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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

The time for Jack Posobiec to be banned from Twitter is not after the 2024 election, not at the start of the 2024 general election, not 6 months from now or 3 months from now or a month from now but *now*. He’s in flagrant, repeated violation of the Terms of Service of this site. —

Posted March 4, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

Foreign agents and Americans more loyal to foreign nations than the U.S. have made clear in recent months and years that they’ll use Facebook and Twitter and other social media platforms to try to steal our elections. Either Elon gets on the right side of this or he is complicit. —

Posted March 4, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

There’ll be hell to pay in America if January 20, 2025 comes and not only is Trump President of the United States again but media is writing feckless thinkpieces wondering how it managed to miss the danger of deepfakes and the role social media platforms played in promoting them. —

Posted March 4, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

If @ElonMusk claims to support the use of @CommunityNotes to flag accounts that post deepfakes, he needs to inform Twitter users of what his *next* step is when the same accounts post the same deepfakes over and over and over and over again after being flagged by @CommunityNotes. —

Posted March 4, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

Deepfakes are by definition violative of the safety and integrity of other social media users—not free speech. They put words in the mouths of others as a way to defame them, put them in danger, use them as unwilling political pawns, and worse. @ElonMusk needs to take action now. —

Posted March 4, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

There needs to be a movement right now on social media to severely penalize those accounts that: repeatedly post deepfakes, amplify and advocate for others’ deepfakes, use evasion techniques to escape moderation, and openly declare their plan to make war on America via deepfakes. —

Posted March 4, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

I’m not the first to say this and I surely won’t be the last: Shortly before the 2024 presidential election—which will be a rematch between Trump and Biden—individuals within Trump’s inner circle, likely to include Jack PoSobiec, will try to use *deepfakes* to steal the election. —

Posted March 4, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

Jack PoSobiec is in effect declaring war on America on behalf of Vladimir Putin. And Elon Musk—who promised advertisers and Twitter users that Twitter would stop deepfake disinformation—has done nothing but coddle PoSobiec as @CommunityNotes has failed to stop his Putinist psyop. —

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 @JackPosobiec


Posted March 4, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

If @ElonMusk weren’t an abject coward who’s openly fraternized with Jack Posobiec yet refuses to engage progressives, Posobiec would be banned from Twitter. Ban evasion leads to suspension—but posting and reposting a video @CommunityNotes has already flagged carries no penalty. —

Posted March 4, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

@dale_coop @Nervanti @Broke_Studio Is @Broke_Studio going to distribute this? I hope so! I played and beat it and it is a wonderful cart. —

Posted March 4, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

@Nervanti Would love to buy a copy of this! —

Posted March 4, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

(📢) Also, @CommunityNotes, this video also pushes a deliberately misleading edit of a Zelensky interview response. Zelensky was discussing what would happen if Russia invaded a NATO country and Article 5 were invoked. This Twitter user has repeatedly pushed this debunked video. —

Posted March 3, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

(📢) @CommunityNotes , please address this. This user was previously flagged for posting a deepfake of Joe Biden, now he’s posted it again without any acknowledgment that it’s a deepfake. This tweet and video are dangerously misleading and this user should be banned from Twitter. —

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 @JackPosobiec

Stay mad

Posted March 3, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

RT @SethAbramson: ICYMI: Trump Political Agent Kash Patel Is Paying the FBI Witnesses Trump Ally Jim Jordan Falsely Says Can Prove Politica… —

Posted March 3, 2023 Retweet
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

These are the rantings of an active insurrectionist, issued to wild applause by a room full of people who would vote for Vladimir Putin to be President of the United States (were he eligible) over even a moderate *Republican*. —

Republican Accountability @AccountableGOP

Matt Gaetz: “We either get this government back on our side, or we defund and get rid of, abolish the FBI, CDC, ATF…

Posted March 3, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

Oh, I’m well aware of what the CIA is and what its jurisdiction is. What I’m saying is that the CIA has opted not to coordinate with the FBI on what it knows about the activities Trump and his circle have engaged in overseas that could have domestic federal criminal consequences. —

bgare @bgare5

@SethAbramson Nitpicking, but CIA is technically foreign intel. FBI is domestic.

Posted March 3, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

RT @RonFilipkowski: Boebert tells Steve Bannon, recently convicted for refusing to abide by a subpoena, that they need to start issuing mor… —

Posted March 3, 2023 Retweet
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

RT @SethAbramson: The FBI and CIA continue to treat Donald Trump and his inner circle as though they’re beyond the reach of federal crimina… —

Posted March 3, 2023 Retweet
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

The FBI and CIA continue to treat Donald Trump and his inner circle as though they’re beyond the reach of federal criminal law. RETWEET this tweet if, like me, you suspect there’s a reason *why* this has been the case for years now and you want to know what it is—immediately. —

Posted March 3, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

Or maybe these FBI witnesses *can* prove the political weaponization of the FBI... ...just in the *opposite political direction* from the one Trump, Patel, and Jordan had hoped they would. I wrote a book (Proof of Coup) on how dangerous Patel is. Imagine if the FBI had acted? —

Posted March 3, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

(PS) Or, better said, maybe these FBI witnesses *can*.prove the political weaponization of the FBI... ...just in the *entirely opposite political direction* from the one Trump, Patel, and Jordan had hoped they would. —

Posted March 3, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

ICYMI: Trump Political Agent Kash Patel Is Paying the FBI Witnesses Trump Ally Jim Jordan Falsely Says Can Prove Political Weaponization of the FBI—a Piece of Irony So Big It Should Cause the Sun to Explode —

Posted March 3, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

(PS3) Twitter did nothing to stop this. @CommunityNotes briefly appended a note to Stage 1 of the op, but PoSobiec got it taken down. Then it went back up. Stage 2 saw no interference from Twitter. Stage 3 saw no interference from Twitter. PoSobiec is a dangerous, disloyal snake. —

Posted March 3, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

(PS2) This was—in full view of America—an intelligence operation that is part of an information war being waged by Putinists against the United States. It was coordinated by a former U.S. intelligence officer whose loyalties now appear to lie elsewhere and who just spoke at CPAC. —

Posted March 3, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

(PS) I hope this coverage I have offered over the last few days has shown people how PoSobiec works. Twitter allowing this traitor to the United States on its platform *is* the problem. @CommunityNotes cannot stop him; Elon Musk openly encourages him; he *does* want civil unrest. —

Posted March 3, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

BREAKING: Putinist Jack PoSobiec Launches Stage 3 of His Anti-America Psyop Stage 1: Post Biden deepfake with disclaimer at end. Stage 2: Amplify anticipated third-party edit of deepfake without disclaimer but a reference to AI. Stage 3: Personally post edit with no disclaimers. —

Posted March 3, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

RT @MacFarlaneNews: House Admin. Cmte Democrats about Jan 6 police video: "Rioters attempted to gather information about the interior of th… —

Posted March 3, 2023 Retweet
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

RT @JoyceWhiteVance: This law, if passed, sets up a legal challenge to go to SCOTUS, giving them the opportunity to reverse Obergefell & ma… —

Posted March 3, 2023 Retweet
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

(PS) I’ve been spending time in PoSobiec’s comment sections, after getting a wave of antisemitic threats for writing on the former intelligence officer and current Putinist’s psyops against US citizens. What strikes me is the antisemitism—which is just as prevalent as the racism. —

Posted March 3, 2023
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Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

(PS) I’ve been spending time in PoSobiec’s comment sections, after getting a wave of antisemitic threats following my coverage of the intelligence officer Putinist psyops against American citizens. And what strikes me is the antisemitism, which is just as prevalent as the racism. —

Posted March 3, 2023