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Javad Zarif @JZarif
I'll be delivering the first of five online talks at the Faculty of World Studies/University of Tehran titled “World In Transition” this Monday, July 27, at 13:30 GMT. It will be live-streamed on instagram (iranian_studies_ut). All are welcome to attend. https:/ —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
U.S. illegally occupies territory of another State and then harasses a scheduled civil airliner—endangering innocent civilian passengers—ostensibly to protect its occupation forces. Audacity to compound lawlessness upon lawlessness These outlaws must be stopped before disaster. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
In Moscow, - Delivered important msg to President Putin. - Extensive talks with FM Lavrov on bilat coop + regional/global coordination. - Identical views on #JCPOA and need to uphold int'l law. - Agreed to conclude long-term comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Fruitful continuation of visit to Iraqi Kurdistan Met with KDP President @masoud_barzani, Iraqi Kurdistan Region Pres. @IKRPresident and Region PM @masrour_barzani. Strong relations with all Iraqis remain a cornerstone of Iran's policy. Our neighbors are our priority. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Productive talks in Baghdad with PM @MAKadhimi, Pres. @BarhamSalih, Speaker Halbousi, FM @Fuad_Hussein1 and judicial, political and military leaders. Agenda: Expanding cooperation to benefit our peoples—and the region. Next stop: Erbil for meetings with Kurdish leadership. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Today is 5th anniv. of the #JCPOA—last decade’s greatest diplomatic achievement—and reminder that US lawless behavior should not be the yardstick by which int'l norms are measured. US contempt for law & diplomacy places it in global disrepute & threatens global—and US—security. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
25 yrs ago today, #SrebrenicaGenocide began as Europe failed to uphold its basic duties. Quarter of a century later Europe is plagued by same ineptitude. The failure of the @UN to take any action at the time—to forever haunt the world body—should remain a lesson for the present. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
My virtual dialog earlier today with Rome 2020 MED (Mediterranean Dialogue) at the ISPI Center; available to watch here, ICYMI: —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Don't believe the hype: Iran triggered #JCPOA DRM on at least 6 occasions (in ref to U.S. AND E3 violations) 16 Dec 2016 (U.S.) 10 May 2018 (U.S.) 17 June 2018 (U.S.) 6 Nov 2018 (U.S. & E3) 8 May 2019 (U.S. & E3) 2 July 2020 (E3) I will be publishing all my letters shortly. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Just concluded very constructive (virtual) summit of the Astana Process, hosted by Pres. @HassanRouhani. Parties agreed to continue coordination among the three guarantors, focusing on tension reduction, political process & humanitarian relief. Peace in Syria will be achieved. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Full video of my statement before the UN Security Council, on June 30, 2020. #UNSC Agenda: Implementation of Resolution 2231 Iran’s solution: Rule of law | Multilateralism | Accountability —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
The int'l community in general—and UN Security Council in particular—face an important decision: Do we maintain respect for rule of law, or do we return to law of the jungle? My address before UNSC on Res. 2231 Persian: English: —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
The US isn't merely violating JCPOA and bullying others to do so, too. It also has dishonor of being first in UN history to punish law-abiding countries for NOT violating a Security Council res. I will present Iran's case to the Council @ abt noon ET, Tues. Livestream: @UNWebTV —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
在中国端午节来临前夕,很高兴同中国国务委员兼外长王毅举行视频会晤。我们就深化两国全面战略伙伴关系、推动25年双边合作计划、加强在国际事务中相互支持等议题达成共识。我们都重申对伊核协议、多边主义及国际法的支持,共同反对单边主义、反对削弱伊核协议。借此机会,要特别祝中国朋友们端午安康! —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
.@SecPompeo is so desperate to mislead the world that he claims come October, Iran will purchase fighter aircraft. And then send them off to the limits of their ONE-WAY ranges. Perhaps he could also say how they would fly back to Iran having exhausted their fuel. #Shameless —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
E3 must stop public face-saving & muster the courage to state publicly what they admit privately: their failure to fulfill even own JCPOA duties due to total impotence in resisting US bullying Behind facade, E3 are accessories to Trump & Netanyahu—& in no position to counsel Iran —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
BoG should not allow JCPOA enemies to jeopardize Iran's supreme interests. E3 should not be an accessory, after failing own JCPOA duties We've nothing to hide. More inspections in Iran over last 5 yrs than in IAEA history An agreeable solution is possible, but Res will ruin it. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Iran & Russia are "determined to deal with unilateral & illegal approaches to resolve global crises.” From joint statement with FM Lavrov in Moscow today, where we reaffirmed commitment to int'l law as US & cronies attack foundation of int'l relations at IAEA & Security Council. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
RT @MevlutCavusoglu: 📌 My brother FM @JZarif of #Iran was my first guest during the ‘new normal’. 📌 Signed MoU on diplomatic and consular p… —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Productive talks with my friend @MevlutCavusoglu & other senior officials in Istanbul. In-depth exchange & fruitful decisions on bilateral cooperation, and also regional & global issues. Close consultations imperative. Next stop: Moscow Neighbors always our priority. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
International Criminal COURT now blackmailed by lawless gang posing as diplomats. What else will it take for the global community to wake up & smell the consequences of appeasing the bully? And who else should the US terrorize before appeasers realize EVEN they might be next? —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
If there were ever any question of WHO dictates US—& Western—policy in the Mid East, this headline screams it loud & clear. #AIPAC has poisoned US politics for years, overtly giving instructions to Congress. Time to end #APARTHEID Israel's tyranny over Western halls of power. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
US has tried to heighten tension w/ Iran & bully others to follow. But having admitted to: -Terror assassination in Iraq -Complicity in war crimes in Yemen & Palestine -Piracy -Breaching JCPOA, UNSCR 2231, & IAEA decisions It retains NO right to abuse UN & IAEA to vilify Iran. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
We achieved humanitarian swap *despite* your subordinates' efforts, @realDonaldTrump And we had a deal when you entered office. Iran & other JCPOA participants never left the table. Your advisors—most fired by now—made a dumb bet. Up to you to decide *when* you want to fix it. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Pleased that Dr. Majid Taheri and Mr. White will soon be joining their families. Prof. Sirous Asgari was happily reunited with his family on Weds. This can happen for all prisoners. No need for cherry picking. Iranian hostages held in—and on behalf of—the US should come home. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
US cities are scenes of brutality against protesters & press, as military crackdown is threatened Europe—quick to be judge & jury about non-Western societies—keeps deafeningly silent. If it wants to keep lips sealed now, it should always keep them that way #WorldAgainstRacism —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
The “knee-on-neck” technique is nothing new: Same cabal—who've admitted to habitually “lie, cheat, steal"—have been employing it on 80M Iranians for 2 yrs, calling it “maximum pressure”. It hasn't brought us to our knees. Nor will it abase African-Americans. #WorldAgainstRacism —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Some don't think #BlackLivesMatter. To those of us who do: it is long overdue for the entire world to wage war against racism. Time for a #WorldAgainstRacism. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
Congratulations on #AfricaDay2020, reminding us of the brave struggles of Africans against oppression. Iran has always been—and will forever be—a reliable partner of all fraternal African nations. Amid #COVID19 ready to share our experience and expertise to help save lives. —
Javad Zarif @JZarif
في عيد الفطر المبارك نسأل الله التوفيق لأمتنا الإسلامية في مسيرتها المتواصلة نحو الوحدة والعزة والكرامة ونحو بناء نموذجها الحضاري الإنساني المشرق. إننا على ثقة راسخة بقدرات هذه الأمة وبأن تضحيات شعوبها ستكون في الأيام المقبلة أعياد نصر على الاحتلال والهيمنة والعقوبات الظالمة —