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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Solidarity @Nus_Ghani, it takes immense courage to come forward and speak out like this. —

Nus Ghani MP @Nus_Ghani

My response to No10 statement

Posted Jan. 23, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Far right extremist and Professional Toerag Tommy Robinson claims to be bankrupt and unable to pay after losing his libel case for lying about a refugee schoolboy. Donate to @hopenothate to support their investigation into #TommysMissingMillions. —

Posted Jan. 23, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Rocketing energy & food costs have led to inflation reaching a 30 year high. Poorer people in our communities will be forced into heartbreaking choices, such as whether to eat or heat their home. Sadly, the Government's too busy with "Operation Save Big Dog" to even care. —

Posted Jan. 23, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Sacking Nus Ghani because of her faith is absolutely disgusting, but sadly it is not surprising given the continued normalisation of Islamophobia that we have seen in society under this Government and even amongst members of this Government. —

Posted Jan. 23, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

The Tories promised to level up our country, but MPs allege cash for their towns is dependent on support for Johnson. No wonder Tory Councils receive £30 more Levelling Up funding per head than Labour ones. Deciding investment based on fealty to the PM is blatantly corrupt. —

Posted Jan. 22, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Whilst energy bills are soaring alongside a rising cost of living, Boris Johnson decides to try and save his own skin instead of coming up with a plan to help those people who are struggling. It couldn't be clearer where this Government's priorities truly lie. —

Natasha Clark @NatashaC

Sun understand PM and Cx were to have had meetings this week to whittle down the long list of options to help peopl…

Posted Jan. 22, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Amazon's Jeff Bezos made a staggering $70bn during the pandemic. Yet his workers, who created this wealth, are subjected to dehumanising conditions with over a thousand ambulance callouts to Amazon sites since 2016. Solidarity with those fighting to unionise Amazon workers. —

Posted Jan. 22, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Solidarity with my good friend and comrade, @ApsanaBegumMP, one of the bravest and most resilient people that I'm proud to know. —

Apsana Begum MP @ApsanaBegumMP

Today in Parliament there was a debate on lawfare and the UK court system. Part one of my speech here:

Posted Jan. 22, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

RT @IanByrneMP: Child hunger remains prevale @RishiSunak at the sweep of a ✍️wrote off 4.3 billion pounds in Covid loans. @RishiSunak coul… —

Posted Jan. 22, 2022 Retweet
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Human Rights advocacy group Liberty have claimed unclear guidance over lockdown rules led to over-zealous policing, resulting in inconsistency and discrimination. It's simply not right that certain communities were disproportionately targeted whilst No10 hosted boozy parties. —

Posted Jan. 22, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Details of intimidation tactics used by Johnson's cronies against his own MPs are coming to light. Accusations of blackmail and threats, such as promising to scrap a new school if an MP won't toe the Tory Party line. These wannabe gangsters can't be trusted with our democracy. —

Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

RT @Bradford_TandA: Angry residents get backing of @Imran_HussainMP in fight against Idle Moor development - as objections near 900 https:… —

Posted Jan. 21, 2022 Retweet
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Whilst the Tories are engulfed in controversy, families are facing the consequences of their failures. They're out of ideas - but would rather see people get worse off than support Labour's proposal of a Windfall Tax on Energy Firms to cushion the blow of this crisis. —

Posted Jan. 21, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

A senior Tory MP has revealed the shocking extent Johnson's stooges have gone to save his skin. Attempts to blackmail MPs with embarrassing stories and threats to cut funding in their constituencies if they won't back him. Is there no depth he won't stoop to? —

Posted Jan. 20, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Estimates show the number of people waiting for care could rise to 13 million. My constituents are waiting months, and in some cases years to get the treatment they need & are entitled too. The Tories are destroying our NHS to justify a shift to a US-style privatised model. —

Posted Jan. 20, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Billionaires wealth grew by $5 trillion during the pandemic. Yet, as inflation soars, people who create wealth, the workers, are suffering a real terms wage cut. Johnson or a Tory successor won't change this - The Conservatives top brass will always be in the pocket of elites. —

Posted Jan. 19, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

My article on the cost of living crisis that's blighting our communities. "The British people deserve better than a Prime Minister mired in controversy and an invisible man Chancellor who’s been missing in action since the going started getting tough". —

Posted Jan. 19, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Embarrassing showing from Boris Johnson at #PMQS, trying every cheap trick in the book to avoid questions about his Downing Street knees-up. He has debased the office of Prime Minister and disrespected the British people for too long. —

Posted Jan. 19, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Boris Johnson repeatedly referenced “good British common sense” as a means to dealing with the pandemic. His most recent lie is that he didn't understand rules he had set - rules, members of the public were fined up to £10,000 for breaking. You couldn't make this stuff up. —

Posted Jan. 19, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

The Policing Bill is a threat to democracy and has serious implications for Gypsies, Roma & Travellers. Instead of addressing the lack of authorised sites for Travellers to stop at - police would be given powers to confiscate vehicles, including mobile homes. #KillTheBill —

Posted Jan. 18, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

The 10 richest people in the world doubled their wealth during the pandemic, rising from $700 billion to $1.5 trillion. At the same time 99% of the population got poorer. No wonder Downing Street hosted non-stop parties, to the elite - inequality is cause for celebration. —

Posted Jan. 18, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

The very least the Government should have done is follow the rules they set. The culture within Johnson's Downing Street created this mess which is so hurtful to those who stuck to the rules, even when it was difficult to do so. —


'I feel like an idiot.' This funeral officer who stopped family from attending cremations broke down in tears wish…

Posted Jan. 18, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

The Prime Minister thinks the rules don't apply to him but the public have had enough of him and his incompetence & trickery. ▪️Matt Hancock resigned after he broke the rules. ▪️ Allegra Stratton stepped down for mocking rule breaking ▪️ Boris Johnson⌛ —

Posted Jan. 17, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

RT @UnitePolitics: The #PoliceBill: ❌Restricts your right to protest ❌Bans many forms of peaceful protest ❌Criminalises 'noisy' 'disruptiv… —

Posted Jan. 17, 2022 Retweet
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

There's 3.5 million citizens in the UK without a photo ID - mainly from lower income & BAME communities. The Tories Elections Bill will disenfranchise those people & is blatant voter suppression. This is straight out of the Trump playbook and has no place in our democracy. —

Posted Jan. 17, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

RT @AngelaRayner: Working people deserve security, prosperity and respect in their jobs but the Conservatives are too busy with internal fi… —

Posted Jan. 17, 2022 Retweet
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

The Policing Bill gives authorities the power to ban protests they deem a nuisance, or even stop a march if it is too noisy. Protests are a fundamental part of our democratic process and this attack on the freedom of assembly must be stopped in its tracks. —

Posted Jan. 17, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Fuel poverty is expected to reach record highs this year but still the Government is refusing to act. Pensioners will be the most severely impacted as more and more people face energy bills they cannot afford to pay. —

Posted Jan. 17, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

The Home Office is planning to continue using the delipidated Napier Barracks to house Aslyum Seekers for another 5 years. Inspectors have been scathing of conditions as “filthy, impoverished and unsafe”. This is not how we should treat people escaping war and persecution. —

Posted Jan. 16, 2022
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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP

Not so long ago were Government assuring us former teachers could make up for staff absences. Now can see that just 485 teachers have come forward to fill in for 44,000 off work. Schools need proper ventilation and a credible plan for absences. —

Posted Jan. 16, 2022