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Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
After yesterday’s virtual Iowa roundtable with IA Sen @PJochum & IA Rep Ruth Gaines on VP @JoeBiden’s #BuildBackBetter plan, I told @georgemallet that America has a President that divides. VP Biden, on the other hand, will bring heart to the White House. That’s what we need now. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
RT @MariaTeresa1: .@amyklobuchar is sounding the alarm for our November elections and is trying to secure funding in the #HEROESAct for sta… —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
The American people have waited. They waited for testing—and they've waited for protective equipment for frontline workers. Americans shouldn't have to wait any longer for Congress to protect their health and right to vote in November. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
Today I talked with IA Sen @PJochum, IA Rep Ruth Ann Gaines, @DrEricGjerde & Di Findley about VP @JoeBiden's plan to build back better with affordable child care & long-term care. There are almost 100 days until the election—join tomorrow's day of action: —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
I'm ready for some (safe and healthy) @Twins baseball! Let’s play ball! #OpeningDay —
Minnesota Twins @Twins
Today's the day! #OpeningDay
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
As I said on @Morning_Joe, the American people shouldn't be denied the right to vote—and they shouldn't have to choose between voting and staying healthy. Expanding early voting and vote by mail should (and must) be a bipartisan effort. Let's get this done. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
Congratulations to New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver (@NMSOSMaggie) for being sworn in as the National Association of Secretaries of State (@NASSorg) President! Your strong voice for safe, secure and accessible elections is vital right now. Congrats! —
NASS #TrustedInfo2020 @NASSorg
.@NMSecOfState has been officially sworn-in as the 2020-2021 @NASSorg President! We look forward to her leadership…
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
In the words of Vice President @JoeBiden, our country has to build back better. And part of this means continuing to promote what's made America a leader: good ideas, new ideas, small companies and my bill to help new startups. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
RT @FirstAvenue: “Minnesota’s concert halls, theatres, and places of entertainment, like First Avenue in Minneapolis, where Prince famously… —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
Without a doubt, winning up and down the ballot in November is crucial to our country's future. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
Check this out! Grammy-winning Maria Schneider takes on Big Data in latest work. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
In 2016, Donald Trump said at the Republican National Convention, “I alone can fix this.” Today, on the day he canceled his own convention, he said, "This could have been stopped quickly and easily.” If you are looking for what irony is all about, you just found it. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
Before the pandemic, many families couldn't afford child care or long-term care. Now it’s even harder. But VP @JoeBiden has a plan to build back better. Iowans, join me tomorrow to discuss his economic recovery plan & how we can make care more affordable. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
Tribal spectrum issue is really important and the timeline must be extended. #ConnectTribes —
(((haroldfeld))) @haroldfeld
Huge thanks to @amyklobuchar for raising #ConnectTribes 2.5 GHz Tribal Window at today's spectrum hearing, and to…
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
I’d rather put ballots in the mailbox than put people in the hospital. As I said on @CNN today with @PoppyHarlowCNN, the Senate must work together to ensure the coronavirus package includes funding so states can expand early voting & vote by mail. We have to get it done. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
Since the start of the pandemic our country has faced a lack of protective equipment, including for poll workers and voters. Sen. @maziehirono and I are urging the Trump administration to take action to keep everyone safe on Election Day. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
Our country saw the chaos & disenfranchisement that will happen if we don't expand voting by mail & early voting. My bill that’s supported by @StaceyAbrams & @FairFightAction will get this done because no American should have to choose between their health & right to vote. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
Small entertainment venues, like where Prince performed at @FirstAvenue, have inspired generations. We must help them get through this crisis. I’m leading the bipartisan Save Our Stages Act, which will do what it says to continue to serve our communities. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
Empathy, compassion and leadership—qualities we saw daily in President @BarackObama. We can have that in a President again when we elect @JoeBiden. —
Joe Biden @JoeBiden
44 + 46 7.23.20
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
Post-presidency house hunting? —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
Post-presidency house hunting? —
Chris Cillizza @CillizzaCNN
Wait, are we *still* trying to buy Greenland?
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
Tom Ridge got this right: feds are not President’s “personal militia” —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
If our elections are not safe during this pandemic, then our democracy is not secure. The Senate must pass my bill that funds vote by mail and early voting to keep all Americans safe and healthy and have backup paper ballots. It’s time to get it done. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
#MaskUpMN and register to vote (early or by mail). —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
Our country is facing a public health crisis and an economic crisis—and scammers are using it to exploit our most vulnerable, especially seniors. Sen. @JerryMoran and I introduced a bill that would help prevent scammers from taking advantage of our seniors. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
The clock is ticking. It’s time to provide states the needed funding to expand voting by mail and early voting, so no American has to choose between their health and right to vote. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
When VP @JoeBiden talks about building back better, it means better than the way things were before. Our country must get people the help they need. Then we must look at the day after tomorrow—jobs coming back, child care, caring for our seniors. That’s how we build back better. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
As ranking Democrat on the Senate rules committee, I just gave my opening statement at our hearing on protecting voters during pandemic. We can do something about this RIGHT NOW by passing the House-passed HEROES Act which includes my bill for funding to help states & set stds. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
I’ve always said that we need someone we can trust in the White House. I didn’t mean we need someone we can trust to solicit foreign interference into our elections to help his political career. —
Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar
Donald Trump said last weekend he’s opposed to money for coronavirus testing. COVID-19 cases are at an all-time high. Americans can’t afford to wait on these tests. —