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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

“This was a frivolous lawsuit that never came within a light year of getting the court’s attention,” said Steve Vladeck, a professor at the University of Texas School of Law.” Former Ark. Gov. Mike Huckabee wrongly claimed SCOTUS had taken the case up. —

Posted Jan. 11, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

Justice Elena Kagan asked [counsel] if he “would just comment on, you know, the ancient legal principle, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” She’s totally the best. She’s especially good at reducing legal mumbo jumbo to plain English. —

Posted Jan. 11, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

Like Bret, “I believe a successful democracy needs a morally healthy conservative party — one that channels conservative tendencies into policies to check heedless progressivism while engaging productively the with the world.” But I start at the other end. —

Posted Jan. 11, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw —

Posted Jan. 11, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

A terrific roadmap by the astute @JRubinBlogger to the rough GA landscape that lies ahead for Trump and his acolytes on their way to the slammer — and beyond the reach of rescue by whoever wins the presidency in 2024: —

Posted Jan. 11, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

Those trying to milk the Biden story for more than it's worth -- to make a story out of a nonstory -- don't honestly care about little things like the truth . . . —

Andrew Weissmann 🌻 @AWeissmann_

It’s not a crime to accidentally take and retain govt docs. If upon learning that you have docs, you return them, t…

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

What I worry about isn’t that Trump might try to read the top secret stuff he took to Mar-a-Lago with him — fat chance! — but that he might offer peeks to some of his Russian, Saudi, Chinese, or North Korean friends or threaten to leak them if indicted!! —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

A good rule of thumb might be: If George Santos calls something "fantastic," it's gotta be horrendous. —

Frank Figliuzzi @FrankFigliuzzi1

Accountable to no one: House GOP Votes to Gut Ethics Body, George Santos Calls It 'Fantastic'

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

And it's easy to explain why the situations are worlds apart. Even so, Garland's DOJ is having a Trump-appointed US Attorney investigate the Biden situation so people can be absolutely sure there's no funny business going on. Still, CNN will persist. It helps ratings, evidently. —

Dash Dobrofsky @DashDobrofsky

Good grief. CNN is doing a terrible job of informing its millions of viewers that Biden and Trump’s classified docu…

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

@RepKatiePorter is terrific, but why not aim even higher? I'm urging a tested warrior, @RepAdamSchiff, to toss his hat in the ring. —

Scott Shafer @scottshafer

NEW: Not waiting for @SenFeinstein to announce her decision, O.C. Dem @RepKatiePorter says she's running for the U.…

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

If you think the job of the Federal Judiciary is to advance a political agenda and not to secure equal justice under law, then of course familiarity with the law and experience in lawyering isn't relevant. So a guy like Jim Jordan is perfectly suited to his new post. But if . . . —

Don Lewis @DonLew87

Jim Jordan will chair the Judiciary Committee but he's never passed the bar exam despite graduating from law school…

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

The Constitution itself makes that promise, dude. Right in the text. It's Section 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment, and it binds all three branches of the Federal Government. I'd suggest you read it sometime. —

Aaron Rupar @atrupar

Scalise won't promise that the US won't default on its debt

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

Even a shrunken House Ethics Committee should have the backbone and resources to pursue this complaint against the disgraceful George Santos with full vigor. Based on what's already known, Rep. Santos deserves to be expelled from Congress and run out of town on a rail. —

Ritchie Torres @RitchieTorres

BREAKING NEWS: Dan Goldman and I are filing a formal complaint with the House Ethics Committee against George Santo…

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

@tedlieu is right. Attempts by Congress to direct, defund, or otherwise destabilize ongoing civil or criminal investigations or prosecutions violate the separation of powers, threaten the rule of law, and shake the foundations of the republic. DOJ must not cave but fight back. —

Ted Lieu @tedlieu

We will not let Republicans bully, intimidate or interfere with law enforcement. This new GOP Select Committee to O…

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

Q: How do we keep the extortionists in the GOP from blowing up our economy and wrecking the rule of law? A: Don’t wait till they put a gun to our heads. Act preventively. Here’s @JRubinBlogger’s well-thought-out plan. The Biden Administration should read it now: —

Jennifer "Pro-privacy" Rubin @JRubinBlogger

the White House can defuse the extortionists’ bomb before it is detonated. It should plainly state that the preside…

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

But what about Biden’s classified documents? Here’s an exam question: —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

“If you’ve ever attended a meeting where nothing gets solved, it may be because there are too many people who think alike.” Bazinga! 🧠🪡🧶🪁🎻🎶🧩🗜️🎥🪤🔭📐🧮⚛️🎨 —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

Autocratic ideas are every bit as contagious as democratic ideals. Attitudes and ways of being know no geographical boundaries. That reality can be exhilarating. It can also be lethal. —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

Not just apples to oranges but apples to orange orchards. 🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊 And Orange is Trump's special color, remember . . . —

Joyce Alene @JoyceWhiteVance

Big differences between this & Trump's Mar-a-Lago situation: they were found in an office setting, not in Biden's h……

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

Another huge difference, for sure. —

George Conway🌻 @gtconway3d

And it expressly violates the Espionage Act to "willfully retain[]" sensitive national defense information "and fai…

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

The situations couldn’t be more different. But that won’t stop the False Equivalence Squad from drooling all over this. “But her emails” will become “But his documents.” Sick — but effective. —

Joyce Alene @JoyceWhiteVance

A US Atty who was appointed by Trump is conducting a full investigation. That's appropriate. The facts should be de…

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

Exactly —

George Conway🌻 @gtconway3d

Silly. What makes a Trump indictment necessary is his obstruction and lying. If he'd given the stuff back to NARA…

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

“While Mr. Trump tried to suggest a parallel, the circumstances of the Biden discovery as described so far are significantly different.” To put it mildly! The situations aren’t remotely comparable. But expect Mr. Trump to treat this as a huge bombshell. —

Posted Jan. 10, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

Also Recall: GA charges can't get dropped by an R who is elected president and who picks an AG loyal to the MAGA crowd and thus to Mr. Trump . . . —

Andrew Weissmann 🌻 @AWeissmann_

BREAKING: Fulton special grand jury completes Trump investigation. Recall: GA charges are NOT subject to a Preside…

Posted Jan. 9, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

The usual trope that we've obtained nearly 900 convictions of the foot-soldiers may be reassuring as far as it goes. But it omits the way our system has been slow to restrict the growth of the paramilitary virus from which they arose and has yet to indict any of the planners. —

Mehdi Hasan @mehdirhasan

Oh, they’re arresting and rounding up the rioters on the day itself and not letting them disappear back to their to…

Posted Jan. 9, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

This is no surprise. Ethics and Nihilism make terrible bedfellows. And ethical constraints are the enemies of fascism the world over. —

Bill Kristol @BillKristol

"The MAGA majority’s plan to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics is telling. As Norm Eisen observed, 'Incoming l…

Posted Jan. 9, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

To follow today’s debate on the House Rules — way less boring and more relevant than the topic might sound! — you’ll find it very helpful first to read my coauthored piece (with Dennis Aftergut) below. No paywall, so knock yourself out! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 —

Posted Jan. 9, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

As a loyal Patriots fan, I’ve never cheered their defeat — until their loss yesterday to the inspired Buffalo Bills, who played their hearts out to honor the brave Damar Hamlin! Go Bills!! —

Posted Jan. 9, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

a telegram —

Mark Hamill @MarkHamill

a phone booth

Posted Jan. 9, 2023
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Laurence Tribe @tribelaw

Jim Jordan’s intent to subpoena the FBI for its criminal evidence against Trump is idiotic. He’s obviously legally illiterate. He seems never to have heard about the separation of powers, for starters. He’s just grandstanding. via @politicususa —

Posted Jan. 9, 2023