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Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @AcctFramework: Good to see buzz around this new bill from @brianschatz that will strengthen the US's ability to tackle #deforestation i… —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @JohnsonAndreaE: Why we need laws like the FOREST Act. Thanks @brianschatz @repblumenauer @RepBrianFitz —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
Millions of lives are at stake. —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @ErikSolheim: The Japanese 🇯🇵 Puffer Fish is probably nature's greatest artist 🐟 To grab a female’s attention he creates something that… —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @brianbeutler: @jonathanchait Yeah, the overwhelming majority of public, political opposition to “critical race theory” stems from a pro… —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @SenatorBaldwin: Happy #InternationalLesbianDay! We can’t mistake progress for victory and we need to keep pushing for the freedom of… —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @YaleE360: “Lael Brainard, a Federal Reserve governor, on Thursday offered the clearest signal yet that America’s central bank is going… —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
These vaccines are a miracle but greed is going to cause millions of preventable deaths. —
Dr. Tom Frieden @DrTomFrieden
Pfizer and Moderna deserve credit for responding quickly to the most disruptive health crisis in a century and prod…
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
I don’t know any parents who have any difficulty because their kids are always reading the newspaper and it makes them feel terrible. —
Andy Stone @andymstone
@ceciliakang @mosseri @WSJ Speaking of tweens as a valuable and untapped audience... (note also cartoon cell phone)
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @HotlineJosh: “In fact, infection rates declined 35 percent nationally through the month of September, as many schools opened their door… —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
I’ve seen lots of hostage taking in politics, but I cannot remember one party using a worldwide economic collapse as a leverage point. That’s why I cannot negotiate about the debt limit. They are threatening default, and if we abide this, it will literally never end. —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
I’ve seen lots of hostage taking in politics, but I cannot remember one party using a worldwide economic collapse as a leverage point. That’s why I cannot negotiate about the debt limit. They threatening default, and if we abide this, it will literally never end. —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @ThePlumLineGS: In much of our discourse, only liberals and progressives have agency -- the right's bad faith is simply treated as a nat… —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @RubenGallego: Tell me which side tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power? That might be an important difference. —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
I think we might have a quarterback controversy. —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
We just won’t bargain over the full faith and credit of the United States. We cannot allow one political party (it was Republicans this time but the principal would apply regardless of party) to threaten default and a worldwide economic spiral in order to gain leverage. Hard no. —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @ZacGoldsmith: This new US Forest Act is very good news - it will help break the link between commodity production and deforestation. W… —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @JakeSherman: Just to be clear: Rs are demanding 60 votes to overcome the filibuster on the debt limit. This only hurts Rs, who now ha… —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @repblumenauer: Illegal deforestation: -Destroys our planet -Poses serious threats to Indigenous communities -Hurts American jobs + busi… —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
Some would call it naïveté but I refuse to lose my shock that after a coup attempt that could have ended the American experiment many Republicans are now like Chris Tucker’s character in Friday - saying “why you bringing up old shit?” —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
It’s a slow, bloodless insurrection. —
Benjy Sarlin @BenjySarlin
If people are still talking about 1/6 it’s because it never ended
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @lucianatellez: The US can address climate change, protect forests, and support Indigenous and environmental defenders around the world… —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @KailiJoy: This whole thread is a great close reading of the opinion in Texas temporarily halting the abortion ban. —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
“Satisfied that the United States has standing to vindicate the rights of its citizens, uphold the primacy of the Constitution, and safeguard our republic’s system of laws against the state’s aggressively defiant acts, this Court holds that it has the authority to enjoin…Texas.” —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @AngryBlackLady: And finally we get to the smack down. —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @mehdirhasan: We in the media have failed to explain to our viewers/readers what's *in* the Build Back Better reconciliation bill. We… —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
RT @GarrettHaake: For those who followed the Facebook whistleblower hearing yesterday, or who are just wondering what Congress might do to… —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
Finally, it requires platforms to take down content that the court has determined is illegal. These are important reforms and they don’t represent everything need to do, and many of my colleagues have excellent ideas. But, it’s time to move. END —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
Fourth, it requires the GAO to conduct a study on providing additional whistleblower protections for tech employees. 5/x —
Brian Schatz @brianschatz
Third, it creates a framework for sharing data for academia and third party organizations to assess potential harm caused on the platforms. 4/x —