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Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
.@freddygray . Am I what? This person has blocked me, so I cannot see what he or she has said. —
Freddy Gray @Freddygray31
@thugclive Are you @ClarkeMicah?
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
@ukurbanite. You were not raised ‘without’ religious belief. You were raised to reject religious belief . It is comical that you have persuaded yourself you are ‘dispassionate’. —
UK Urbanite @UKurbanite
@ThreeJacques @ClarkeMicah I've no idea what the first sentence means, but I was raised without religious belief. I…
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
I hadcno idea proctology was involved. But in general I reckon people should stick to criticising their own country’s empires,or other people’s active current ones, rather than getting aerated about an empire that died 80 years ago. —
Kyle McClintock @KyleMcClintoc
@NewYorker Well, from a proctological perspective, a vevlet glove would be preferable to an iron fist, isn't that right @ClarkeMicah?
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
[email protected] bilge. ‘John’ is not a wild animal. He is a sentient human.A cowpat has ‘no belief’. A whelk probably has no belief. But no sentient human above the age of about nine has not considered the issue of God’s existence and either chosen a belief or become agnostic. —
UK Urbanite @UKurbanite
@ClarkeMicah It's not nearly as complicated at that. In my example, John has no belief; he simply accepts life as i…
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
I fear for the effect Harry's drug abuse may have had on himself - and on society via @mailplus —
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
I not not think many Christian believers are crude Bible literalists, Much religious truth is expressed best in metaphor and parable. —
markbot @markbot14
@ClarkeMicah You can be humble to the idea there may be something greater than our understanding, and still show hi…
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
@ukurbanite What is the difference between the two formulations? Do you seek to claim that any sentient adult is unaware of the theist proposition, and has no opinions on it? Unless you are, these are two ways of saying the same thing. —
UK Urbanite @UKurbanite
@Aylmer51 @ClarkeMicah The difference is subtle. Consider the following statements: - John does not believe in God.…
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
Pompey in 1920 . —
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
.@ukurbanite. Really? If you are so indifferent, why not also ignore it when it comes up, as I ignore conversations about cars and spor. —
UK Urbanite @UKurbanite
@ClarkeMicah Religious types seem to think that atheists dogmatically believe that there is no god. That may be tr…
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
.@falstaffbloom. Of course it is. If you thought for a moment, instead of locking your mind behind a wall of prejudice, you'd grasp it. Evidence is not the same thing as proof. —
FalstaffBloom @FalstaffBloom
@ClarkeMicah The existence of something rather than nothing is evidence supporting religious belief? That's more pl…
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
Central Liverpool in 1920 —
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
pre-Luftwaffe Plymouth, from Murray’s 1920 guide to England. —
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
Einstein was not an Atheist —
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
.@Anton_Af_Hjalm 2/2 As it is, the atheists struggles to explain the accidental existence of such a complex mechanism. The theistic explanation has the edge. See Einstein: —
Anton Af Hjalm @Anton_Af_Hjalm
@ClarkeMicah The universe has always existed? Surely the "explanation" works for both?
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
.@Anton_Af_Hjalm 1/2 A vast functioning universe operating to fine tolerances requires an explanation, and a possible explanation is an eternal deity. If nothing existed, there would be no need for any explanation, nor anyone around to seek it. —
Anton Af Hjalm @Anton_Af_Hjalm
@ClarkeMicah The universe has always existed? Surely the "explanation" works for both?
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
@MaasNeotekProto Nothing in the tweet to which he responded so scornfully justifies his response. I gather that your opinion of the fficacy of face coverings, and of the proportionate danger of the virus, differs from mine. This does not entitle you to behave in this way. —
MaasNeotekPrototype @MaasNeotekProto
@ClarkeMicah @Mc77Jimmy Why would it enrage somebody to see someone fail to use basic disease prevention tactics th…
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
Peking does not begin to match Moscow, not least because so much of its historic beauty was destroyed by Mao and the Red Guards. You must have visited the wrong bits of Moscow if it reminded you of Peking. —
ukrainian noble, upstanding and right-thinking @doukhobour
@ClarkeMicah I also prefer Moscow Europhiles like Putin speak adoringly of St Petersburg. In The Putin Interviews…
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
Not really. The theist explanation is that God has never not existed. I can't see what the atheist alternative to this could be, given that there *is* a universe. Of course, if there *wasn't* a universe it'd be easy to dismiss the idea of an eternal God.But as there is, it isn't. —
Adam Johnson @AdamJoh04292263
@ClarkeMicah @FalstaffBloom Something rather than nothing? Doesn't the existence of a God raise as many questions a…
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
Quite so, @shaunwing, though the non-theist strugges to explain how a chance cosmic car crash could have produced a universe operating to such fine tolerances. —
Shaun Wing @shaunmwing
@ClarkeMicah @FalstaffBloom But the same applies to the non-theist view.
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
Well, yes, I do, .@mc77jimmy. Your tweet responds to one in which Icall for the application of reason, through the use of facts and logic. Why does this enrage you so? —
JimmyMc77 @Mc77Jimmy
@ClarkeMicah @bernard_gress ... and you wonder why learned people sniff at the prospect of taking your thoughts and…
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
.@falstaffbloom. Religious belief deals with the *unknowable*, and is therefore a choice. But it is not made regardlsss of facts. There is strong evidence, most notably the existence of something rather than nothing, in support of a theistic explanation of the universe. —
FalstaffBloom @FalstaffBloom
@ClarkeMicah @bernard_gress Mr. H is comfortable with the irrational, in religion for instance. He makes a choice t…
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
Oh, Moscow beyound al doubt the more interesting city. Petrograd is an artificial creation (melancholy and with a miserable dank climate).Moscow is the real frotier between Europe and Asia, vast, melodramatic and totally Russian. —
ukrainian noble, upstanding and right-thinking @doukhobour
@ClarkeMicah @Gunnington Thoughts on St Petersburg vs Moscow?
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
I have only visited one South American city, Caracas, and even so it is not in any way my favourite, .@gunnington —
Tomm Gunnn @Gunnington
@ClarkeMicah What are your favourite cities in South America?
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
19th century St Petersburg, all innocent of its future as the scene of Lenin’s putsch in 1917, and of the starvation famine of the 1940s. And of how many times it would change its name. —
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
This disintegrating map of 19th-century Moscow comes from a Murray’s guidebook heavily annotated by someone on a pilgrimage to see the battlefields Crimea. Distances given in Tsarist Versts ( almost exactly the same length as Kilometres, oddly) . —
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
1920 map of Oxford from Murray’s guide. As the city was never really bombed, much is the same, but can you find Titmouse Lane, now more politely renamed ‘Tidmarsh Lane’? —
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
So @aylmer51 how porous is the weave of a typical face covering? How big are the gaps between mask edges and skin? How big are the Aerosols? —
Aylmer Johnson @Aylmer51
@AnneTow84880951 @Ian765775144 @RangoTheGrump @ClarkeMicah @bernard_gress You must surely know that the purpose of…
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
Never, .@capbeefhear69. —
Name cannot be blank @CapBeefheart69
@ClarkeMicah @CurtainSilicon Have you ever laughed in your life Pete?
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
RT @shaunmwing: @ClarkeMicah @CurtainSilicon Oh no, joviality? Probably worth noting, Mr Hitchens has the Deutssche BundesStiftung fur Hum… —
Peter Hitchens @ClarkeMicah
Yes, thanks .@thelivingvote. I can see and read this. Who allocates the 'independent' constituencies? Who decides who can stand in them? —
David Allen @thelivingvote
@ClarkeMicah The outline is here. I've tried before but with no response. Perhaps you would let me know?