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Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
We can laugh at the silliness of the "Woke Empire"—with quite a bit of justification. But we should remember that the "woke" are the ones in charge of armies and institutions; they are the ones with nuclear weapons; they are the ones who must face this moment. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
What Putin has accomplished by his action is a making clear of what was once ambiguous, a consolidation of the Russian sphere. He has, perhaps unwittingly, revived the original purpose of the NATO alliance and reestablished "The West" as an identitarian and fighting bloc. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
But "wokeness" is obviously a symptom of too much luxury—of not having a real enemy in the globalist era and turning on one's self. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
America and the West were once attractive to higher minds; so much of that has been lost due to the stupidity and hypocrisy of Washington's Middle East boondoggles and, more recently, its unbearable "woke" ideology. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
Right-wingers going gaga over Russia are simply powerlessly lashing out at the world (again, perhaps with good reason, but without any vision of a future or any will or ability to enact it). —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
Ideologies like "Eurasianism" are vague, fantasy-projections onto a petrol-state. There are many good reasons to hate America and Western liberalism, but an ideology cannot be born simply out of resentment and an embrace of being left behind. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
Putin looks the part of a Great White Leaders—and, to his credit, he is actively seeking to enter the stage of Russian, and world, history, alongside Peter. But he's just a gangster; and Russia's "traditionalism" is mostly a function of poverty, alcoholism, and backwardness. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
The Soviet Union (for better and for worse) was in the hopes and dreams of intellectuals around the world: a grand vision of progress and futurism. The new Russian sphere will be attractive to no one. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
The difference between the new 20th century and the old is that the three sides (U.S./EU/NATO; Russia; and China) have been evacuated of ideology. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
We are returning to the 20th century, to a divided world (probably a trifurcated, instead of a bifurcated one). The 30-year period of true globalism—"The End of History," Unipolar Moment"—is over. It was America's time, when it projected itself across the globe, and it is over. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
The conflict in Ukraine is depressing and sickening—and could have been avoided. But I ultimately think it is a positive and necessary development for European civilization and consciousness. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
RT @chribreuer: What's interesting that Putin in his speech mentioned that Ukraine is ruled by a "Nazi government" and he wants to "de nazi… —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
RT @AryasOf: The promise we made after WW2 was no more brother wars but Putin started this, killing at least 40 Ukrainian civilians. The cu… —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
Really great discussion. Thanks to @akarlin0 and @cheg and everyone who participated. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
The fact that Putin’s “Nazi” accusation has gone over like a lead balloon in the West demonstrates his lack of legitimacy here. You can’t just use the word “Nazi” like a spell—Shazam! You have to be sovereign to use it. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
Many have, rightfully, rolled their eyes at Putin’s claim that his invasion is an effort in “denazification.” But this was his linguistic attempt to claim sovereignty over Ukraine. *He* decides who is beyond the pale, inhuman, worthy of destruction. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
Sovereign is he who decides who is the Nazi. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
RT @BrendanGomez9: Putin is sending his Chechen troops into Europe to commit war crimes. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
Starting soon! —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
@RickRockwelll No doubt, many MAGA people will project fantasies onto Russia. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
RT @RayMartin1994: @RichardBSpencer silver lining out of all of this- Putin just reinvigorated the James Bond franchise —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
@RickRockwelll Russian society is not particularly compelling (unlike the Soviet Union, which was ideological). Its “trad” quality seems mainly to be a function of poverty. It has a kleptocratic and oligarchic ruling class. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
@RickRockwelll I agree with a lot of that. Multi-lateral blocs. The “unipolar” moment is over. Europe matters, and heartland Europe (MacKinder) has the resources you describe. It’s the 20th without ideology. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
@RickRockwelll Describe the era we’re entering, in your estimation. My view (at the moment) is that we’re entering the 20th century. —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
RT @1900JD: "The war is here, on our soil. In the tragic times we live in, Europe has no choice but to become a power." - Macron https://… —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
RT @Grace__Thorn: the West's liberalism really is just advanced Christianity taken to its logical conclusion, and this version of Christian… —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
RT @ThePr0diga1S0n: Analysis & prediction on Ukraine from 6 years ago: “The West is leading Ukraine down the primrose path & the end resul… —
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
It’s hard to imagine a nerd like yourself even plausible participating in a training video. But yea, women = bad. —
Richard Hanania @RichardHanania
Before the war we were shown all these women training to fight for Ukraine. Interesting how we now don’t see any of…
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
#RefugeesWelcome 👍🏻 —
Euro 🇺🇦🇪🇺 @EuroHeg
Europe must accept all Ukrainian refugees. We have a moral and fraternal obligation.
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
This is from “leaked” documents, so it should be taken with a heaping of salt. However, this seems to conform with strategy of preventing Ukraine from entering NATO and maintaining it as a buffer zone. The German solution. —
Michael Weiss 🌻🇺🇸🇮🇪 @michaeldweiss
The end-game, evidently, is to bisect Ukraine into two de facto states on the principle of East and West Germany or…