pesticide legislation in 25 years, calling fo… —

Posted Aug. 4, 2020 Retweet
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The U.S. uses ~1 billion pounds of pesticides a year—while the rest of the world uses ~4.6 billion pounds a year ALL TOGETHER. Many of the pesticides we use in the U.S. are banned elsewhere. We need reform & that’s why I introduced #PACTPA w/ @RepJoeNeguse. #PeopleNotPesticides —

Posted Aug. 4, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Today we are introducing the Protect America’s Children From Toxic Pesticides Act, #PACTPA. This is a bill to protect our children, farmworkers, communities and wildlife from dangerous chemicals. Proud to lead the way on the first real reform to our pesticide laws in 25 years. —

Posted Aug. 4, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

.@POTUS' signature on the #GAOA is welcome, but won't erase his long record of attacks on our public lands and environment. There's much conservation work ahead of us—including getting to #30x30—so let's build on the grassroots success of #GAOA to get it done. —

Posted Aug. 4, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The #LWCF is already our most successful conservation program, but full, permanent funding will allow us to realize the promise envisioned by my father when he helped create it decades ago. —

Posted Aug. 4, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Today, the Great American Outdoors Act will become law. This is a momentous conservation victory, and make no mistake: it was only possible because of the hard work of conservation champions, Native leaders, and communities across the nation. This is a real grassroots win. —

Posted Aug. 4, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

This hateful, anti-Semitic vandalism has no place in NM. The fact that it happened during the funeral of John Lewis, a civil rights icon, is unconscionable. I stand with the NM Holocaust Museum as they continue their mission to end hate & intolerance. —

Posted Aug. 4, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Tomorrow I'm introducing #PACTPA: the Protect America's Children from Toxic Pesticides Act, with @RepJoeNeguse. The United States lags behind other countries in protections against dangerous chemicals being used on the food we eat. It's time to modernize our pesticide laws. —

Posted Aug. 3, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The #COVID19 pandemic and economic crisis are far from over, so why did @senategop let the $600 UI benefit expire? NM families relied on it to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. We need to renew it immediately. —

Posted Aug. 3, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Today is the one year anniversary of the El Paso Walmart mass shooting, a senseless act of white nationalist terrorism. I'm keeping victims, their families and the whole El Paso community in my heart. We must work together to end hate and violence. —

Posted Aug. 3, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

William Perry Pendley has a clear history of racism toward Native Americans. He should not lead @BLMnational, and all senators should oppose him serving in any role with power over Tribal interests. —

Posted Aug. 3, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

RT @SenJackyRosen: .@SenDougJones, @SenatorHassan, and I are leading our colleagues in a letter to Leader McConnell asking him to bring the… —

Posted Aug. 1, 2020 Retweet
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Tonight, expanded unemployment assistance will expire for 100,000+ people in NM—because @SenateGOP and the Trump admin. want cuts and delays. The House passed a bill to extend it months ago. I won’t stop fighting to right this wrong, so families in NM get the support they need. —

Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

100,000+ in NM are depending on the extra $600/week in federal unemployment assistance to survive. We must continue…

Posted July 31, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The GOP coronavirus proposal includes more money for a new FBI building to appease @POTUS than it does for the Indian Health Service to fight COVID-19 in Native communities. That tells you all you need to know about the Trump administration and GOP leadership's priorities. —

Posted July 31, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Congratulations to Evelyn Juarez of @NorthernNNMC on this prestigious award! You are going to do great things for your community as you pursue a career in medicine. #DREAMers like Evelyn represent our nation’s values of hope and opportunity. —

Posted July 31, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

#COVID19 has further highlighted the impacts of insufficient broadband access on Indian country. The @FCC must extend the 2.5GHz Rural Tribal Priority Window— which helps #ConnectTribes in rural areas— by 180 days to give Tribes more time to apply for better #BroadbandAccess. —

Posted July 31, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

This week’s @IndianCommittee passage of the Tribal Wildlife Corridors Act is a big step forward for Tribes to better protect human health and safety, and native species and habitat on tribal lands. #ProtectWildlifeCorridors —

Posted July 31, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The @senategop #COVID19 proposal completely shortchanges Tribal governments and Native American communities. My statement with Dem. Leader @SenSchumer: —

Posted July 31, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Lifesaving products like masks, gloves and sanitizing supplies should be affordable and widely available to every American, but scam artists are disrupting routine ways of doing business to profit from this crisis. —

Posted July 30, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

I'm introducing a bill to empower federal and state authorities to do more to stop predatory scammers that are taking advantage of the COVID-19 crisis: —

Posted July 30, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Thank you, @BarackObama. The arbitrary, 60-vote filibuster has long been an obstacle to progress, particularly on racial justice and voting rights. In the majority and in the minority, I've called for an end to it. We need rules reform to fix our broken Senate. —

Grace Panetta @grace_panetta

Obama just called for eliminating the filibuster if "that's what it takes" to pass new voting rights laws, calling it "a Jim Crow relic"

Posted July 30, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Today’s funeral for Rep. John Lewis was a beautiful tribute to an incredible life. He is a true American hero, and we must ensure that his legacy lives on— not just in our words, but by carrying forward his work. Rest in peace, my friend. —

Posted July 30, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

USPS doesn’t need a loan with political strings attached. It needs relief funding. —

Posted July 30, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The @senategop #COVID19 bill provides $0 in @USPS assistance. That's unacceptable, because the postal service is a lifeline for so many small businesses, people in rural America, and others across the nation. It is an essential public service. We need to #SaveUSPS. —

Posted July 30, 2020