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Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
RT @GovernorsOffice: .@GovernorTomWolf today reminded Pennsylvanians that mask-wearing is required when entering any business in all counti… —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
See all of the guidance for restaurants ⬇️ —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
Restaurants: 👨🍳 Establish a limit for the number of employees in shared space. 🍴 Ensure employees do not share equipment to the extent possible. ↔️ Stagger work stations where possible. —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
Restaurants: 👥 Ensure maximum occupancy limits for indoor and outdoor areas are posted and strictly enforced. 🧽 Assign employee(s) to monitor and frequently clean high touch/shared areas or items. ⚕️ Provide non-medical masks for employees to wear at all times. —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
Restaurants: 🏥 Follow @CDC and @PAHealthDept guidance. 🌡 Have a plan if someone has been exposed to #COVID19. 6️⃣ Provide at least six feet between parties and provide physical guides to help customers keep a safe distance. 🧼 Train all employees on proper hygiene. —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
Customers: 😷 Wear masks while entering, exiting, and moving around the establishment. They may be removed while seated. —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
To keep Pennsylvanians safe, we are returning slowly our favorite summer activities — including restaurant dining. Here is some of the guidance we have in place to keep employees and diners safe: —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
Wearing your face mask whenever you go out can help us avoid a second wave of #COVID19 cases in Pennsylvania. Face masks are required to be worn inside businesses. —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
RT @GovernorsOffice: This Friday is the first anniversary of @GovernorTomWolf declaring June 19 as Juneteenth National Freedom Day in Penns… —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
A study from researchers at @nature estimates that stay at home orders kept 60 million people in the U.S. from getting #COVID19. The actions we took in Pennsylvania saved lives. And by continuing to practice social distancing and wear masks, we can save even more. —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
All Pennsylvanians should be wearing masks when they leave their homes and come in contact with others. Don’t forget your mask when visiting a Pennsylvania business. Masks are required to enter. #MaskUpPA —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
One new study shows that widespread mask use could prevent the long-expected second wave of #COVID19 cases. This is huge. —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
We’re flattening the #COVID19 curve with social distancing, good health habits, and wearing face masks when out in public. Speaking of masks, they are increasingly being proven more effective than previously thought when it comes to stopping the virus’ spread. —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
I’m proud to announce that we are just one of three states with a downward trajectory of #COVID19 cases for more than 42 days. This is without a doubt thanks to the hard work and sacrifices of every Pennsylvanian. —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
🚩 If you've used up your regular state/federal unemployment benefits then you may be eligible for Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC). PEUC extends your benefits for another 13 weeks at your existing rate. Find out more and apply today ⬇️ —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
RT @KDKARadio: Additional COVID-19 testings sites will open in areas of Pennsylvania where access to testing is limited.… —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
REMINDER: Regardless of the phase, all businesses must follow @CDCgov and @PAHealthDept guidance for social distancing and cleaning. For more info visit —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
🟢 GREEN PHASE Safety measures in place: 😷 Masks are required when entering a business 👥 Gatherings of 250 or more are not allowed 💻 Telework strongly encouraged 🏬 Businesses with in-person operations must follow safety guidance —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
🟢 GREEN PHASE Still closed: 🏥 Prison and hospital restrictions determined by individual facilities 🔒 Congregate care restrictions in place —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
🟢 GREEN PHASE Open: 🛍 In-person shopping 🍴 Indoor dining 🏋️ Indoor recreation and health and wellness facilities 💇🏽Personal care services 🎥 All entertainment 🍼 Child care 👩🏫 Schools ⚽️ Professional, collegiate, pre-k to 12, and recreational sports —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
🟡 YELLOW PHASE Safety measures in place: 😷 Masks are required when entering a business 👥 Gatherings of 25 or more are not allowed 💻 Telework, if possible 🏬 Businesses with in-person operations must follow safety orders —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
🟡 YELLOW PHASE Still closed: 🏋️ Indoor recreation and health and wellness facilities (such as gyms, spas) 💇🏽Personal care services (such as hair salons, barbershops) 🎥 All entertainment (such as casinos, theaters, malls) 🔒 Congregate care, prison restrictions in place —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
🟡 YELLOW PHASE Open: 🛍 In-person shopping 🍴 Outdoor dining 🍼 Child care 👩🏫 Schools ⚽️ Professional, collegiate, and pre-k to 12 sports —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
Our measured phased reopening efforts are proving successful at keeping #COVID19 cases down. Right now, the entire state is in the yellow or green phase. Here's what that means: —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
States that reopened before us are now seeing their highest #COVID19 case counts. This is proof that even though we're tired, we must persevere and continue precautions. Please follow guidance, practice good health habits, and wear masks in public. —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
RT @PennsylvaniaGov: ☀️ Weather alert for pet owners: As it gets warmer outside, don’t forget to protect your pet! Here are some things… —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
I recently announced actions to reform Pennsylvania's law enforcement system with guidance from President Obama’s 21st Century Policing Task Force. Enough is enough. We must address looming, systemic failings and longstanding inequalities against people of color. —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
For more than 42 days, #COVID19 cases in Pennsylvania have been on a downward trajectory. This is a huge accomplishment. And it's all thanks to the tremendous sacrifices made by Pennsylvanians in the last few months. Source: @CDCgov June 10 analysis of state data —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
RT @KYWNewsradio: Pennsylvania is directing $260 million of federal funds to help people with autism and intellectual disabilities continue… —
Governor Josh Shapiro @GovernorShapiro
👩🏫 Allow for social distancing among students and staff in learning spaces. 🧼 Stagger the use of communal spaces for regular cleaning. Learn more about school safety guidance: —