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Javad Zarif @JZarif
يوم القدس هو يوم إحياء الحق الفلسطيني والإحتلال والمستوطنات الى زوال. إسرائيل هي أكبر منتهك لحقوق الإنسان والحائز الوحيد للأسلحة النووية في المنطقة و أخطر تهديد مزمن للسلم والأمن الدوليين. مؤامرة صفقةالقرن العنصرية اثبتت أن واشنطن شريك للمعتدي ولا أمل فيها. الإستفتاء هو الحل —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
'Bibi-Firsters'—whether in Foggy Bottom or 1600 Penn—are complicit in all Israeli crimes against humanity. They will have to account for EVERY aggression—from the usurping of Palestinian land & apartheid under the 'Deal of Century' to enabling murder of children with US weapons. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Disgusting that those whose civilization found a "Final Solution" in gas chambers attack those who seek a real solution at the ballot box, through a REFERENDUM. Why are US and West so afraid of democracy? Palestinians should not have to pay for your crimes, or for your guilt. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Need I add anything? —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Those who muse about injecting disinfectant to “clean” the coronavirus, also argue that they are a “participant” in… —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
On 2nd anniversary of US "ceasing participation" in the #JCPOA, I urged @antonioguterres to hold US accountable for violating its duties & forcing others to do so, too. Lawless bullying jeopardizes @UN credibility & threatens int'l peace & security. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
On 2nd anniversary of US "ceasing participation" in the #JCPOA, I urged @antonioguterres to hold US accountable for violating its duties & forcing others to do so, too. Lawless bullying jeopardizes @UN credibility & threatens int'l peace & security. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Today is "Honoring Philanthropists' Day" in our calendar. Charity is an ancient tradition of the Iranian nation. Over #Ramadan, poor people aided with empathy and millions of masks/disinfectants supplied. Humanity defeats #Covid19 and US #EconomicTerrorism. #InThisTogether —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Today is "Honoring Philanthropists' Day" in our calendar. Charity is an ancient traditions of the Iranian nation. Over #Ramadan, poor people aided with empathy and millions of masks/disinfectants supplied. Humanity defeats #Covid19 and US #EconomicTerrorism. #InThisTogether —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
The Parsis of India—Zoroastrians whose ancestors long ago emigrated to India—have remained ever faithful in their love for Iran. Grateful for their #Covid19 package for Iranians. We also sent 40,000 advanced Iran-made test kits to #Germany, #Turkey and others. #InThisTogether —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Congratulations to Prime Minister @MAKadhimi, his Cabinet, the Parliament and most importantly the people of Iraq for success in forming a new Government. Iran always stands with the Iraqi people and their choice of administration. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
.@SecPompeo pretends UNSCR 2231 is independent from #JCPOA. He should READ 2231. JCPOA is PART of 2231. That's why it's 104 pages—& why he’s not read it. 2231 for Dummies: -It would NOT EXIST w/o JCPOA -US violated it & prevented others from complying -US has NO standing. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
The U.S. has long been the world's top - Military spender - Arms seller - War initiator & instigator - Conflict profiteer. Yet @SecPompeo is apparently so worried about Iran—a huge U.S. arms customer till 1979—that he's pouring weapons all over the globe. #UnitedStatesOfArms —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
2 yrs ago, @SecPompeo and his boss declared "CEASING US participation" in JCPOA, dreaming that their "max pressure" would bring Iran to its knees. Given that policy's abject failure, he now wants to be JCPOA participant. Stop dreaming: Iranian Nation always decides its destiny. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
رمضان كريم و كل عام و الأمّة الإسلاميّة و شعوب العالم بألف خير. أسأل الله أن يتقبل أعمالنا في هذا الشهر الفضيل، و أن يمنّ علينا بالخير و النصر و تجاوز الأزمات، و أن يوحد صفوف أهل الإيمان، و أن يحقق الأمن و السلام و العدالة و المساواة على وجه المعمورة. آمين، بمنّه و كرمه. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
#Ramadan is for Muslims a special time for prayer & reflection. This year, the #COVID19 pandemic has shown that we need to reflect more on how ALL of us in the human community are in same boat, and on the same journey. Wishing all Muslims a healthy, safe, and blessed Ramadan. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
#Ramadan is for Muslims a special time for prayer & reflection. This year, the #COVID19 pandemic has shown that we need to reflect more on how ALL of us in the human community are in same boat, and on the same journey. Wishing all Muslims a healthy, safe, and blessed Ramadan. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
US has been bullying all against UNSC Resolution 2231 since 2017. Europe obeyed US instead of 2231. Neither can lecture Iran based on flimsy misreadings of UNSCR 2231. Iran neither has nukes nor missiles “DESIGNED to be capable of carrying” such horrific arms. Guess who do? —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
The US military is hit by over 5000 #covid19 infections. @realdonaldtrump should attend to their needs, not engage in threats cheered on by Saddam's terrorists. Also, US forces have no business 7,000 miles away from home, provoking our sailors off our OWN Persian Gulf shores. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Our regional peace & counterterrorism efforts: Today I met w/Pres. Assad & FM of Syria ahead of Astana ministerial video conference. Re Afghanistan, our Special Rep has met with all sides in Kabul in past days. On Yemen, our Special Rep working with UN & Yemenis to end suffering. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Iran will be EXPORTING ventilators in a few months, @realdonaldtrump. All you need to do is stop interfering in the affairs of other nations; mine especially. And believe me, we do not take advice from ANY American politician. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Yearly Reminder. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
非常高兴再次和我的老朋友、中国国务委员兼外长王毅通话。我们就共同抗击新冠肺炎疫情、两国深化全面战略伙伴关系、阿富汗和平进程等共同关心的问题交换了意见。我对中方向伊朗提供抗疫物资并派医疗专家表示感谢,谴责美国持续非法制裁严重妨碍伊朗抗击疫情努力。 —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
The world is learning what Iran has known & experienced all along: US regime's bullying, threatening & vainglorious blathering isn’t just an addiction: it kills people. Like "maximum pressure" against Iran, the shameful defunding WHO amid a pandemic will live in infamy. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Despite US sanctions, Iran has made significant progress in fighting the pandemic, thanks to its human & scientific resources, and friends abroad. #Covid19 was opportunity for US to kick its addiction to sanctions. Instead, it will now live in infamy in the memory of our people. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Иран приветствует российскую идею о "создании зеленого коридора вместо экономической войны и санкций". —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Доналд Трамп по-прежнему сопротивляется требованиям международного сообщества о снятии иранских санкций в целях противостояния коронавирусной инфекции. Коронавиус может распространиться в соседние с Ираном страны. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Разные страны в целях контроля ситуации с коронавирусом закрывают свои географические границы, однако открывают их для оказания помощи. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Разные страны в целях контроля ситуации с коронавирусом закрывают свои географические границы, однако открывают их для оказания помощи. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Iran is rich in human & natural resources. We don't need charity from @realDonaldTrump—who's forced to buy ventilators from sources he's sanctioned. What we want is for him to STOP preventing Iran from selling oil & other products, buying its needs & making & receiving payments. —