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Showing page 110 of 341.
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @abbydphillip: The WaPo's entire series examining how systemic racism played out in George Floyd's life is excellent and worth your time… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @EllenBarryNYT: Stood in line today behind an 18-year-old casting her first vote, and when she stepped inside everyone applauded: the po… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @mattfleg: The president's mandate was clear: Be less like Donald Trump. It can be said that he tried, in his way. And it is far from c… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @ZekeJMiller: Via pooler @rebeccaballhaus: "The audience was nearly completely silent during the debate, save for one giggle when Potus… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @emilyfavreau: “AOC plus three” is how @AOC makes a dinner reservation. —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
The @kwelkernbc is a consummate A student, overachiever, hard worker, over-preparer, and overall lovely human — and tonight, when it mattered, those YEARS of work and professionalism showed. #CRUSHER 🔥🔥🔥 —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @jdelreal: Kristen Welker understands why you were 15 minutes late to the meeting, but she just wants you to know that people were waiti… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @jdelreal: Kristen Welker *will* get an A on that pop quiz in calculus. —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @jdelreal: Kristen Welker *will* get you a better price on that new car. —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
This Abraham Lincoln back and forth feels... in the weeds. —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @AsteadWesley: It a testament to underrepresention in Congress that the scariest Black man this crowd can come up with is Cory Booker —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @IChotiner: One thing I’m hearing from pollsters surveying the Midwest is that Leslie Stahl hasn’t really gotten her economic message ac… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @wpjenna: I can’t stop thinking about this article (which you should read) and how those who make bad decisions are not always the ones… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @PhilipRucker: The first debate was a horror. The second was scrapped. Now it’s up to Kristen Welker. —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @PhilipRucker: America in 2020: The president is considering firing the FBI director and perhaps also the attorney general because the F… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @wpjenna: Obama in Pennsylvania: “I don’t care about the polls. There were a bunch of polls last time, and it didn’t work out. . . . Not… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @MarcACaputo: Backstory of this clip making the rounds today: Biden met with the families of the 17 murder victims in Parkland. This chi… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @MichaelCBender: Trump’s attempt to rebound has included some unusual tactics. He asked allies about a shakeup, seeking opinions on Step… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @EliStokols: So Trump didn’t listen to Stepien and Miller’s advice about the first debate, is now asking friends if he should replace th… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
@karentravers @JulieATate Honestly it was mainly a way to get me (and her) out of the house. Which is hopefully better than when I signed “us” up for music, and it basically involved me holding hands and singing w other women, while dancing above my newborn waving scarves... (But also: soccer!). —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
Read this, and then questioned my decision to sign my 2-year-old up for soccer. ⚽️⚽️⚽️ —
Longform @longform
"The Mad, Mad World of Niche Sports Among Ivy League–Obsessed Parents" (Ruth S. Barrett,…
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @samjmintz: With Biden's campaign talking about big plans for rail, here's a map that Amtrak is circulating with ambitious but realistic… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
Parker 2020: Can you tell I haven’t showered? —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @seungminkim: “They’re children of God and have a right to a family,” the pope said. “Nobody should be thrown out, or be made miserable… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @juliaioffe: Ever since @jonathanvswan's amazing and tough interview with the President, I've wondered how Trump would handle a tough in… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @PeterAtlantic: Pres. Trump, speaking in Erie, Pa at a rally tonight, says he wouldn’t have come to Erie if the pandemic hadn’t hit. “Be… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
@LEFTeyeSTORIES I was a fan as a little kid! But someone recently sent that to me as a gift, after I tweeted about a angry ready attacking me and a colleague as “the Bobbsey Twins.” —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @corinne_perkins: Dana Clark, and her son 18 month old Mason, wait in line at City Hall as early voting begins in New Orleans, Louisiana… —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
I will never understand the "sweater tee." —
Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker
RT @tonyschwartz: Why Trump is behaving so self-destructively -- and why it makes sense. My new take on Daily Beast:… —