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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

61 of my fellow lawmakers & I wrote to POTUS demanding his admin. take leadership on plastic pollution. We can’t flood Kenya with our plastic trash or undermine their efforts to address pollution. We need to get away from single-use plastic, not offload it to developing nations. —

Posted Oct. 1, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

By rushing a Supreme Court nomination through the Senate, @senategop is on track to end pre-existing condition protections for over 130 million people across the nation during a pandemic. They have no replacement for the #ACA if #SCOTUS overturns it. This is dangerous. —

Posted Oct. 1, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Have you filled out the #2020Census yet? If not, you can do so in 10 minutes or less and it will make a big difference for your community over the next 10 YEARS. You can complete it over the phone at 844-330-2020, by mail, or online at —

Posted Oct. 1, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The Trump @EPA has completely abandoned its mission. In TSCA reform, we gave them direction to FINALLY protect Americans from toxic chemicals in our lives. Sadly, their lack of action here is par for the course. —

Posted Oct. 1, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Trump's Dept. of @Interior covered up a report showing how drilling could hurt polar bears in the Arctic. Holding back this key info serves a singular purpose: helping polluters at the expense of precious wildlife and the environment. It’s unacceptable. —

Posted Sept. 30, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Congress must do more— and the Trump administration needs to do better— to ensure IHS gives Tribes the support they need. Native communities have been hard-hit by #COVID19: a new relief package must be passed ASAP, but the administration needs to step up. —

Posted Sept. 30, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Let me get this straight: to @senatemajldr, getting the American people the help they need during the #COVID19 pandemic isn’t urgent, but putting someone on the bench who will vote to rip away health care for millions is? That's unconscionable. —

Posted Sept. 30, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Plastic producers and shippers discharge millions of plastic pellets into our water without consequences. These tiny pellets have massive effects on wildlife, humans & our entire ecosystem. That's why I've introduced a bill to curb this kind of pollution. —

Posted Sept. 30, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

.@senategop has tried and failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act, so now they are hoping a new #SCOTUS justice will do that work for them. This would take away health care from Americans who need it— all in the middle of a pandemic. —

Posted Sept. 29, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

I introduced the #30x30 Resolution to Save Nature to reinforce the United States’ commitment to preventing a mass extinction caused by unsustainable development. We must act urgently to protect the planet’s life support system that enables our own survival and prosperity. —

Posted Sept. 29, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Refusing to sign the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature is another massive abdication of leadership by the Trump administration. #30x30 —

Posted Sept. 29, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Filling out the #2020Census is one of the easiest ways you can make a positive impact on your community. Fill it out today, it’s only 10 questions and it makes a big difference: —

Posted Sept. 29, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Filling out the #2020Census is one of the easiest ways you can make a positive impact on your community. Fill it out today, it’s only 10 questions and it makes a big difference: —

Posted Sept. 29, 2020 Deleted Just a Typo
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

President Trump wants to handpick another #SCOTUS justice who would preside over issues that arise from the presidential election he is running in. Just another example of this corrupt president trying to undermine our democracy. —

Posted Sept. 28, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

When you fill out the census, it ensures that your community will get the funding it needs over the next ten years. It’s essential for keeping families healthy and protecting vulnerable people—fill it out today. #Census2020 #CensusCounts #NMCounts2020 —

Posted Sept. 28, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

$750 is a scandal. President Trump’s tax returns just go to show what so many of us suspected: he is abusing a tax system that favors the wealthy & hurts working families. Once in office, he then pushed massive tax cut for the ultra-wealthy like himself. —

Posted Sept. 28, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

To all who are celebrating #YomKippur in New Mexico and around the country and world, Jill and I wish you a meaningful, reflective day and an easy fast. —

Posted Sept. 27, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

On the eve of a presidential election, the GOP assault on precedent & principle—all to destroy the #ACA & advance an extreme right wing agenda they can't pass in Congress—is unconscionable. I will fight this as hard as I can. And urge all Americans to make their voices heard. —

Posted Sept. 26, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Trump and Senate Republicans are pulling out all the stops to rip away health care from millions in the middle of a pandemic. And they're even threatening to use this nominee to put their thumb on the scale of the upcoming election—to stop counting votes. It is indefensible. —

Posted Sept. 26, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Let's be clear: Senate Republicans want to rush a justice onto #SCOTUS in time to destroy the Affordable Care Act—as we battle a pandemic that’s killed 200,000+. The GOP told struggling families to wait on COVID relief. But they'll confirm a lifetime justice in a few weeks. —

Posted Sept. 26, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Happy National Public Lands Day! Entrance is FREE today at all National Park Service sites. I hope you can get outdoors responsibly & enjoy our nation’s great outdoor treasures. We need to protect our public lands so future generations can experience their beauty. #FindYourPark —

Posted Sept. 26, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Just in: A federal judge has stepped in to end William Perry Pendley’s unlawful, unconfirmed leadership of the Bureau of Land Management. Pendley is an anti-public lands zealot—this is a win for all who value the law, conservation and Tribal sovereignty. —

The Associated Press @AP

BREAKING: A federal judge has ruled that the Trump administration’s public lands steward has been serving unlawfull…

Posted Sept. 25, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

RT @AP: BREAKING: A federal judge has ruled that the Trump administration’s public lands steward has been serving unlawfully and has blocke… —

Posted Sept. 25, 2020 Retweet Deleted
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The Navajo Nation, All Pueblo Council of Governors, and a coalition of 50 groups are urging @Interior to indefinitely pause plans for drilling near #Chaco Canyon--because we are still in the middle of a global pandemic. Will the Interior Department listen? —

Posted Sept. 25, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Senate Republicans couldn’t manage to repeal the ACA in Congress— so now they’re trying to rush a judge onto the Supreme Court in time to destroy the law there.  Health care coverage for millions is at stake. —

Posted Sept. 25, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

There is still time to take the #2020Census! Answering just 10 short questions will help make sure New Mexico gets the resources our communities deserve for vital services. #GetCounted here: —

Posted Sept. 25, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

The Tongass National Forest is our Amazon--our rainforest. Overturning the roadless rule opens this important habitat up to logging for export again. It’s yet another Trump attack on our public lands.   We need to protect nature and get to #30x30, not go backward. —

The New York Times @nytimes

The Trump administration is expected on Friday to finalize its plan to open about 9 million acres of Alaska’s Tonga…

Posted Sept. 25, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

RT @BettyMcCollum04: Adm. Wheeler’s @EPA must stop shielding reorganizations from Congressional scrutiny. Taxpayers deserve to know that th… —

Posted Sept. 25, 2020 Retweet
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

Today, Justice Ginsburg is making history one final time – becoming the first woman and first Jewish person ever to lie in state in the U.S. Capitol. Let her trailblazing legacy live on in our work for justice and fairness for all. #RBG —

Norah O'Donnell 🇺🇸 @NorahODonnell

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s casket has arrived in Statuary Hall at the US Capitol. Ginsburg is the first woman…

Posted Sept. 25, 2020
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Archive: Senator Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall

RT @SenateDems: “After failing to repeal the ACA in Congress, now the Republicans are trying to destroy it in the courts.” —@SenatorTomUda… —

Posted Sept. 24, 2020 Retweet