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Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
@greggpettine The article says he subdivided and sold off the land and broke even. Trump did nothing illegal in selling land to a foreigner. No evidence this was anything but a market transaction between billionaire. And you still evade the discussion about Uranium One! —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
@greggpettine The Russian purchaser of Trump’s property broke even. This was prime Palm Beach real estate, just north of the historic Breakers. This Miami Herald article reports how this was a legitimate deal, not some payoff. The same cannot be said of Uranium One, —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
@greggpettine As if buying and selling real estate in a booming high net worth Palm Beach market is just like selling a big part of the nation’s uranium supply to Russia. We all know which transaction, Trump real estate or a Clinton uranium, that this DOJ will investigate and which it won’t. —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
Please start with the Russian oligarchs who paid the Clinton Foundation $125 million while the Clinton State Department cleared their purchase of Uranium One. — @disclosetv
NOW - U.S. DOJ launches "KleptoCapture" task force targeting Russian oligarchs, AG Garland announces.
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @sophiadahl1: The WHO is trying to sneak this global authoritarian treaty through, while people are distracted. The first meeting is on… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @pepesgrandma: 1/2 Sept 2021 - BODY CAM FOOTAGE: Dominion Executive Eric Coomer Cuffed and Arrested in Colorado – Video Appears to Show… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @TheOliverStone: (1/5) Amid all the hysteria of Western media, screaming bloody murder at #Putin, omitting key facts when inconvenient,… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @jacksonhinklle: PROPAGANDA: This video ACTUALLY shows a pro-Russian rebel in Donbass kissing his daughter goodbye as Ukranian neo-Nazi… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @dgaytandzhieva: The US Embassy in #Ukraine has just deleted from its website all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @P_McCulloughMD: Alden et al, Lund University, Sweden, confirms one of our worst fears. The exogenous genetic material coding for the d… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @TheBabylonBee: Biden Administration Mounts Daring Mission To Evacuate Hunter’s Remaining Cash From Ukraine —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @tatianaschild: Oil prices go up ushering in “need” for green new deal and vouchers? Nice way to kickstart Great Reset economy after est… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @tuxlemons: Never forget Justin Trudeau spent $600,000,000 to co-opt Canada’s news media, and then froze your bank account if you spent… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
James Roguski has started a great Substack that covers the empirical data related to Covid and the vaccines: Welcome!, by @jamesroguski —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @SorinMMXXII: @TrueNorthCentre —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @TrueNorthCentre: On behalf of a constituent, Conservative MP Colin Carrie asks about the World Economic Forum’s influence on Canadian p… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @NBSaphierMD: The CDC’s response when questioned about their withholding of Covid data and lack of transparency is essentially “we don’t… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @CltrWarResource: 🚨MUST WATCH: Maajid Nawaz leaves Joe Rogan speechless by explaining how the World Economic Forum (WEF) is infiltrating… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @billmaher: The #Olympics pretends to only be about sports, but really the games have always been a bit of a proxy war for which country… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @jimmy_dore: As usual, cops show up and start violence. This time horses trample an old woman. —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @ExCensorshipose: 🚨| BREAKING: Member of Parliament confirms the police have launched a criminal investigation into the UK’s rollout of… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @VigilantFox: Corporal Bulford Resigns From His Position of Personal Security for Justin Trudeau "I have drawn my line in the sand. No… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @JenniferSey: More than 20 years ago I joined Levi’s. Yesterday I resigned my post as president so that I can use my voice. https://t.c… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
Creepiest wtf trans-human Super Bowl TV commercial, promoting Alexa reading people’s minds with QR Codes & perhaps implanted chips, Scarlett Johansson covering one eye perhaps in demonic symbolism & Alexa reminding to fake one’s own death on March 8th?! 😂 —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
Creepiest Wtf trans-human Super Bowl TV commercial, promoting Alexa reading people’s minds, with QR Codes & perhaps implanted chips, Scarlett Johansson covering one eye perhaps in demonic symbolism & Alexa reminding to fake one’s own death on March 8th?! —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @ChickenGate: So let me get this straight. Auzzie force vaxxed people and are now saying that if you die from the vaccine, it’s your own… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @jimmy_dore: Misinformation? “Who gets to decide?”-John Stewart —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @hollandcourtney: Stop what you’re doing and watch this. Kids at a Las Vegas elementary school burst out into cheers after learning th… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @wonderwox: Stanley Plotikin, this man is still consulting for all the big pharma companies, had a hand in developing mRNA and his prote… —
Tim Canova @Tim_Canova
RT @bilks: A doctor brilliantly explaining and predicting the outcome of mRNA vaccines, over a year ago. Censored. —