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Pope Francis @Pontifex

This is the #Gospel we are called to live: to welcome others, to be experts in humanity and to light fires of tender love when the coldness of life engulfs those who suffer. #AposolicJourney #Malta —

Posted April 2, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

We have been saved by the same blood, we are one family, so let us welcome each other, love each another, heal each other’s wounds. Let us be a “synod”, in other words, “journey together”. For God is present wherever love reigns! #ApostolicJourney —

Posted April 2, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Fraternal love and the welcome we show our neighbor is so important in the Church! The Lord reminds us of this on the cross in entrusting Mary and John to each other’s care. He urges the Christian community of every age not to lose sight of this priority. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted April 2, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Let’s hear people's thirst for #peace and go back to international peace conferences gatherings where the central theme is disarmament! May the enormous funds that continue to be destined to weapons be diverted to development, health care and nutrition. #ApostolicJourney #Malta —

Posted April 2, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

The growing migration emergency – here we can think of the refugees from war-torn Ukraine – calls for a broad-based and shared response. Some countries cannot respond to the entire problem, while others remain indifferent onlookers! #ApostolicJourney #Malta —

Posted April 2, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

The Mediterranean needs co-responsibility on the part of Europe, in order to become a new theatre of solidarity and not the harbinger of a tragic shipwreck of civilization. #ApostolicJourney #Malta —

Posted April 2, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Let’s not view the migrant as a threat. Others are not a virus to protect ourselves from, but people to be welcomed. Certainly, hospitality requires renunciations. Yet every sacrifice, every renunciation made for a greater good, for life of another who is God’s treasure, is holy! —

Posted April 2, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Saint Paul unexpectedly came to #Malta's coast and found ready assistance. He was a man in need of assistance. In the name of the Gospel that he lived and preached, let us open our hearts and rediscover the beauty of serving our neighbours in need! #ApostolicJourney —

Posted April 2, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

The tender love of mothers, who give life to the world, and the presence of women are the true alternative to the baneful logic of power that leads to war. We need compassion and care, not ideologies fueled by words of hatred. #ApostolicJourney —

Posted April 2, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Once again, some potentate is provoking and fomenting conflicts, ordinary people sense the need to build a future that, will either be shared, or will not be at all. Now in the night of the war, let us not allow the dream of #peace to fade! #ApostolicJourney #Malta —

Posted April 2, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Today is the World #Autism Awareness Day. Let us walk together with people with autism, not only for them, but above all with them! —

Posted April 2, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Tomorrow I will go to #Malta on an #ApostolicJourney in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul. It will be an opportunity to know at first hand a Christian community with a millennia-old history. I ask every one of you to accompany me in prayer. Thank you! —

Posted April 1, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

I feel shame for the role that a number of Catholics with educational responsibilities have had in the abuse and lack of respect for the identity, culture and spiritual values of the Indigenous Peoples in Canada. All these things are contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. —

Posted April 1, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Listening to the voices of the brothers and sisters of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada, I heard the suffering, hardship, discrimination and various forms of abuse experienced, particularly in the residential schools. I bear these stories with great sorrow in my heart. —

Posted April 1, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

If prayer is real, it necessarily bears fruit in charity. And charity sets us free from the worst form of enslavement, which is slavery to self. Lenten charity brings us back to what is essential, to the deep joy to be found in giving. #Lent —

Posted March 31, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

The elderly can teach the younger generations how to trust in God, how to be merciful, and how to pray fervently not only in good times, but especially in difficult ones. #BlessingOfTime @PontAcadLife @LaityFamilyLife —

Posted March 30, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

#Lent invites us to conversion, to a change in mindset, so that life’s truth and beauty may be found not so much in possessing as in giving, not so much in accumulating as in sowing and sharing goodness. —

Posted March 29, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Let us #PrayTogether untiringly to the Queen of Peace, to whom we consecrated humanity, in particular Russia and Ukraine, with such a large and intense participation for which I thank all of you. —

Posted March 28, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

#МолімосяРазом, не втомлюючись, до Цариці миру, Якій ми посвятили людство, а зокрема Росію та Україну, за великої та активної участі вірних, за що дякую вам усім. —

Posted March 28, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Будем молиться снова, не уставая, Царице Мира, которой мы посвятили человечество, особенно Россию и Украину, с широким и интенсивным участием, за которое я благодарю всех вас. #Помолимсяместе —

Posted March 28, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Every war worsens everyone's situation. Therefore, I renew my appeal: Enough. Stop it. Silence the weapons. Move seriously toward peace! —

Posted March 27, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Before the danger of self-destruction, may humanity understand that the moment has come to abolish war, to erase it from human history before it erases human history. May every political leader reflect and dedicate themselves to this! —

Posted March 27, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

We should not accustom ourselves to war. Instead, we need to convert today’s anger into a commitment for tomorrow, because if, after what is happening, we remain like we were before, we will all be guilty in some way. —

Posted March 27, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

War doesn’t devastate only the present but the future too. From the start of the aggression in Ukraine 1 of every 2 children has been displaced. This destroys the future, traumatizing the smallest and most innocent. This is the bestiality of war, a barbarous and sacrilegious act! —

Posted March 27, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

We need to reject war, a place of death where fathers and mothers bury their children, where men kill their brothers and sisters without even having seen them, where the powerful decide and the poor die. —

Posted March 27, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Кожен день війни погіршує ситуацію для всіх. Тому знову звертаються із закликом: досить, потрібно зупинитися, нехай змовкне зброя, нехай ведуться серйозні переговори задля миру! —

Posted March 27, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Перед обличчям небезпеки самознищення, людство повинно усвідомити, що настав час скасувати війну, стерти її з людської історії, перш ніж вона викреслить з історії людину. Кожен політичний лідер замислитися і візьме на себе зобов’язання щодо цього! —

Posted March 27, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Ми не повинні звикати до війни! Ми повинні, натомість, перетворити сьогоднішнє обурення на завтрашнє зобов’язання. Бо якщо з цієї історії ми вийдемо такими самими, якими були перед тим, то всі, певним чином, будемо винними. —

Posted March 27, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Війна нищить не лише теперішнє, але й майбутнє. Від початку агресії проти України кожна друга дитина стала біженцем. Це нищить майбутнє, завдає болючі травми найменшим і невинним. В цьому – звірство війни, що є варварською і святотатською дією! —

Posted March 27, 2022
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Pope Francis @Pontifex

Потрібно відкинути війну, яка є місцем смерті, де батьки і матері хоронять своїх дітей, де люди вбивають братів, навіть не бачивши їх, де могутні приймають рішення, а вмирають убогі. —

Posted March 27, 2022