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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

De cara a la sesión legislativa del año 2022, una de mis prioridades es la representación jurídica universal. Cada persona, sin importar su situación migratoria, merece tener acceso a la justicia, debida garantía procesal y recursos jurídicos justos y de calidad. —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

Looking ahead to the 2022 legislative session, one of my priorities is universal legal representation. Every individual, regardless of their immigration status, deserves access to justice, due process of law, and quality, fair legal resources. —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

Para obtener soporte de traducción para hablantes de idiomas indígenas de México, Centroamérica y Sudamérica, navegación de servicios legales, defensa del cliente y asistencia financiera, visite Pueblo Unido en —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

For translation support for speakers of Indigenous languages from Mexico, Central and South America, legal service navigation, client advocacy, and financial assistance, check out Pueblo Unido at —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

Si está en riesgo de deportación, puede ser elegible para representación legal gratuita aquí: Información sobre DACA, deportación y actividad de ICE, ciudadanía, prevención de fraude y más: —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

If you are at risk of deportation, you may be eligible for free legal representation through Equity Corps: Information on DACA, deportation & ICE activity, citizenship, preventing fraud, and more: —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

Recuerdo haber trabajado en coalición hace una década con muchos otros en algunos de los primeros proyectos de ley de santuario del estado, por lo que fue un honor ser patrocinador principal y aprobar este proyecto de ley. ¡Sí se puede! —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

I remember working in coalition a decade ago with many others on some of the state’s first sanctuary bills, so it was an honor to come first circle as chief sponsor and pass this bill. ¡Sí se puede! —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

Como legislador, me enorgullece haber ayudado a aprobar la Ley de Promesa del Santuario, que protege a los habitantes de Oregón de la discriminación racial y garantiza que la policía local y recursos no se utilizarán para hacer cumplir la ley de inmigración federal. —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

As a legislator, I’m proud to have helped pass HB 3265 the Sanctuary Promise Act, which protects Oregonians from racial profiling and ensures that local police and resources will not be used for federal immigration enforcement. ¡El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido! —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

Un aplauso a la juventud latinx en el @daviddouglas_sd en el HD 47 por enfrentar al poder con la verdad en este increíble video sobre lo que ellas quieren que sepamos acerca del ser latinx: —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

And shout out to the Latinx youth in @daviddouglas_sd in HD 47 speaking truth to power in this incredible video about what they’d like us to know about being Latinx: —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

También he resaltado el trabajo de mi increíble colega en la Asamblea, @AndreaRSalinas. En cuanto al acceso a atención médica, derechos de los migrantes y protección de nuestra democracia, la Diputada Salinas es una feroz defensora de lo que es correcto. —

Oregon Rep. Valderrama, HD 47 @DreaValderrama

Today’s #WCW goes to the always brave, always sharp, and always thoughtful Andrea Salinas, State Representative for…

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

I’ve also highlighted the work of my incredible colleague in the legislature, Rep. @AndreaRSalinas. From access to health care, immigrant rights, and protecting our democracy, Rep. Salinas is a fierce advocate for what is right. —

Oregon Rep. Valderrama, HD 47 @DreaValderrama

Today’s #WCW goes to the always brave, always sharp, and always thoughtful Andrea Salinas, State Representative for…

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

Este #MesDeLaHerenciaLatinx, mi oficina ha levantado las voces de los líderes latinx. Andreina Velasco es una de estas personas: una educadora latina para @daviddouglas_sd y maestra de preescolar en el primer programa bilingüe del distrito. —

Oregon Rep. Valderrama, HD 47 @DreaValderrama

The #WCW of the day goes to Andreina Velasco! Venezuelan immigrant, mother, bilingual preschool teacher, and union…

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

This #HispanicHeritageMonth, my office has worked to lift up the voices of Latinx leaders. Andreina Velasco is one of these individuals—a Latina educator for @daviddouglas_sd and a preschool teacher in the district's first bilingual program. —

Oregon Rep. Valderrama, HD 47 @DreaValderrama

The #WCW of the day goes to Andreina Velasco! Venezuelan immigrant, mother, bilingual preschool teacher, and union…

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

Soy orgullosa de ser hija de inmigrantes. Intento centrar los valores indígenas incas de ayni (reciprocidad), yachay (saber/conocer), munay (amor) y llank’ay (trabajar) todos los días a través de mi trabajo como una forma de recordar y honrar mi herencia cultural. —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

I’m a proud daughter of immigrants. I try to center the indigenous Incan values of Ayni (reciprocity), Yachay (knowing), Munay (love), & Llank’ay (work) every day through my work as a way to remember & honor my cultural heritage. —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

Soy miembro de los comités de Ingresos, Vivienda y Energía y Recursos Naturales, y recientemente fui elegida para servir como Líder Asistente de la mayoría de la bancada demócrata. (2/2) —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

Desde que asumí el cargo, aprobé cientos de proyectos de ley y ayudé a recaudar millones de dólares para el distrito 47. (1/2) —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

Since taking office, I have passed hundreds of bills and helped bring in millions of dollars into HD 47. I serve on the Revenue, Housing, and Energy & Natural Resources committees, and was recently elected to serve as an Asst. Majority Leader for the Democratic caucus. —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

A principios de este año, asumí el cargo de ser la primera peruana-estadounidense en la Legislatura. Pasé mi carrera como organizadora luchando por la justicia racial y económica en Oregón. Es un honor representar las afueras de Portland. —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

I was sworn into office earlier this year as the first Peruvian-American to serve in the Legislature. I’ve spent my career as an organizer fighting for racial & economic justice in Oregon. It’s an honor to represent outer East Portland. East side in the House! —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

¡Hola! Soy Representante Estatal @DreaValderrama (ella) del distrito de la casa de 47, las afueras de Portland. Hoy me hago cargo de las historias de Twitter y Instagram de la gobernadora Brown en celebración del último día del #MesDeLaHerenciaLatinx. ¡Espero que me sigas! —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

¡Hola! I’m State Representative @DreaValderrama (she/her/ella) from House District 47 for outer East Portland. I’m taking over Governor Brown’s Twitter and Instagram Stories today in celebration of the final day of #HispanicHeritageMonth. I hope you’ll follow along! —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

RT @USInteriorPress: .@Interior leaders were in Oregon yesterday to highlight conservation efforts, survey wildland fire damage, and discus… —

Posted Oct. 15, 2021 Retweet
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

I visited the Cascade Siskiyou National Monument and the site of the 2020 South Obenchain Fire in Southern Oregon today. I'm grateful for our partnership with @Interior as we work at the local, state, and federal levels to take a comprehensive approach to addressing wildfire. —

Posted Oct. 14, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

Congratulations, @Super_GGuerrero! @PPSConnect students, teachers, and staff are so lucky to have you. —

Posted Oct. 14, 2021
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

RT @OregonDOT: A person with a white cane or guide dog always has the right-of-way. SLOW DOWN! #WhiteCaneSafetyDay —

Posted Oct. 14, 2021 Retweet
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Governor Kate Brown @OregonGovBrown

This month serves as an important reminder that there are people and resources available to help survivors. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE —

Posted Oct. 14, 2021