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Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
@just_norm @velez_david David is amazing and such a special show to do. —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
Real time picture of Vista Equity sifting through the rubble of growth companies in 2022. 😂 —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
One of the most underrated skills the best early stage founders have. Their ability to detect non-obvious talent. By nature of stage and funding raised, most early stage can’t hire all stars. Your ability to find the next gen will determine your next chapter. 🚀 —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
@AshleyAitken All good man. We just agree to disagree. 👍 —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
@thefreeskoutapp It’s pre-seed often pre-product, you don’t have numbers! —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
@AshleyAitken It’s pre-seed, often pre-product, what data do you have? Btw, the art of storytelling is never old school. How to resonate, compel, excite is an art that never dies. —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
@AditTrivedi7 We respectfully agree or disagree Adit! 😂😘 —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
@AditTrivedi7 How do you build a diverse team in the early days not purely from your network? How do you attract the best beta users for the early V1 pre PMF testing days? How do you attract the best pre-seed angels and investors to fund this stage? Not just the ones you know. It helps. —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
I believe that as a founder today if you are not taking advantage of Twitter et al to build your brand you are fundamentally missing a core channel to: Inspire and acquire talent. Acquire customers. Attract and gain interest from investors. Get started today. —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
@EvanDHynes Good advice and appreciated —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
@EvanDHynes Amazing If not all about the groom, what about? —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
@jon_eckhardt @Calendly It is a special one! —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
Tomorrow we drop an absolute banger of a 20Product with Annie Pearl, CPO @Calendly discussing: Why every PLG company must eventually adopt enterprise? What changes with product and team structure when moving to enterprise. This is a MasterClass, stay tuned. 🔥 —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
@arieabec Fascinating and elegantly done. So if you have no data and cannot compel and inspire someone. How do you build a team? How do you convince customers to try a product they have never heard of? How do you convince investors to back it? Love your thoughts! :) —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
@daniel_sawko Welcome to the club my friend. —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
Twitter, I need your help. I am doing a best man's speech for my older brother in 3 weeks. It is insanely important to me to do the very best. What videos, examples, tips, would you give or recommend for me as I prep for the speech? —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
@nickjsheriff Totally agree. —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
Storytelling is never singular. It is multi-channel. You have to change your story dependent on the ears that hear it. Customers need to hear one thing. Investors will need another. Team members another still. Always know your audience and tailor your story to them. —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
People forget when it comes to brand. Your brand is: the bio in your Twitter profile the way your customers speak about you in forums, how employees communicate to their friends about the company. None of this can be ignored, it is the combination which make your brand. —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
@braddgough Fascinating, I am intrigued, with thousands of users and 750K revs, how would you not have revenue? Genuinely intrigued. 😊 —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
Tip: Don’t ever apologise for an investor update being late. First, you sent it, you have done what 70% have not. Second, they likely won’t have been counting the days since your last. Get to it. Communicate clearly. Communicate the worst first. It builds trust. —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
@braddgough Well then you have data so of course then —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
@christianreber I think we are aligned, you won’t be able to build a great team if you can’t inspire people. If you can’t clearly articulate what you are building and why it is worth someone spending their life building it. —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
Following my last on storytelling, it is simple: This is the problem I am solving. This is why it is such a big problem. This is the person/company who will buy it. This is how we build a free cash flow machine over time. This is the team to do it. Done. —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
I am sorry, as a founder, the only thing that matters at pre-seed and seed: Can you tell a story? Can you compel the other side to join you, as an investor, customer or team member. You maybe the smartest but you don’t have data at this point so you have to inspire. —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
So @Kieranleehill just led an investment for 20VC & to me it perfectly summarises what venture is: Investing in insanely smart & ambitious people. Innovating to create a solution for an immensely hard problem. With low likelihood of success. But huge upside if achieved. —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
If we all appreciate that we always underestimate the size of our winners. Does market sizing analysis not always lead to a suboptimal decision based on unreliable data? 🔥 answer below from @weschan on why he doesn’t do market sizing analysis! —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
Rarely ever is it the right decision to wait until post launch to fundraise. 1. You won’t have much data post launch. 2. The data won’t tell a full story. 3. The data is rarely as good as you think it will be. 99% of the time, raise pre launch. —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
There is a big misnomer that there is a trade off between speed & quality when it comes to execution. Rarely does a team spend much longer than expected and then come back with a masterpiece. 99% of the time it is delayed and Over time, then it comes back disappointing. —
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings
Often have founders ask: Should we announce our fundraise. Simple: Pros: Hiring Customer validity Future funding interest. Cons: Competitors know you exist. No one will copy you though. Trust me, an article won’t make someone inspired to copy you. 99% do it. —