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Michael McFaul @McFaul
Your government will not American students study in China right now because of your COVID policies. We let Chinese students study here. It’s a very short-sided policy. If you want America to understand your country, change this policy. —
Chen Weihua (陈卫华) @chenweihua
@McFaul Obama launched 100,000 Strong Initiative to encourage Americans to study in China and Chinese language. No…
Michael McFaul @McFaul
And because Ukraine is a democracy, of course, Ukrainian citizens, other elected officials, media, NGOs, etc should be questioning his policies. And foreigners too. But we outsiders need a little more humility & respect for Ukrainian sovereignty and democracy. —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
.@ZelenskyyUa is the democratically-elected president of Ukraine. Please remember this fact when assuming you know…
Michael McFaul @McFaul
.@ZelenskyyUa is the democratically-elected president of Ukraine. Please remember this fact when assuming you know what is better for the Ukrainian people than he does. You either have to believe in democracy or not. —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
We don't need a Yalta 2.0. We need a Helsinski 2.0 via @ForeignAffairs —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
RT @Andrew__Roth: US evacuating its embassy in Kyiv, either pulling staff from country or sending them to western Ukraine.… —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
@sealteamvix We said no nukes in Cuba. US is not deploying nukes in Ukraine. And please dont insult my intelligence. Last warning. Ive been teaching the Cuban missiles crisis for 30 years. —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
Whenever someone writes "perhaps you were suggesting," you know they are just expressing their own opinion, minus data, and not actually responding to an actual argument you made. I get that from Twitter trolls. Kind of surprised to see that though from a professional journalist —
Dan Friedman @dfriedman33
@McFaul As I’m sure you know, Kennan was harsh critic of NATO enlargement, and I thought you were perhaps suggestin…
Michael McFaul @McFaul
@KevinRothrock I havent forgotten, We should leave. I wrote about it in a book published in 2009. —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
During the Cold war, do you remember when Washington told Moscow that you cant have military ties with Cuba, a country 100 miles from our border? You cant, because it never happened. —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
For more reading: —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
False analogy. No one who I know in the West is saying "Ukraine is our most important national priority." And you seem to have forgotten the US lived with a Soviet-Cuban military alliance for 40 years. We just said no to nukes there. No one is arguing to put nukes in Ukraine. —
Kevin Rothrock @KevinRothrock
Suppose Russia says, “Cuba is our most important national priority. Until the security of Cuba is guaranteed, we wi…
Michael McFaul @McFaul
RT @WhollyHanna: @dfriedman33 @McFaul Nothing I've seen McFaul do is reductive. That's pretty arrogant of you, especially a mother jones re… —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
Hey Dan, instead of making wild, inaccurate accusations about my views based on the books on my desk, why not just read what I write? Here's my latest: "How to Make a Deal With Putin" via @ForeignAffairs Tell me what I got wrong. I'll respond. —
Dan Friedman @dfriedman33
@McFaul As I’m sure you know, Kennan was harsh critic of NATO enlargement, and I thought you were perhaps suggestin…
Michael McFaul @McFaul
RT @KamalaHarris47: @dfriedman33 @McFaul @McFaul is a Stanford professor & former US Ambassador to Russia. As I’m sure you know @dfriedman… —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
And I find it really anti-intellectual and insulting for you to accuse me of some "reductive application" just because I have a book on my shelf. Seriously, Dan? You really going to argue that? In my world, that doesn't fly. —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
PS I just finished the first draft of a new book on lessons from the Cold War for dealing with China & Russia today (thus, why the books are on my desk; not just decoration). Kennan from the 1940s has some real wisdom about how we should approach China today. —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
Yes, of course, I know. Kennan has some great insights. And some really bad ones. Have you actually read the book? (Know what his ideas for Germany were?) Or others by him? And why does it bother you that I read books? Why did you insult me for having a book on my desk? Odd. —
Dan Friedman @dfriedman33
@McFaul As I’m sure you know, Kennan was harsh critic of NATO enlargement, and I thought you were perhaps suggestin…
Michael McFaul @McFaul
Thanks, @dfriedman33 for deleting that ridiculous tweet you just posted ridiculing me for reading serious books by people like Professors Gaddis and George. I appreciate that. —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
@nativelah @ForeignAffairs caved by now. —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
@PennyZahn Yep. the shelves are new —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
RT @A_SHEKH0VTS0V: When meeting with Macron and noting that Kyiv had to implement the Minsk 2 agreement, Putin literally used a Russian rap… —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
RT @ArkadyOstrovsky: Putin makes possibly one of his biggest blunders by evoking a crude sexual metaphors re Ukraine. He say “like it or n… —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
This is a big deal. At one time, General Ivashov was one of the most respected (and hawkish) leaders in the Russian MOD. Russian generals don't usually get involved in public policy debates, especially ones like Ivashov. —
Lucian Kim @Lucian_Kim
Retired Russian general publishes open letter to Putin demanding he resign because unprovoked invasion of Ukraine w…
Michael McFaul @McFaul
Good news. —
RFE/RL Pressroom @RFERLPress
Reports that RFE/RL is ending its relationship with our distinguished Central Asia analyst @BrucePannier are false.…
Michael McFaul @McFaul
RT @EchoMskRu: Виктор Шендерович* о двух новых уголовных делах против Навального: «Как только Путина не будет — Навальный выйдет на свобод… —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
If you find yourself echoing Putin - Biden is goading Russia to invade Ukraine - you should reconsider your assumptions. Putin was trained to lie in the KGB, killed innocents, annexed territory, arrested opponents. You trust him? Want to be on his side? —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
@Cooleye78785698 No external power "partitioned" Russia. Leaders within the USSR did that all by themselves. #FactsMatter. —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
@Demandingactio1 good analogy. —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
@juliaioffe What about "Palo Alto"... ? (We in "the regions" never get any love.) —
Michael McFaul @McFaul
RT @dw_politics: JUST IN: Germany's media regulators have banned broadcasting of the German-language TV channel of Russian state broadcaste… —