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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

@eskohn If you are not honest about mistakes, you don't learn and improve. Pretty basic, actually. If you hide mistakes you never improve. —

Posted June 26, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

3 big mistakes that set up the end of Roe 1. Not codifying Roe into law in '09 2. Dems losing Senate in '14 & WH in '16 3. RBG not retiring 1 was a bad decision 2 happened b/c Dems lost working class voters by large margins for the first time 3 was a selfish decision —

Posted June 26, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

It is not even a close call, anyway you ask the question, the American people supported Roe by significant majorities. —


An @ABC News/WaPo poll taken April 24-28, 2022, found a majority of Americans supported upholding Roe v. Wade.…

Posted June 25, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

RT @tribelaw: It’s staggering how the Court can celebrate giving political majorities in the states control over women’s bodies the very da… —

Posted June 24, 2022 Retweet
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

"Today’s Supreme Court opinion will live in infamy as a step backward for women's rights and human rights." —

Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

Most Americans believe the decision to have a child is one of the most sacred decisions there is, and that such dec…

Posted June 24, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

Senators that negotiated BOTH the bipartisan infrastructure bill & gun safety bill - each a historic accomplishment: @MittRomney @kyrstensinema @robportman @Sen_JoeManchin @BillCassidy You don't have to agree with them on everything to acknowledge they get things done! —

Posted June 24, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

.@lisamurkowski and @ToddYoungIN fingerprints are consistently found on bipartisan efforts, which is what the Senate needs. More importantly, they serve with character, integrity and political courage. —

Ali Zaslav @alizaslav

GOP Sens. Todd Young of Indiana and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska were the only two Republicans *up for reelection* in N…

Posted June 24, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

Maybe Jupiter is Galactus? —

Time Out Travel @TimeOutTravel

A new report suggests that the King of Planets has the remains of other planets hidden inside it 🪐

Posted June 23, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

Getting off nuclear was a catastrophic decision by Germany. The world needs to embrace nuclear energy if we want to have energy stability and address climate change. —

Posted June 23, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

Missing a key fact. The highway trust fund, which is funded by the gas tax, was underfunded when Obama was running The bipartisan infrastructure bill significantly increased funding for the highway trust fund - it is not underfunded today (thanks to Biden) —


Obama boasted about opposing federal gas tax holiday before 2008 election — Biden now wants one

Posted June 22, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

One difference was that the Highway Trust Fund, which is funded by the gas tax, was underfunded when Obama was running. It has recently received significant extra funding in the bipartisan infrastructure bill. —

Jake Tapper @jaketapper

“It was one of our prouder moments”; @BarackObama in his latest memoir says opposing the federal gas tax holiday he…

Posted June 22, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

RT @jasonclimateguy: Excited to head down to DC today for @BPC_Bipartisan DAC Day! All-Star lineup of speakers including @SenWhitehouse @Se… —

Posted June 22, 2022 Retweet
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

Well done @ChrisMurphyCT @JohnCornyn @kyrstensinema —

Chris Murphy @ChrisMurphyCT

A lot of people said this couldn’t happen. Final vote later this week.

Posted June 22, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

While not nearly as functional as it should be, there are signs of life in the Senate. Between the historic infrastructure bill and the recent gun safety framework, there are signs of progress, mostly driven by Senate moderates. —

Posted June 21, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

In hindsight there is little question that federal gov't & Fed provided excess stimulus, contributing to inflation. But what was the choice? Too little - that would have been worse. There was no roadmap for how to handle a global shutdown and very hard to get precisely right. —

Posted June 20, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

@deep_navy I didn't say the Fed was wrong - my point was this is likely going to get bad. —

Posted June 19, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

The CNBC crowd is overly focused on the drop in stock prices, wipe out of crypto currencies etc The real actions will occur in the real economy. The Fed will keep raising rates until it slows the economy, which will unfortunately drive up unemployment, lower wages & hurt folks —

Posted June 19, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

This feels like a problem that will correct itself. Between higher fuel costs and a slowing economy driven by higher interest rates, travel should slow allowing the airlines to catch up on staffing etc. —

Posted June 19, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

Some things are predictable. Inflation is high, the Fed is raising rates, the stock & housing markets crash and psychology turns negative. A recession will be soon be upon us accompanied with rising unemployment. Then a ferocious fight will start about cutting rates..... —

Posted June 19, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

France embraced nuclear energy and the outcome is (drum roll please).....CLEAN ENERGY, VERY LOW CO2 EMISSIONS AND ENERGY INDEPENDENCE!! —

Luis Vassy @lvassy

Right now, France’s electricity is 99 % low carbon. 17g of CO2 emitted for a kW-hour. Have a great day and lets kee…

Posted June 19, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

Being a dad is the greatest job. Cheers to all the dads on Father's Day! —

Posted June 19, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

The SCOTUS has become a lightning rod of our intense partisan political behavior yet the glimpses we have of how the Court operates consistently show a highly collegial group of justices who, while they have very strong disagreements, generally seem to like and respect each other —

JCN @judicialnetwork

“Justice Thomas is the one justice in the building that literally knows every employee’s name, every one of them. .…

Posted June 19, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

In 5 years Nasdaq up 70% and Bitcoin up 700%. The former is a collection of companies producing revenues/cash flow, the later a new "store of value." The price of each heavily impacted by interest rates and money supplies. It would seem like they would at least converge.... —

Posted June 18, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

The labor shortage hits lifeguards. The result: 1/3 of public pools will not open this summer. —

The Lead CNN @TheLeadCNN

Lack of Lifeguards: Up to one-third of the nation's public pools will not open this season due to the labor shortag…

Posted June 18, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

An an FYI, the organizers of something called the Iowa Wing Ding, which is a very big event in advance of the Iowa Caucus, made him the featured speaker at the event in advance of the Iowa Caucus. —

NBC Politics @NBCPolitics

Disgraced lawyer Michael Avenatti, already serving time for stealing money from Stormy Daniels and extortion agains…

Posted June 16, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

@theboanderson They did a lot, but the market can only bear so much. —

Posted June 16, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

If interest rates were the same as they were when Clinton was President, which is where they are roughly heading, then interest on the federal debt would go from 5-6% of the federal budget to ~10-15% (depending on term). Look for this to lead to intense budget/deficit fights. —

Posted June 16, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

The economy can do fine with higher rates. During Clinton's Presidency, a time of strong economic growth, rates were much higher than they are today Higher rates will flush speculative investing, which is probably good But higher rates will also grow the deficit, which is bad —

Posted June 16, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

Why are costs so high in the US? Recent monetary policy and stimulus, NIMBY housing policies, Excess regulation, Lack of universal healthcare, No efforts to control drug costs, Outdated antitrust laws, and No industrial policy focused on supply chain. All fixable —

Posted June 16, 2022
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John Delaney 🇺🇸 @JohnDelaney

We need universal healthcare - where every American has a basic healthcare package for free. It would save lives and lower costs. Unfortunately too many think the only way to have universal healthcare is with a single payer system, which is bad policy and unpopular. —

Democracy Now! @democracynow

Universal healthcare could have saved the lives of 338,000 people in the United States who died of COVID-19, accord…

Posted June 16, 2022