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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Do not be afraid of holiness. It will take away none of your energy, vitality or joy. On the contrary, you will become what the Father had in mind when he created you, and you will be faithful to your deepest self. #UniversalSanctification —

Posted Nov. 1, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Blessed be Jesus Christ, the only Saviour of the world, together with this immense flowering of saintly men and women who populate the earth and who have made their life a hymn to God. #AllSaintsDay —

Posted Nov. 1, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

The saints, who often count for little in the eyes of the world, are in reality the ones who sustain it, not with the weapons of money and power, but with the weapon of #prayer. #AllSaintsDay —

Posted Nov. 1, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

I am thinking about the population of Haiti who are living in extreme conditions. I ask that all leaders of nations help this country, not to leave it on its own. How much suffering, how much pain there is in that land. Let us #PrayTogether for Haiti, let us not abaondon them. —

Posted Oct. 31, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

This is a moment to dream big, to rethink our priorities – what we value, what we want, what we seek – and re-plan our future, committing to act in our daily life on what we have dreamed of. The time to act, and to act together, is now! #COP26 —

Posted Oct. 31, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

The #WordOfGod must be repeated, made one’s own, safeguarded. It must reach every aspect of life, involve, as Jesus says in the #GospelOfTheDay, the entire heart, the entire soul, the entire mind, all of our strength (Mk 12:28). It must resound within us. —

Posted Oct. 31, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Let us build cities that, while preserving their respective cultural and religious identity, are open to differences and know how to promote them in the spirit of human fraternity. #FratelliTutti #WorldCitiesDay —

Posted Oct. 31, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

When we pray, we never do so alone: even if we do not think about it, we are immersed in a majestic river of invocations that precedes us and proceeds after us. #Prayer #CommunionOfSaints —

Posted Oct. 30, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Climate change can be faced with a renewed sense of shared responsibility for our world, and an effective solidarity based on justice, a sense of our common destiny and a recognition of the unity of our human family in God’s plan for the world. #Faiths4COP26 —

Posted Oct. 29, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

We often do the bare minimum, whereas Jesus invites us to do the maximum possible. How many times are we satisfied with doing our duties — the precepts, a few prayers — whereas God, who gives us life, asks us for enthusaism in life! —

Posted Oct. 28, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

The Spirit which flows forth from Jesus’ Passover is the origin of the spiritual life. He changes hearts: not our works, but the action of the Holy Spirit in us! #GeneralAudience —

Posted Oct. 27, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

I express my closeness to the thousands of migrants, refugees in Libya: I never forget you; I hear your cries and pray for you. We are all responsibile for these our brothers and sisters, who have been victims of this serious situation for too many years. Let us #PrayTogether. —

Posted Oct. 25, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

"Jesus, have mercy on me!" Let us make this prayer our own today. Let us repeat it. We must ask Jesus, who can do everything, for everything. He cannot wait to pour out his grace and joy into our hearts. #GospelOfTheDay —

Posted Oct. 24, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

In the #GospelOfTheDay (Mk 10:46-52), the faith of Bartimaeus, the blind beggar, shines. He asks everything of the One who can do everything: “Have mercy on me". He doesn't ask for a favour, but presents himself: he asks for mercy on his person, on his life. —

Posted Oct. 24, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

To live out a mission means cultivating the sentiments that Jesus has, to believe with Him that those around me are also my brothers and sisters. May His love reawaken our hearts and make us all true missionary disciples. #WorldMissionDay —

Posted Oct. 24, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

The preaching of the #Gospel reinvigorates hope because it reminds us that God is present in everything. He accompanies us and gives us the courage and creativity we need to start ever anew. —

Posted Oct. 23, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Keep in mind on his feast day what Saint #JohnPaulII said to us: "Be vigilant so that nothing might separate us from the love of Christ: neither false slogans, nor erroneous ideologies, nor caving into the temptation to fall into compromises with what is not of God". —

Posted Oct. 22, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Christian #prayer instils an invincible hope in the human heart: whatever experience may touch us on our journey, God’s love can turn it into good. —

Posted Oct. 21, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

True freedom - freedom in Christ - does not seek personal interests, but is guided by love and is expressed in service to others, especially to the poor. Love makes us free, it leads us to choose and to do good, it motivates us to serve. #GeneralAudience —

Posted Oct. 20, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Come, Holy Spirit of love, open our hearts to listen. Come, Spirit of holiness, renew the holy faithful People of God. Come, creator Spirit, renew the face of the earth! #Synod #ListeningChurch —

Posted Oct. 19, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Prayer is like the oxygen of life. Prayer draws down upon us the presence of the Holy Spirit who always leads us forward. —

Posted Oct. 19, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Persevering in the daily recitation of the #HolyRosary, we can meet each other every day with the Virgin Mother, learning from her how to cooperate fully with the plan of salvation that God has for each one of us. #ChildrenPraying —

Posted Oct. 18, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Today, thousands of children around the world are taking part in the campaign organized by #AidToTheChurchInNeed,praying the Rosary for unity and peace.Let us #PrayTogether with them to Our Lady with the same trust as these little ones have in our Heavenly Mother #ChildrenPraying —

Posted Oct. 18, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Dear brothers and sisters, have a good journey! May we be open to the Holy Spirit’s surprises, the grace of encounter, reciprocal listening and discernment, joyfully convinced that, even as we seek the Lord, He always comes with His love to meet us first. #Synod #ListeningChurch —

Posted Oct. 17, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

The environmental and social crisis are two sides of the same coin. Therefore, strategies for resolving them demand an integrated approach to combating poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded, and at the same time protecting nature. #EndPoverty —

Posted Oct. 17, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Jesus asks us to immerse ourselves compassionately in the lives of those we meet as He has done with us. God is love and love is humble, it does not exalt itself, but descends like the rain that falls to the earth and brings life. #GospelOfTheDay (Mk 10:35-45) —

Posted Oct. 17, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

All of us religious leaders, that we never use God’s name to foment wars. Let us stand by our people, the workers, the humble, and fight together with them so that integral human development may become a reality. Let us build bridges of love. —

Posted Oct. 16, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

That governments and all politicians work for the common good. Let them beware of listening only to the economic elite; may they be servants of those people who ask for land, shelter and work and a good life in harmony with all humanity and creation. —

Posted Oct. 16, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Powerful countries to stop aggression, blockades and unilateral sanctions against any country anywhere on earth and that conflicts be resolved in multilateral fora such as the United Nations. —

Posted Oct. 16, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

That the media put an end to the logic of post-truth, disinformation, defamation, slander and that sick attraction for scandal and that they seek to contribute to human fraternity. —

Posted Oct. 16, 2021