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Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
RT @NBCNOWTonight: WATCH: Two bipartisan anti-hazing bills are awaiting passage in the U.S. Senate. How can colleges manage incidents of ha… —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
We know how to speed up our supply chains, lower prices, and end our reliance on China: Make more things in America. That’s the solution to so many of our economic problems. —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
RT @NBCNOWTonight: Following the death of an Ohio college student, @SenSherrodBrown reintroduced anti-hazing legislation to the Senate. Wha… —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
RT @SenateDems: “Last year for the first time in two decades, our economy grew faster than China’s.”—@SenSherrodBrown America is back to w… —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
RT @SenateBanking: Deep-pocketed investors swoop into a community, buy up homes, raise rents, and squeeze every dollar they can out of tena… —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
As we celebrate #BlackHistoryMonth, I'm reintroducing bipartisan legislation to preserve our African American cemeteries here in Ohio and across the country. We owe it to our future generations to preserve America’s rich Black history. —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
Jobs are up. Wages are up. This is a workers' economy. —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
I fully support Congressional staff and their efforts to unionize. Honoring the Dignity of Work starts with honoring the rights of working people to start or join a union. Our staffs serve constituents around the country, and they deserve to have a voice in their workplace. —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
January 24—My Democratic colleagues and I urge the administration to make over-the-counter COVID-19 tests free for Medicare recipients. February 3—The Biden administration responds, promising free COVID-19 tests by early spring. Delivering results. —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
@KBaileyBooks @darreldrowland Yes, they absolutely should. My colleagues and I wrote to DoD separately to get this done and we’re awaiting their response. Will keep working on this. —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
RT @darreldrowland: After Ohio Dem Sen Sherrod Brown's urging, feds now will begin covering over-the-counter COVID-19 tests for those in ei… —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
RT @SenateDems: For the first time in TWO DECADES our economy grew faster than China’s. Because of the action we took with the American R… —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
RT @SenateBanking: Governor Bloom Raskin, Dr. Cook, and Dr. Jefferson know: when we keep our financial system safe, and when we support wor… —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
RT @SenateBanking: We saw in 2008 what happens to people’s job opportunities, savings, homes, retirement accounts, and college funds when w… —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
Great article from @toledonews, and I know so many Ohioans agree that we must protect Lake Erie. That's what GLRI does so well, and the bipartisan infrastructure bill we passed increases funding for our Great Lakes. —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
RT @SenatorBennet: I couldn’t agree more, @SenSherrodBrown. The #ChildTaxCredit is the best policy for kids to come out of Washington in… —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
I disagree with @amprog—our Child Tax Credit expansion was a huge success and MUST continue. 400 national and state organizations disagree with them. CTC is our best tool to help families keep up with the cost of raising kids and needs to continue. —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
Wishing you a speedy recovery, @SenatorLujan. Looking forward to having you back on the Senate floor soon. —
Jake Sherman @JakeSherman
NEW: @benraylujan had a stroke. He is in the hospital in New Mexico and is expected to make a full recovery.
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
@8xchamposu Sorry, misread. See what’s been happening for Cleveland here👇 —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
@8xchamposu —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
NEWS: Boeing and GE Aviation are announcing a new deal selling 777X freighters, made in America by union Machinists…
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
@ByeRobPortman —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
WATCH NOW: I’m joining @POTUS and Intel to announce 10,000 new good-paying manufacturing jobs of the future in Ohio.
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
@ByeRobPortman —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
NEWS: Boeing and GE Aviation are announcing a new deal selling 777X freighters, made in America by union Machinists…
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
Intel, the Super Bowl, GE jet engines, and now this: Hyperion will open the largest Columbus factory in a decade, creating 700 NEW manufacturing jobs for workers developing hydrogen fuel cells. The future of Ohio has never looked brighter. —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
These threats are despicable. My heart goes out to all the students, educators, and school staff affected. We must make clear that we do not tolerate hate and threats of violence by holding the perpetrators accountable. —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
Every year during #BlackHistoryMonth, I highlight on social media Black Ohioans who have changed history. Too often, their stories are overlooked and untold. This month, we take time to honor our state’s Black leaders, entrepreneurs, and heroes. —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
Wishing a Happy #LunarNewYear to all our communities in Ohio who celebrate. May the Year of the Tiger bring you joy, fortune, and prosperity. —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
RT @MachinistsUnion: The IAM represents tens of thousands of members in the aerospace industry who welcome this long-term investment. Today… —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
NEWS: Boeing and GE Aviation are announcing a new deal selling 777X freighters, made in America by union Machinists with GE Aviation engines developed in Ohio, to Qatar Airways. This $6.8 billion deal is a HUGE win for GE Aviation workers in greater Cincinnati. —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
I'm at the White House this morning for another big announcement for Ohio manufacturing and Ohio workers—watch this space.
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
I'm at the White House this morning for another big announcement for Ohio manufacturing and Ohio workers—watch this space. —
Sherrod Brown @SenSherrodBrown
RT @chrismeagher46: .@SenSherrodBrown meets w/ three Fed nominees: "There is no question that these nominees are qualified. In my meetings… —