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Pope Francis @Pontifex
Lord, to you we entrust all those whose span of earthly life was cut short by the violent hand of their brothers and sisters; we also pray to you for those who caused such harm. May they repent, touched by the power of your mercy. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Love is our strength, strength of so many brothers and sisters who here too have suffered prejudice and indignities, mistreatment and persecutions for the name of Jesus. #ApostolicJourney #Iraq —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
To be blessed, we do not need to become occasional heroes, but witnesses day after day. Witness is the way to embody the wisdom of Jesus. That is how the world is changed: not by power and might, but by the Beatitudes. #ApostolicJourney #Iraq —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Almighty God, our Creator, you love our human family, we, children of Abraham, ask you to welcome into your abode of peace and light all victims of violence and war. #ApostolicJourney #Iraq —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
It is up to us, today’s humanity, especially believers, to turn instruments of hatred into instruments of #peace, to appeal firmly to the leaders of nations to make the increasing proliferation of arms give way to the distribution of food for all. #ApostolicJourney #Iraq —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Where does the journey of peace begin? From the decision not to have enemies. Anyone who believes in God, has no enemies to fight. He or she has only one enemy to face, one that stands at the door of the heart and knocks to enter: it is hatred. #ApostolicJourney #Iraq —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
#Peace does not demand winners or losers, but brothers and sisters who, despite past hurts, journey from conflict to unity. Let us ask for this in praying for the whole Middle East, especially for war-torn Syria. #ApostolicJourney #Iraq —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Let us remember our brothers and sisters who have paid the extreme price for their fidelity to the Lord. May their sacrifice inspire us to renew our trust in the strength of the Cross and its saving message of forgiveness, reconciliation and rebirth #ApostolicJourney #Iraq —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Only if we succeed in regarding each other, with our differences, as members of the same human family, can we begin an effective process of reconstruction and leave a better, more just and more human world to the future generations. #ApostolicJourney #Iraq —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
I come as a penitent, asking forgiveness from Heaven and our brothers for so much destruction and cruelty; a pilgrim of peace, in the name of Christ, Prince of Peace. How we have prayed, in these years, for peace in #Iraq! God always listens. It is up to us to walk His paths. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
My dear Christian brothers and sisters from #Iraq, who have testified to your faith in Jesus amid harsh sufferings: I cannot wait to see you. I am honoured to encounter a Church of martyrs: thank you for your witness! —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Tomorrow I will go to #Iraq for a three-day pilgrimage. I have long wanted to meet those people who have suffered so much. I ask you to accompany this apostolic journey with your prayers, so it may unfold in the best possible way and bear hoped-for fruits. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
#Lent is a time to believe, or rather to receive God into our life so that we may “make our home with Him” (Jn 14: 23) —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Sad news of bloody clashes and loss of life reach us from Myanmar. I appeal to the authorities involved that dialogue may prevail over repression, and ask the international community to ensure that the aspirations of the people of Myanmar are not stifled. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
We would not have had the courage to believe in a God who loves humanity, if we had not known Jesus. What kind of God is prepared to die for people? What kind of God loves always and patiently, without demanding to be loved in return? #GeneralAudience —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Let us #PrayTogether that we may experience the sacrament of reconciliation with renewed depth, to taste the forgiveness and infinite mercy of God. #PrayerIntentions —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
The center of confession is Jesus who waits for us, who listens to us and forgives us. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
All of us are specialists in crucifying others to save ourselves. Jesus, instead, allowed himself to be crucified, to teach us not to shift evil onto others. #Lent —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
I ask government leaders, businesses, international organizations to cooperate and to seek a solution for everyone regarding #Covid: vaccines for everyone, especially for the world's most vulnerable and needy people. #ZeroDiscriminationDay —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
In the case of rare diseases, a support network among family members is more important than ever. I encourage those initiatives that support research and cures and I express my closeness to those who ill, especially the children, and their families. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
I join my voice to that of the Bishops of Nigeria to condemn the vile kidnapping of the 317 girls, taken away from their school in Jangebe. I am praying for these girls so they might return home soon. I am near to their families. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
The #GospelOfTheDay (Mk 9:2-10) calls us to contemplate Jesus's transfiguration. It is an invitation to remember, especially when we pass through a difficult trial, that the Lord is Risen and does not permit darkness to have the last word. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
A year ago today the #RomeCall for Artificial Intelligence was signed and I hope that more and more people of goodwill will cooperate to promote the common good, protect the lasts and develop a shared algorethics. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Through recollection and silent prayer, hope is given to us as interior light, illuminating the challenges and choices we face in our mission. Hence the need to pray and, in secret, to encounter the Father of tender love (Mt 6:6). #Lent —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
During the Season of #Lent, the Holy Spirit drives us too, like Jesus, into the desert (Mk 1:12-15). It is not a physical place, but rather an existential dimension in which we can be silent and listen to the word of God, so that a true conversion might be effected in us. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
May the example of so many doctors and healthcare workers who have risked their life to the point of losing it due to the #pandemic move us to feeling truly grateful for how generously, and sometimes heroically, they carry out their profession. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
In this #LentenSeason, accepting and living the truth revealed in Christ means, first of all, opening our hearts to God’s word, which the Church passes on from generation to generation. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Lord, Our God, grant that we Christians may live the Gospel, and recognize Christ in each human being, so as to see him crucified in the sufferings of the abandoned and forgotten of our world, and risen in each brother or sister who makes a new start. #WorldDayOfSocialJustice —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Fasting, prayer and almsgiving, as preached by Jesus (cf. Mt 6:1-18), enable and express our conversion. #Lent —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
#Lent is precisely the season of hope when we turn our gaze back to the God who is patient. Saint Paul passionately urges us to place our hope in reconciliation: “Be reconciled to God” (2 Cor 5:20). —