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Pope Francis @Pontifex
May Saints Cyril and Methodius, precursors of #ecumenism, help us make every effort to work for a reconciliation of… —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
The Eucharist is here to remind us who God is. It does not do so just in words, but in a concrete way, showing us G… —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
The “Mission Cross” is the symbol of this International #EucharisticCongresss: may it lead you to proclaim with you… —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Today, the Lord looks at each of us personally and asks: “Who am I – in fact – for you?” This question, addressed t… —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Only if we become roots of peace and shoots of unity, will we prove credible in the eyes of the world, which look t… —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
True religiosity consists in the worship of God and the love of neighbour. More than demonstrating something, we be… —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Tomorrow I begin my #ApostolicJourney to Budapest and Slovakia. I ask everyone to accompany me in prayer, and I entrust this visit to the intercession of so many heroic confessors of the faith, who, amid hostility and persecution, bore witness to the Gospel in those places. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
New Year's Day is celebrated today in Ethiopia. Let us #PrayTogether for the Ethiopian people, particularly for those suffering due to the ongoing conflict and the serious humanitarian situation it has caused. May this be a moment to hear the common desire for peace. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
A true ecological approach always becomes a social approach that must integrate justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. #SeasonOfCreation —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Let us #PrayTogether today for all the people who suffer from sadness, because they are alone or because they do not know what the future holds for them, or because they cannot support their family, because they have no job. Many people suffer from sadness. Let us pray for them. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Our common home, creation, is not a mere “resource”. Creatures have a value in themselves and each one reflects in its own way a ray of God’s infinite wisdom and goodness. #SeasonOfCreation —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Education is one of the most effective ways of making our world and history more human. Education is above all a matter of love and responsibility handed down from one generation to another. #WorldLiteracyDay —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Today as we celebrate the #BirthOfMary, let us ask our Mother to help us rediscover the beauty of being God's children, overcoming differences and conflicts, to live as brothers and sisters. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
This is the first time that @JustinWelby, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and I feel compelled to address together the urgency of environmental sustainability, its impact on persistent poverty, and the importance of global cooperation. #SeasonofCreation —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Next Sunday I will travel to Budapest for the conclusion of the International Eucharistic Congress. My pilgrimage will continue for a few days in Slovakia and will conclude with the great popular celebration of Our Lady of Sorrows, Patroness of that country. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
God is gloriously and mysteriously present in creation since he is the Lord who reigns over it. To discover this, we need to be silent, listen, contemplate. #SeasonOfCreation —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
May all Afghans, whether in their home country, in transit, or in host countries, live with dignity, in peace and fraternity with their neighbours. #PrayTogether —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
I assure my prayers for the people of the United States of America who have been hit by a strong hurricane in recent days. May the Lord receive the souls of the deceased and sustain those suffering from this calamity. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
This is the medicine: fewer useless words and more of the Word of God. Let us hear the words of the #GospelOfTheDay addressed to us: “Ephphatha, be opened!” Jesus, I want to open myself to your Word, open myself to listen. Heal my heart. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
We all have ears, but very often we cannot hear. There is, in fact, an interior deafness worse than the physical one: the deafness of the heart that we can ask Jesus to touch and heal today. #GospelOfTheDay —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Taking into consideration the worsening of multiple converging political and environmental crises -- hunger, the climate, nuclear arms, to name a few -- the commitment to peace has never been so necessary and urgent. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
The pandemic has highlighted how vulnerable and interconnected everyone is. If we do not take care of one another, starting with the least, with those who are most impacted, including creation, we cannot heal the world. #SeasonOfCreation —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
In the beginning there was God's Love. Everything that is alive, beautiful, good and true is from God who is love. Just as human life comes from the heart and womb of a mother, and Jesus came from the heart and the womb of a Mother, Love became flesh. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
We pray that we all will make courageous choices for a simple and environmentally sustainable lifestyle, rejoicing in our young people who are resolutely committed to this. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Today we celebrate the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Let us #PrayTogether with our brothers and sisters of various Christian confessions and work for our common home at this time of serious planetary crisis. #SeasonOfCreation —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Saint Paul invites us too to reflect on how we live faith. Does the love of Christ, crucified and risen, remain at the centre of our life as the wellspring of salvation, or are we content with a few religious formalities to salve our consciences? #GeneralAudience —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
Today we need prophecy, but real prophecy. Miraculous demonstrations are not needed, but lives that demonstrate the miracle of God’s love. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
What is the secret of a blessed life, a happy life? Recognizing Jesus as the living God. For it is not important to know that Jesus was great in history. What matters is the place I give him in my life. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
As Christians the situation in Afghanistan obligates us. In historic moments like this, we cannot remain indifferent. For this reason, I address an appeal to everyone to intensify your prayer and practice fasting, asking the Lord for mercy and forgiveness. —
Pope Francis @Pontifex
I am following the situation in Afghanistan with great concern. I share in the sorrow of those who are grieving for those who lost their lives in the suicide attacks and of those who are seeking help and protection. —