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Pope Francis @Pontifex
The Beatitudes are not for supermen, but for those who confront the challenges and trials of every day. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Without communion and without compassion that is constantly nourished by prayer, theology not only loses its soul, but loses the intelligence and the ability to intepret reality in a Christian way. #NaplesVisit #VeritatisGaudium —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Dear young people, I would like to tell each one of you: God loves you; never doubt it, whatever happens to you in life; under any circumstances, you are infinitely loved. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
With refugees, Divine Providence offers us an opportunity to build a more supportive, more fraternal society, and a more open Christian community, according to the Gospel. #WithRefugees —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Jesus became bread broken for us, and He asks us to give ourselves to others, no longer to live for ourselves, but for one another. #CorpusDomini —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
May the Holy Spirit lead us to live more fully as children of God and as brothers and sisters. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Faith is a relationship, an encounter, and under the impetus of God's love we can communicate, welcome, and understand the gifts of others and respond to them. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Holy Spirit, harmony of God, You who transform fear into trust and hard-heartedness into gift, come into us! —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Each one of us has infinite value for God: we may be small under heaven and powerless when the earth trembles, but for God we are more precious than anything. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity tells us that we do not have a solitary God up there in heaven, far away; no, He is the Father who gave us his Son, who became man like us, and who sends his own Spirit to be even closer to us. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
The Holy Spirit calls all of us and helps us discover the beauty of being together and of journeying together, each in his or her own language and tradition but happy to be amongst brothers and sisters. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
I am close to many elderly people who live hidden away, forgotten, neglected. And I thank those who are committed to a more inclusive society, which does not need to throw away those who are weak in body and mind. #WEAAD —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Holy Spirit, our harmony, You who make us one body, infuse your peace in the Church and in the world! —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
The #poor save us because they enable us to encounter the face of Jesus Christ. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Holy Spirit, make us artisans of harmony, sowers of good, apostles of hope! —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
As adults we must not rob children of their capacity to dream. Let us seek to promote an environment of hope, where their dreams may grow and be shared: A shared dream opens the path towards a new way of life. #NOChildLabourDay —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Give freely that which you have received freely, so that God's graces may reach the hearts of all. #SantaMarta —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Holy #MaryMotherOfTheChurch, help us to entrust ourselves fully to Jesus and to believe in His love, especially in times of trial, beneath the shadow of the Cross, when our faith is called to mature. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
To men and women missionaries, and to all those who, by virtue of their baptism, share in any way in the mission of the Church, I send my heartfelt blessing. #MissionaryOctober #Pentecost —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
To men and women missionaries, and to all those who, by virtue of their baptism, share in any way in the mission of the Church, I send my heartfelt blessing. #MissionaryOctober #Pentecost papa-francesco_20190609_giornata-missionaria2019.html —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Holy Spirit, breathe into our hearts and let us inhale the tenderness of the Father. Breathe upon the Church, so that she may spread the Gospel with joy. Breathe upon the world the fresh restoration of hope. #Pentecost —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Lord, defuse the violence of our tongues and our hands. Renew our hearts and minds, so that the word which always brings us together will be "brother", and our way of life will always be: Peace. #OneMinuteForPeace —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
How do I know the Lord listens to me? We have a certainty: Jesus. He is the great intercessor. He ascended into Heaven, and He stands before the Father to intercede for us. His prayer of intercession is never-ending. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Today, with gratitude to God, we remember that our body contains the elements of the planet: its air is that which gives us breath, and its water revives and restores us. #BeatAirPollution #LaudatoSì —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Euthanasia and assisted suicide are a defeat for all. We are called never to abandon those who are suffering, never giving up but caring and loving to restore hope. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Without wonder, faith, like life, becomes grey and routine. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
The Ascension of our Lord into Heaven inaugurates a new form of the presence of Jesus amongst us, and asks us to have the eyes and the heart to encounter Him, serve Him, and be His witness to others. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Fecioara Maria să-și întindă ocrotirea ei de mamă peste toți cetățenii României care, în decursul istoriei, și-au pus întotdeauna încrederea în mijlocirea ei. Fecioarei Maria vă încredințez pe voi toți și mă rog pentru ca ea să vă călăuzească pe calea credinței. #ApostolicJourney —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Let us choose the way of Jesus. It is a way that demands effort, but the way that brings peace. #ApostolicJourney #Romania —