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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

I’m proud to co-sponsor the THRIVE Agenda — a bold economic renewal plan that puts millions of people back to work in good union jobs, fights for environmental justice and helps us build a more just, healthy, and equitable society. #TimeToThrive —

Posted Sept. 11, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

19 years ago today, our nation was forever changed. As we remember the 9/11 attacks on our nation, we vow to #NeverForget those we lost on that tragic day, their loved ones, the survivors & the brave first responders who exemplified service & sacrifice for their fellow Americans. —

Posted Sept. 11, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Right now, New Mexico’s response rate for #Census2020 is one of the lowest in the nation. I know we can do better, and we must. Billions are at stake if participation doesn’t turn around dramatically. #NMCounts2020 —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The House passed the HEROES Act 3 months ago. @senatemajldr has failed to act and instead is wasting time on a partisan, insufficient proposal. Families in New Mexico need help now. Let’s get to work on a real, bipartisan relief package. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

A stunning new report from @WWF shows wildlife populations down by 68% in the last 50 years. We need to pass #30x30 to conserve 30% of our land and water in the next ten years to save nature and ultimately ourselves. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

This is the reality of our climate emergency: devastating fires in the West are getting more severe every year because of climate change. We need to #ActOnClimate, or else our communities and landscapes will face more destruction. —

Posted Sept. 10, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The president stated in February that he knew how dangerous #COVID19 was, and yet he hid the truth and failed the country. Other countries are getting back to normal, but @POTUS' total unfitness for office has made that impossible in the US. —

Posted Sept. 9, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

William Perry Pendley can’t be confirmed by the Senate to lead @BLMNational, he doesn’t have the trust of the people, and his track record in and out of office puts resource development above public lands & native peoples. BLM needs a real leader. His time is up. —

Posted Sept. 9, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

I want to be clear: after MONTHS of inaction w/ millions still out of work due to the pandemic, and nearly 200,000 Americans dead, Republicans are offering a partisan, grossly insufficient proposal that is far too little, far too late. Let’s get to work on a real relief package. —

Posted Sept. 9, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

This Republican relief package: ➡️ does nothing to stop the layoffs facing states & Tribal governments for essential workers ➡️ cuts unemployment assistance ➡️ undermines the Postal Service ➡️ doesn't provide the bare minimum necessary for a national testing plan —

Posted Sept. 9, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The House passed the HEROES Act over 3 months ago. But @senatemajldr said a new relief bill wasn't urgent. Now @senategop comes to the table w/an inadequate package, manufacturing partisan debate instead of actually trying to help struggling families through the #COVID19 crisis. —

Posted Sept. 9, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Just a reminder: the Trump administration has the worst environmental record in history. @POTUS can't hide from his record of one polluter giveaway after another. —

Posted Sept. 9, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Trump lets his campaign use our nation’s parks system as a political stage: -his convention speech at the White House -VP's speech at Fort McHenry -fireworks over the Washington Monument spelling “T-R-U-M-P" It's both outrageous AND legally suspect. We need accountability. —

Posted Sept. 8, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Such evasion of individual donation limits would be a blatant violation of campaign finance laws. I’m glad House Oversight is investigating these serious accusations and Dejoy’s continued attempts to sabotage @USPS. —

Posted Sept. 8, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The American people want public lands protected, clean air and water, and action on climate change— all of which the Trump administration has actively fought against. We cannot allow @POTUS to pretend his terrible environmental record doesn’t exist. —

Posted Sept. 8, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The Senate is back in session and our #1 priority must be getting people the help they need during #COVID19. The House passed the Heroes Act months ago— @senatemajldr needs to stop wasting time on too-little, too-late proposals, and work with us to give people relief. —

Posted Sept. 8, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

This #LaborDay, amid the #COVID19 crisis, it's clearer than ever we must stand up for workers, including the frontline workers who show up every day to keep our families safe and healthy, and keep our country moving forward. Now more than ever, Congress needs to have their back. —

Posted Sept. 7, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

On #LaborDay, we honor the labor movement and our progress toward a safer, more equitable workplace. But let’s also acknowledge how far we have to go. Let’s keep fighting so working people get the support they need during #COVID19— and that means passing a real relief package. —

Posted Sept. 7, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

It is vital that every New Mexican go to and make sure you get counted ASAP! Our state is falling behind in responses, and fewer responses means significantly less funding for NM for the next 10 years, and we can't let that happen. —

Posted Sept. 4, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Want to learn more about why we need to #ProtectWildlifeCorridors? This interactive map from @WstrnPriorities is a beautiful illustration of why we need to keep working to conserve nature and get to #30x30: —

Posted Sept. 4, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

September marks Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. If you or someone you love is struggling, I want you to know that you are not alone. If you need help, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. —

Posted Sept. 4, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Over 6 million Americans have been infected with #COVID19, and @POTUS still has no national testing plan— and now he plans to do even less. We’ve long known testing is key to getting our schools open and economy back on track. Unacceptable. —

Posted Sept. 3, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The American people are waiting for the Trump administration to step up their negligent #COVID19 response— but the admin. is focusing on fast-tracking major drilling projects, supporting polluters over the people. —

Posted Sept. 3, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

This administration is playing fast and loose with the facts to fit their anti-public lands agenda. This report documents how they misled Congress and the public about their reasons for moving BLM headquarters. —

Posted Sept. 3, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

These are the heartbreaking outcomes of the Trump Administration’s inhumane Family Separation policy. This administration continues to inflict cruelty on children and families, and it needs to stop. #FamiliesBelongTogether —

Posted Sept. 2, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The president’s response to #COVID19 has been incompetent from the start. And this misguided decision is a major abdication of United States’ leadership. This is a GLOBAL pandemic, we ALL need to work together to end it & ensure lasting economic recovery. —

Posted Sept. 2, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

RT @SenWhitehouse: Fascinating oceans work by @Enric_Sala confirming that a healthy planet matters for human health, even undersea. We n… —

Posted Sept. 2, 2020 Retweet
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The Trump-backed Postmaster General’s decision to remove postal sorting machines and instigate many new operational rules have caused the slowdown of vital mail. This can’t continue— @USPS is a vital public service and needs urgent Congressional support to run smoothly. —

Posted Sept. 1, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Postmaster DeJoy’s changes to @USPS have created serious mail delays, which are dangerous for the many New Mexicans and people across the nation who rely on USPS’s timely delivery of things like ballots and prescriptions. —

Posted Sept. 1, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Once again, in the middle of a pandemic, the @EPA has rolled back a rule that was protecting our environment and public health. This means more toxic contamination from lead, selenium and arsenic in our streams and rivers. Who is this helping? Polluters. —

Posted Sept. 1, 2020