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Rick Warren @RickWarren

The longer you hold on to resentment,the more your past hurts keep hurting you. That’s just stupid. —

Posted Oct. 29, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

@philmunsey Fame is the addicting drug that's shot directly into our "vain" —

Posted Oct. 29, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

Because of the limits of people's memory, it takes far more than preaching sermons to make disciples.Study how Jesus did it —

Posted Oct. 29, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

Even I can't remember all I said 72 hrs later & I preached it 6 TIMES! If people don't write it down,they wont remember it —

Posted Oct. 29, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

"Not all who SAY I'm their Lord will enter heaven but only those who DO my Father's will" Mt7:21 Talk is cheap/Faith acts —

Posted Oct. 29, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

Unless u teach them to take notes & apply the truth in small groups, people forget 94% of a sermon within 72 hrs(USAF stat) —

Posted Oct. 29, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

Some of my early sermon outlines & titles were too clever. I eventually learned it's more important to be clear than cute. —

Posted Oct. 28, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

My guys teaching with me at RADICALIS 2011 @_Matt_Carter @pwilson @stevenfurtick @davegibbons @shawnlovejoy @PastorSergio ! —

Posted Oct. 28, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

God wants us to build our lives on his great purposes & promises, not petty rules. —

Posted Oct. 27, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

Services full of unbelievers is an evangelism win. Small groups full of radical believers is a discipleship win. Acts5:42 —

Posted Oct. 27, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

My sinful biases & failure to recognize how LITTLE I really know is a huge barrier to God's greater blessing&use of my life —

Posted Oct. 27, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

God never blesses Know-it-Alls.He uses & blesses the humble because they're teachable & learn from everyone.Ps25:9 Prov3:34 —

Posted Oct. 27, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

It takes at least a decade of real ministry for God to rid us of the arrogance we develop in college & seminary. —

Posted Oct. 27, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

Whenever God gives you a check in your gut,stop IMMEDIATELY! Dont just slow down, STOP & LISTEN! It's saved me many times. —

Posted Oct. 27, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

Ps.46:10 "Be still and know that I am God" means sit down & shut up. You cant hear God if you're never quiet. —

Posted Oct. 27, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

Wearing a mask wears you out.Faking it is fatiguing.The most exhausting activity is pretending to be what you know u arent. —

Posted Oct. 27, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

If u want your life to count, u must get with people using their lives to make a difference & stop hanging with complainers —

Posted Oct. 27, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

Whether or not you're happy is largely influenced by the people you hang out with. —

Posted Oct. 27, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

People gather in EMOTIONAL CLUSTERS on social networks. Angry people attract each other.The happy hang out together. etc —

Posted Oct. 27, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

The gospel of wealth is the polar opposite of the wealth of the Gospel. —

Posted Oct. 26, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

Be careful in using the phrase "God & Country." Some may conclude they're equal in importance. That's idolatry. —

Posted Oct. 26, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

In elections,it's Christlike that our witness be PRINCIPLED yet PEACEFUL, never partisan nor petty.Our King isnt American! —

Posted Oct. 26, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

You love most what you think about most. If you love your ministry more than Jesus, you're committing idolatry. —

Posted Oct. 26, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

Satan loves for you to to ARGUE the truth with believers so you never actually SHARE it with unbelievers.Don't fall for it! —

Posted Oct. 26, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

When daylight savings ends&people get 1 extra hr of sleep is usually the 3rd highest attended. Use Nov.7 for a Friend Day! —

Posted Oct. 26, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

Theme of our new GC2 Network starting in 2011: "A great commitment to the Great Commandmen & the Great Commission." Join us —

Posted Oct. 26, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

We're commanded to be "the light of the world, a city set on a hill" To be that you must take the Higher Ground when hurt. —

Posted Oct. 26, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

Being an evangelist requires me to speak to groups I totally disagree with.You can't win them unless you reach out in love. —

Posted Oct. 26, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

The more new things I try,the more deadends I hit.but I also increase my odds of succeeding.Failure is the path to success —

Posted Oct. 26, 2010
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Rick Warren @RickWarren

You simply cant spend more than you make. Irresponsibility catches up with you - even if u r the govt & print the money. —

Posted Oct. 26, 2010