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Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
The National Institute of Economic and Social Research predicts a long recession, shrinking the economy by 1%, & steep inflation lasting until next year. This economy is a Tory calamity. The solution isn't a 4th Conservative Prime Minister, it's to evict them all out of office. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
Government support for energy bills must go to tenants in need, not to landlords who fancy a bit of extra cash on the side. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
This morning I was up at St Augustine's Church and Community Works in BD3 to talk about the brilliant work that they're doing in the community, particularly to support refugees and newcomers to Bradford. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
People in Bradford have too much common sense for the desperate Rishi Sunak. I will be sure to always defend the NHS from these Tory attacks. Our NHS must always be free at the point of use and universally accessible. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
Great to meet with @IslamicReliefUK at my constituency office in Bradford yesterday discussing their projects and work in some of the most deprived regions of the world. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
RT @UKLabour: Liz Truss in power would mean a plan to cut working people’s pay. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
Once more, big oil and gas giants are making exorbitant profits whilst ordinary people face a staggering rise in the energy price cap. Yet for months, this Government dragged their feet on a windfall tax on these huge profits. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
Liz Truss likes to attack the quality of her state education in Yorkshire under Thatcher. Yet she proposed we cut the wages of teachers in places like Leeds and Bradford. Does anyone think that would've helped recruit the quality teachers our children need? —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
RT @AngelaRayner: Liz Truss’ latest fantasy to cut the pay of NHS, school and police staff outside London during a cost of living crisis?… —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
Liz Truss hasn't become PM yet, but she's already copying Boris Johnson's chaotic style. Yesterday she proposed all public sector workers outside the South East get a pay cut, and now she's already u-turned on the issue. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
The impacts of the climate crisis is here for us all to see. Yet the Conservative Party still plays around with delaying the Net Zero target and abandoning the ban on fracking. We desperately need a Government that finally puts our planet before profits. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
As we celebrate #YorkshireDay, remember that half of all cities that have been crowned UK City of Culture are in #Yorkshire. That's no coincidence. Happy #YorkshireDay! —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
Proud to stand in solidarity with Bradford's @CWUnews members & workers fighting for better pay & conditions in the middle of a soaring cost of living crisis. Like many workers in the UK, their bosses take home record profits whilst they're given breadcrumbs. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
Rishi Sunak now recognises that a pillar of Conservative economic strategy over the past 12 years is a total failure. Hopefully he'll soon recognise how bad the rest of it has gone. —
Paul Waugh @paulwaugh
.@RishiSunak is tripling down on his argument that Osborne's corporation tax cuts simply didn't increase business i…
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
Recently I visited @WestminsterBD3 & whilst it was great meeting pupils, I was appalled to see the school have had to set up a foodbank. This support is incredible, but in the world's 5th largest economy, schools shouldn't have to help those with nowhere else to turn. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
Liz Truss is now pushing to hike up the threshold for voting in favour of industrial action from 40% to 50%. Yet the UK already has some of the strictest rules on working people acting to defend their pay & jobs. This Government will never act in working people's interests. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
According to data from the @NorthernAgenda_, Bradford's GVA of just 79, which measures productivity, is well below the UK average of 100. We need a real plan to boost skills & productivity, not just endless slogans from Ministers about levelling up without any action. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
The Government of Spain defied the bosses and strengthened workers' rights earlier this year. The result? Unemployment dropped and the number of permanent jobs grew. Workers rights benefit everyone in society - everyone except exploitative employers. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
The Government keep telling us that they're focused on creating a high-wage economy, yet they're paying almost 30,000 civil servants outside London less than the living wage, with many forced to rely on foodbanks as a result. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
This Conservative leadership election has seen candidates bend over backwards to pander to the Tory base in the South. Yet Northern leaders are clear. Promises of levelling up must be delivered and we will hold the new PM to account until they are. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
I had a great time meeting with @bpf7 yesterday, with a very interesting discussion about their brilliant work supporting people in Bradford with learning disabilities. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
British Gas owner Centrica profits increase five-fold and Shell reports record profits whilst bills for families are set to skyrocket by 78%. This isn't a natural fact of life or something we need to accept. It's daylight robbery of ordinary people and must end now. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
This is horrendous - "The tank was full between Jan & Aug 2018, with the data showing it spilled 25 times. Yorkshire Water was aware of the broken pumps" Yet last year, the Government voted down measures that would cut sewage dumping by water companies. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
RT @AngelaRayner: Record delays on railways, disruption at ports and backlogs stretching for miles, all while wages fall behind soaring bil… —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
The Transport Select Committee are right to demand the Government re-think the disastrous decision to scrap Northern Powerhouse Rail and the Bradford stop. If Bradford is not levelled up, no city will. We demand the Government honour its promises. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
The right to strike is a fundamental question of democracy and civil liberties. If workers cannot withdraw their labour, their bosses have unaccountable control of their lives and livelihoods. Truss and Sunak's attacks on this right shows the Tories' true undemocratic nature. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
It's easy for privately educated Oxford grads earning over £100,000 a year to demand workers face "pay restraint". If Tories knew what life was like for those struggling, maybe they'd show compassion. Until then, it's Government for elites, by elites. —
Simon Clarke MP @SimonClarkeMP
This is where a Labour government would take us. Zero pay discipline and a licence to entrench and inflame inflati…
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
RT @labourpress: Reminder: Liz Truss voted for every one of Rishi Sunak's 15 tax rises. —
Imran Hussain MP @Imran_HussainMP
Sunak and Truss are savaging their Government's own record, whilst promising yet more of the same as the solution. And they expect the public to believe it'd produce a different result. #BBCDebate —