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Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
What doesn’t “sell well” is the fact that we continue to see our fellow Texans lose their lives to gun violence because you are obsessed with pleasing the NRA and the gun lobby instead of protecting the people you were elected to serve. 5/8 —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
On your watch: We are dead last in the ability to see a doctor, fill a prescription or ensure a woman can make her own decisions about her own body. Too many are dying of cervical cancer, diabetes, the flu- as well as Covid —because you’ve ensured they can’t get insured. 4/8 —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
Also not selling so well: you’ve abandoned rural Texans. 21 hospitals have closed in rural counties since 2010, and now more than a million Texans might lose phone & internet service because you cut subsidies for those providers. In the middle of a pandemic. 3/8 —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
If you’d followed the science instead of the polling from the start, we could have contained Covid, saved lives and let everyone get back to work. More than 4 million unemployment claims and too many businesses sidelined because you couldn’t do the right thing. 2/8 —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
You know what doesn’t “sell well” @GregAbbott_TX? The fact that 36,000 Texans have died from Covid. Your have undermined public health and local leadership at every turn, and now too many of our family, friends and neighbors are dead because of it. 1/8 —
Bob Garrett @RobertTGarrett
Asked about possibility @BetoORourke may run for governor, @GregAbbott_TX cites his 'hell yes' comments on taking p…
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
Thank you @AOC —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
I am happy to work with Republicans on this issue where there’s common ground, but you almost had me murdered 3 wee…
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
If there are no consequences and no justice after a coup attempt that killed 5 Americans including a police officer, then there will be more coup attempts and we will ultimately lose our democracy. Trump, Cruz and Co. must be held accountable. —
Senator Ted Cruz @SenTedCruz
Right now, we need to be focused on helping Americans beat this pandemic, not wasting time on impeachment.
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
@warsnotover We’re with you Stephanie —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
When the impeachment trial begins next month, Americans will be reminded of your role in the attempted coup that led to the deaths of five people including a police officer. You are a seditionist with blood on your hands. —
Ted Cruz @tedcruz
When the impeachment trial begins next month, Democrats will be continuing their petty, vindictive ways instead of…
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
Great news. —
President Biden @POTUS
No one should be profiteering off of our criminal justice system. That’s why today, I ordered the Department of Jus…
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
“Our democracy is only equal when all Americans have the same access to the ballot.” Reach out to those who represent you in Congress and let them know how you feel. Capitol switchboard: 202-224-3121. 6/6 —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
It would guarantee automatic voter registration and same day voter registration and stop voter registration purges that have removed 32 million from the rolls (disproportionately voters of color and those with Latino and Asian last names). 5/6 —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
It would require that every state offer 2 weeks of early voting & ensure early voting sites are distributed fairly, stopping state legislatures from removing polling places or setting voting hours that functionally disenfranchise many voters of color. 4/6 —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
It would end felon disenfranchisement throughout America, restoring a civic voice to millions, and offering a second chance to returning citizens. 3/6 —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
It would end partisan gerrymandering and the system by which members of Congress choose their voters by creating independent commissions to draw our congressional districts. 2/6 —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
We have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to save and strengthen American democracy. It’s critical that the House and Senate pass the For The People Act so that all Americans have equal access to the ballot. 1/6 —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
Looking forward to the day the Biden administration ends the federal government’s use of private prisons and for-profit detention centers. In the meantime, we need full accountability and transparency for contractors who staff ICE facilities. —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
Redistricting is beginning in Texas. Senate special committee hearing taking place right now, taking testimony from the public. Tune in to see what your fellow Texans think: —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
Call your Senator 202-224-3121 (even if it’s Cruz. His team should know they work for a seditionist) & tell them you want accountability. Action. Without it, the precedent is set that one can commit sedition without consequence. And that guarantees there will be another attempt. —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
Keep the pressure up. The Houston Chronicle, El Paso Times and San Antonio Express News have all called on him to resign. Joe Manchin, so hidebound by Senate tradition that he won’t consider ending the filibuster, says he’s open to expelling Cruz! —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
Why does he keep this fight going with Seth Rogen even though he’s getting destroyed at every turn? Because he’s guilty of sedition. He’s hoping distraction & time diminish the urgency of accountability. Don’t let him change the channel or the subject, it is sedition every time. —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
Don’t let him off the hook. Don’t let him make this about “Hollywood” — this is about Ted Cruz aiding and abetting an insurrection that killed 5 people including a cop and very nearly ended in the murders of members of Congress and the Vice President. —
Ted Cruz @tedcruz
All jokes aside, @Sethrogen is a moron. It’s your party that believes in govt power: to shut your business, to opp…
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
Grateful to the Senators who have the courage to hold Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley accountable for sedition. If your Senator is not on this list, you can reach their office via Capitol switchboard 202-224-3121 —
Marc E. Elias @marceelias
This is a very big deal. Most ethics complaints come from outside groups. Rarely do Senators to file against their…
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
Ending the filibuster is an existential issue, not just for Democrats, but for democracy. —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
Cruz says he’s for the people of Pittsburgh? The same ones whose votes he tried to throw out? Says he’s cares about the welfare of Americans, when he incited an insurrection that would have overthrown America’s government? He’s a self-serving seditionist. Cruz is for Cruz. —
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC
Nice tweet Sen. Cruz! Quick question: do you also believe the Geneva Convention was about the views of the citizens…
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
RT @jaketapper: After voting to disenfranchise the entire commonwealth of Pennsylvania based on lies and conspiracy theories, Cruz expresse… —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
But while democracy can be periodically delayed, it can never be permanently defeated. In this truth, in this faith we trust for while we have our eyes on the future, history has its eyes on us. This is the era of just redemption.” —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
.@TheAmandaGorman: “We’ve seen a forest that would shatter our nation rather than share it. Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy. This effort very nearly succeeded. —
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
You won’t be able to wash off the stain of sedition. It, and the deaths you caused and the deep damage to our democracy you made possible, will be on you forever. —
Ted Cruz @tedcruz
Biden takes the oath. May God bless the United States of America. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Beto O'Rourke @BetoORourke
“The will of the people has been heard. Democracy has prevailed.” Congratulations President Biden and Vice President Harris. Thank you America. —