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Pope Francis @Pontifex

In this Season of #Advent, let us ask the Lord, through the fatherly intercession of Saint Joseph, to remain always like sentinels in the night, attentive to see the light of Christ in our poorest brothers and sisters. —

Posted Dec. 7, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

I thank you most heartily for the welcome I received in Cyprus and Greece. Thanks to everyone who collaborated in this #ApostolicJourney! Efcharistó! I will carry you in my memory and in my prayers. —

Posted Dec. 6, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

In Greek, there is an illuminating saying: o fílos ine állos eaftós, “a friend is another self”. Yes, other people are the path to discovering ourselves. Good decisions are always about others, not just about ourselves. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 6, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Let us ask for the grace to believe that with God things really do change, that he will banish our fears, heal our wounds, turn our arid places into springs of water. Let us ask for the grace of that hope, that revives our faith and rekindles our charity. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 5, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

In our lives, there will always be times when we get the impression that we are in a desert. Yet it is precisely there that the Lord makes his presence felt with words of closeness, compassion and tenderness: “Do not fear, for I am with you" (Is 41:10). #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 5, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

I beg all of you, let'ss stop this shipwreck of civilization! —

Posted Dec. 5, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Let’s look at the faces of the children. They challenge and ask us: “What kind of world do you want to give us?” Let’s not hastily turn away from the shocking pictures of their tiny bodies lying lifeless on the beaches. Let’s stop this shipwreck of civilization. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 5, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

The future will be prosperous only if it is reconciled with those who are the weakest. When we reject the poor, we reject peace. History teaches us that narrow self-interest and nationalism lead to disastrous consequences. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 5, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Migrant sisters and brothers, I am here on Lesvos to say I am near you, to look into your eyes full of fear and expectancy, eyes that have seen violence and poverty, eyes streaked by too many tears. Magration is a humanitarian crisis that concerns everyone. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 5, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

We, as the Church, are asked to be yeast that leavens patiently in hiding within the dough of the world, thanks to the Holy Spirit. The secret of the Kingdom of God is found in the little things, things that are often unseen and don't make noise. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 4, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

This is the attitude of a true apostle: to go confidently forward, preferring the uncertainty of unexpected situations rather than force of habit. This courage is born from confident trust in God's greatness who loves to work through our lowliness. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 4, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Today, the Spirit is calling us to heal humanity's wounds with the oil of love. May we, Catholics and Orthodox together, develop forms of cooperation in charity to serve the men and women of our time and to bring them the consolation of the Gospel. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 4, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Let us implore the Spirit of communion to spur us to follow his lead and to help us base communion not on calculations, strategies and expedience, but on the one model to which we must look: the Most Holy Trinity. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 4, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

I would like to encourage a communitarian vision on the issue of migration, that attention be paid to those in greatest need, so that, in proportion to each country’s means, they will be welcomed, protected, promoted and integrated, in respect for their human rights and dignity. —

Posted Dec. 4, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

This country can be called the memory of Europe and I am happy to visit it. From this cradle of civilization, may there ever continue to resound a message that lifts our gaze both on high and towards others. #ApostolicJourney #Greece —

Posted Dec. 4, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

It is the Lord Jesus whom we meet in the faces of our marginalized and discarded brothers and sisters, in the migrant who is despised, rejected, put in a cage, but also in the migrant journeying toward hope, toward a better human life. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 3, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Dear brothers and sister with #disabilities, the Pope and the Church are near you in a special way, with affection and tenderness. All of us together are Church because Jesus chose to be our friend. —

Posted Dec. 3, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

We need enlightened Christians, who with consoling gestures and words, kindle the light of hope amid the darkness, who sow the seeds of the Gospel in the parched fields of everyday life and bring warmth to the wastelands of suffering and poverty. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 3, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Like the blind men in the #GospelOfTheDay, we are like wayfarers immersed in darkness. The first thing to do is go to Jesus: He alone is the true light that illumines every person, the one who gives abundant light and love., who alone frees the heart from evil. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 3, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Our Church is mother, and a mother always gathers her children tenderly. Let us put our trust in this Mother Church who gathers all of us and who patiently, tenderly and courageously leads us forward on our journey in the Lord. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 3, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

The Holy Spirit desires that Orthodox and Catholics humbly and respectfully draw near to one another again. He invites us not to grow resigned to past divisions and to cultivate together the field of the Kingdom with patience, perseverance and concrete gestures. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 3, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

The way of peace, which reconciles conflicts and regenerates fraternity, is marked by dialogue. We ought to help one another to believe in the patient and unassuming power of dialogue. I is not an easy road, but there is no other way to achieve reconciliation. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 2, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

The Beatitudes are the perennial charter of Christianity, the compass that indicates the routes that Christians must take in the voyage of life. When they are lived out, the Gospel becomes youthful and fills society with fresh hope. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 2, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

We are brothers and sisters, loved by a single Father. We need to work together to build a future worthy of humanity, to overcome divisions and work for unity. We need to welcome and integrate one another, and to walk together as brothers and sisters, all of us! #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 2, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

I come to Cyprus with the same desire as the Apostle Barnabas: to see the grace of God at work in your Church and your land, to rejoice with you at the wondrous things the Lord has done, and to urge you to persevere always, without growing weary or discouraged. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted Dec. 2, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Tomorrow I will go to Cyprus and Greece to visit the dear populations of these countries rich in history, spirituality and civilization. It will be a journey to the sources of apostolic faith and fraternity among Christians of various confessions. Accompany me with your prayer! —

Posted Dec. 1, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Today is World #AIDS day. Let us #PrayTogether for the many people who are affected by this syndrome. In some areas of the world, access to the necessary treatment is not available for many of them. Let us commit ourselves to guarantee fair and effective health care. —

Posted Dec. 1, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

It’s often difficult to move from the logic of falling in love to the logic of mature love. To love is not the pretension that life should correspond to our imagination. Rather, it means to choose in complete freedom to take responsibility for life as it comes. —

Posted Dec. 1, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Let us #PrayTogether for catechists, called to announce the Word of God: that they may be courageous and creative witnesses through the power of the Holy Spirit. #PrayerIntention —

Posted Nov. 30, 2021
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Service makes our talents bear fruit and gives meaning to our lives. Those who do not live to serve, serve for little in this life. —

Posted Nov. 29, 2021